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Everything posted by Trooper74

  1. I rode LEJOG in 2018 average 85 miles a day in 2 groups of 5 ... we ate anything that would stand still long enough for us to unclip ! Breakfast at 0730 of coffee, biscuits, bananas, first breakfast at any cafe around 30 miles, second breakfast at any garage around 60 miles and dinner at the pub (no beer) after ride finish and shower .... The day we crossed the Scottish border was my 60th birthday and when we arrived at the campsite the ladies had set up a barbie and friends and family of all of us had driven from all over the UK for the party ..... we where all in bed for 10 ... party animals all ... I’ll give the gym thing a go, going to visit 2 today for a look over. I’m in the middle of the pic, behind Julie with the pram .... we took our Riley with us ... 7 months old .. yes we are all men of a certain age ...
  2. Cycling ... a fuelled exercise .... If i do a 30 mile ride i need to fuel consistently throughout ... Bananas, Haribo, petrol station sandwiches ..... Starved rides are a thing ... but only short term .... Losing weight by cycling is difficult .... I also do 100km rides 6 times a year ..... So often cycling is pushed as a great exercise regime .... It is. but not as weight loss programme. .... Fuel in the tank ????
  3. Loose 15 kg and improve cardio vascular health .... Good point ... However ... reality check ... i posted this thread on the wrong forum ..It’s supposed to be on the CycleChat site ... But i’m sure there is wisdom and experience here in lumps ...
  4. Health issues and weather are working against me and i’m now the wrong side of 115kg ... I have controllable heart and blood pressure issues which will not kill me but could mess me up and currently my only exercise is cycling , albeit on the Doncaster / Gainsborough flat lands, 20 - 30 miles once a week. I’m considering 2 visits a week to a gym for spinning and rowing to help me maintain and improve fitness through the rest of the winter and early spring in addition to my weekly ride. Has anyone else gone down this road and did it produce reasonable results ??
  5. Manual ? .... who is this Spanish chap ? ... I’ll take no advice from a foreigner .... !
  6. Totally agree with you Bender ... also "motorcyclists with anxiety!!" ... taking medication ??? Should you be riding a motorbike in traffic while on Anxiety meds ?? Motorcycling is next to Flying .. I do both .... neither event needs to include drugs ... if you need perception modifying or calming drugs and medications to be able to ride a motorcycle .... Then you should not be riding a motorcycle ...
  7. November, Squires cafe Sherburn in Elmet ... the only motorbike at the “bikers “ cafe ....
  8. We have 10 days off at Christmas which doesn’t come out of annual holiday entitlement ...
  9. 057 Please, (Zero Five Seven, last 3 of my Service Number).
  10. Love riding in the dark .... often when riding on a moonlight night I will switch off the lights and just ride along by the light of the moon .... Love being in the dark .. always volunteered for night shift when on Armed Guard ... Crawler Patrols at night where a good place for me to be .. Day after Boxing day seems to be the day for events ... we’re off flying on the 27th and a cycling 100km thing on the 28th ... A motorbike ride out over the Christmas period would be great ...
  11. I’m restoring yet another MZ TS 150 back on to the road, for myself this time .. There are 6 MZ TS 125 / 150’s wandering around the country from the wrecks i have restored and sold on for the cost of getting them back on the road. Oily Rag restorations each one ... rough and tatty to the eye but safe and reliable for the user .. My turn ... I’ve got one to do for me .... If anyone has any MZ TS 125 / 150 bits in a draw or under a tarp in the garden please get in touch .. no charity required, i’m happy to pay for bits and pieces .. And distance is no issue for collection and happy to pay any postage required ... OH ... and theres 4 MZ ETZ 250 / 300’s out there as well that i’ve sorted .... Oily Rag restorations rule ....
  12. There are more and more users of the new 650’s having the same problem .... bring back 70’s and 80’s Honda style mechanical clocks ...
  13. My current Pirelli’s have lasted 10K so i’ll give these ones a go ...
  14. Had another chat with my dealers Manhattan Motorcycles of Sheffield .... They have sourced me a new set of clocks ... free of charge. Not a warranty claim but a great result all the same ... Thanks Manhattan .. Royal Enfield still have to deal with the issue though...
  15. Ordered a new pair of tyres from Manhattan for the Himalayan, Pirelli Scorpion Trails, had another winge about the clocks not working .... Paul has got me a new set foc ... top dealers ...
  16. Julie ... gold earrings, fluffy socks, Winnie the Poo pyjamas ..... Me ... () Connor ... Upgraded print head for his Ultimaker 3d printer, 2 litres of resin for his resin printer, 2 litres of Iso propyl alcohol. All in a box wrapped in pretty paper .. he’s already had the Razer Blade 14 super computer laptop. Molly .. Gold signet ring, new phone and phone contract. Ella .. Hoverboard, new phone and phone contract. Riley .. Paw Patrol Jeep with action figures. And lots of sweets and stuff.
  17. I have a 2018 RE Himalayan, the LCD screen has failed as a result of moisture / condensation within the instrument binnacle. Royal Enfield ignore all warranty claims and conversations around this subject while being fantastic in supporting other issues with the older bikes. 3 years old !!!!! So how do i install an alternative milage recorder ? Currently i am keeping a ride journal to record milage, but have averaged my milage from new into calendar based servicing ... Is there a simple odometer, mechanical or digital that can be fitted as an accessory ? There must be a way ??????
  18. My return to an old hobby... Control line Goodyear class racing. Engines are new 3.2 and 2.5cc 2 stroke diesels turning a 7x8 propellor at 16,000 rpm Made in Macclesfield. The airframe was built 5 years ago, the fuselage is balsa and beech and the flying surfaces are carbon fibre over foam .. Flying speed circa 120 mph ... The plan is for me to build and pilot and Connor will be the pitman catching and refuelling the aircraft 3-4 times over a 100 lap race. Practice has been in the back field with an all balsa model with out an undercarriage. Yep ... helmets are worn !!
  19. how do i delete a post ?
  20. This is how we do it ... I have ordered a new rucksack from SportsBikeShop and a PAW diesel engine, from Progress Aero Works. They arrive addressed to Julie .... Julie wraps them for christmass and refunds the invoices to my bank account .... Hey Presto ..... presents i actually want, paid for by Julie and opened on Christmass day ...
  21. We’ve had 3 “presents for xmas” arrive in the post today ..... if present is the right description ... My wife has been awarded Personal Independence Payment ........ Back dated to May 2020 !!!! £X,000 in the bank today ... And in the same post delivery.... An outstanding balance £2000+ loan with Barclays has been written off by the bank as it was sold to us “inappropriately “... And a cheque from Lloyds Bank for £133 for overcharged fees ..... Really ....... We are slightly happy ......
  22. Phoned up a local GP’s as ours is not seeing patients until January ... see previous post .. and explained the issue with the statins .. 1 HOUR LATER ... my 3rd face to face GP appointment in 10 days ..... !!!!! Her advice .... “Stop taking them” .. thats it .... no replacement just "stop taking them ” ... Wow, medical degree for that ... I’d sort of worked that one out myself .... But respect for seeing me .... I’ll wait until January when my GP’s reverts to NHS from NCS ...
  23. Gave my sister in Ireland a ring and put the fear of god in her ... ,, She’s off to her GP on Monday .... I’ve already given up the statins after just 3 days due to the intense pain in my left leg ... GP warned me of the possibility of muscle pain and told me to stop if it became high level ... Unfortunately our GP’s are now no longer doing health care for patients until January as they are now a NCS rather than a NHS provider .... by government decree...
  24. Respect to Harry ... Here in Rotherham, where we have a large immigrant / refugee population, RTA’ s at roundabouts are a common event .... Drives up to roundabout ... turns right into incoming traffic !!!!!
  25. SO ... Visit to the GP this afternoon ... 2nd in 7 days face to face .... And the short term result is; Amlodipine 5 mg Atorvastatin 20 mg Doxycycline 100 mg Flixonase nasal spray So from no meds to this lot ... and i can go Cycling and Motorcycling !!!!! Result ..
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