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Everything posted by husoi

  1. @dynax have a forum for tw@ts???? Where? Where?
  2. Maybe they will stick a finger and taste it. if doesn't taste bad it's clean
  3. I had my first Nolan for 7 years. Then moved to UK and when I got the VFR I got a Shark that made 4 years I'm back to Nolan going 2 years now and it will run until something starts to malfunction, like visor mechanism or the flip-up starts to play up. 5 years is advisory but we are responsible to ensure we have a proper lid. @Tiggie ieda is quite a good one
  4. Lisnave has been closed for a very long time and they have slowly dismantle it. The project was to turn it into a sea front similar what was done in '98 in north Lisbon in the Parque das nações (Expo 98) The good news is that the bars and cafes still exist, there are a few more of them https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6879698,-9.1479931,3a,75y,238.72h,87.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scj-IZnCFiO3QCcg4Wm21Xw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 The 2 older restaurants in Cacilhas are still there apparently A Cabrinha and A Cacilheira the first one used to serve the best seafood you could have. https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6871604,-9.1479635,3a,62.1y,294.36h,93.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1so4etS_g-VbhUE1bpmK3BmA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  5. Do i sense some kind of dislike for spiritual people?
  6. On the other hand for people from Porto, Portugal is Porto, the rest is landscape.
  7. Err... YEAH!! like in the UK, yorkies are not as clever as down south
  8. Of course I miss it. Still remember complaining about the cold when was 15c And thinking that I was going to die when it was 8c riding 365 days a year (or almost) I lived in Lisbon (Almada on the south side of the river to be more precise) all my life and it is a superb place with the most friendly people. Except when tourist behave like eegits, then they get ignored
  9. They are both plants used in alleviating joint pain and have anti-inflammatory effect. Some people prefer one to the other. personally I used devil's claw because I feel it works better for me. Doesn't mean it can't be swap from time to time to avoid the body getting used to it. You can buy it from Holland & Barret or online shops. If you're tight as me you get a capsule machine and make them yourself
  10. I started with knees, then ankle joints. Nowadays, because of reduced exercise it's in my hands. The only remedy for it, and as a delay only, is living in a sunny place. Cod liver oil and cat's or devil's claw if like me you don't like chemicals.
  11. Then people wonder why I don't like crapbook... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55328376 I would nominate it's owner as TOTY...
  12. A less environmental solution is to get a small petrol generator and plug it to the train. should get a decent charge in 1hr
  13. AH! Just put some solar cells on the roof of the trains then
  14. Get some cocoa powder, is usually no sugar so you can control it better. Just need to simmer in hot milk for a few minutes and (in my opinion) tastes better than normal hot chocolate
  15. The jar will be empty all the time because she will take all the coins
  16. A battery should hold the charge easily for 1 week. My Honda's goes flat after 10 days because of the H.I.S.S. but I got an Oxford trickle charger to keep it top condition. If you don't have alarm or any safety device that stays awake 24/7 then unfortunately I would think it is in fact something draining the battery. Refer to my first comment. Get a multimeter and start chasing it. You could be lucky and find it in 1hr
  17. STUFF FROM WISH????? Are you trying to get a TOTY nomination??
  18. Just in case you lot still wonder why I say the Spanish are weird... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7021729/Spain-closes-longest-slide-48-hours-opening-following-spate-injuries.html https://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2019/05/11/watch-spains-longest-urban-slide-on-costa-del-sol-shuts-just-24-hours-after-opening-as-users-battered-bruised-and-friction-burned/
  19. @XTreme Have you tried this one? https://www.tripzilla.com/photo-disaster-cafe-spain/11881
  20. PS: But generally Spanish people are naturally odd
  21. Because there when is 15c is freezing Here 15c is summer I'll be preparing a bbq and be topless in the garden with a cold beer
  22. You need to compare power/weight. My ST1300 is as responsive on the throttle as the VT700 only when you will roll it up all the way you will feel the full power. Of course you don't take of on an Pan European the way you would do on a 125. usually you just rev up to 2.5 ~ 3k rpm to start on a level road. But I'm sure it won't take long for you to get used to it. As someone said above, practice makes perfection (or something like that )
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