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Everything posted by Trooper74

  1. I've just supplied them, today, with a 7 day blood pressure diary .... hopefully that may start the process ....
  2. I suppose i’m lucky as i have low cholesterol and am diabetes free ....
  3. I'm 63 and run a high pressure engineering business which doesn’t help, also 4 young children in our care and a partially disabled wife all add to the mix. I don’t pay any attention to covid anymore so thats not an issue. I’m just a little miffed that this has never been picked up on before ... Commented on but never medicated .... slightly baffled as to why, as this possibly could have been avoided
  4. This is the weird thing, I’ve had high blood pressure for years and years, and doctor after doctor has commented on it but never any treatment ... The Clinician carrying out my cardiac ultrasound on Friday evening was stunned that i was not on medication ...
  5. I’ve just been diagnosed with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This is a result of untreated high blood pressure over a long period .... Anyone else been diagnosed with this condition and what day to day effects should i expect ? Please ...
  6. Wokety wokety woke .... My wife thought it funny .... she sold her ex’s motorbike and kept the cash ...despite all his threats of legal action ... and his fishing gear ....... Would “Bloody Persons” suit you better.
  7. Ice Ice Baby ..... If it’s icy the cover stays over the bike, ( it lives outside all year round ) if not its ridden. I tend to ride between 1000 - 1500hrs only in the winter ..
  8. £30 per large bag, all hardwood, Doncaster ...... Our back garden as we speak ....
  9. I’ve got a demonstrator booked for next week ..... I currently ride a Himalayan ... I’ll post after the ride around the Peaks ..
  10. Different approach .... NOB of the Day ... Whosoever decided to spend £100,000,000 on a single F-35B Fighter. Could have bought 3 F-15’s, 4 EA-18’s .... We just lost an F-35B in the Med this afternoon .... Crew ejected , un-injured and back on the ship .. thank god. Lost too many crews in my time ...
  11. I am sure the fine British copper couldn’t give a toss about what colour your reflectors are ... as long as they are not trans-reflectors or racist-reflectors you’ll be fine ...
  12. As an addendum .... If you click the pics you get the big version, if anyone is unaware ... In the second pic there is a sausage roll on the seat ... lukewarm, ...... the only thing i had eaten that morning ... 2 hours later ... Sudden Decompression Of The Bowel !!! Fortunately just within range of the toilet at home .... WOW .... The Squires Cafe weight loss programme ...... !?!?
  13. Called in at Squires cafe for a hot chocolate on Friday (yesterday) ..... Been here a few times and always something interesting to see amongst the many bikes parked up there .... But not yesterday ......?? Are modern motorcycles not waterproof ... Just me .... quite a few in motorcycle jackets having a chat and brekkie in the cafe .... but they’d come by car .... Maybe they had the right idea ......
  14. Benelli .....?? Saw one of these at Squires Cafe at Sherburn Tin Helmet yesterday, Thursday, .... It has Royal Enfield / QJ China written all over it .. ... ???? £3699 on the road ..!!!! Looked absolutely lovely in the flesh .... Any thoughts chaps ??
  15. Another tough day at the office .... M18 / A1M to Ferrybridge and from there ..... ?? There is a road that runs from Ferrybridge to RAF Dishforth ... a B road, sometimes a small "A” road, sometimes a big "A" road. But a lovely road, low on traffic big on “nice”. The maps don't show it well as it runs so close to the A1M, but go on MAPS and you can drill down to see it. Thirsk to York is a pleasant ride, the A19 north of York is a lovely road, narrow but with great views across to Sutton Bank and the moors. So Rotherham, Doncaster, Ferrybridge, Wetherby, Boroughbridge, Thirsk, York, Tadcaster, Sherburn-in-Elmet, back to Ferrybridge and home ... I stopped at Boroughbridge ( pictures) and again at Squires Cafe Bar at Sherburn-in-Elmet .... the amazing bikers cafe, and a return along outbound roads ... 150 Miles of sunny, but cold, late autumn weather ... Boroughbridge Weir ... in full flow .... Salmon can be seen doing the jumping thing, and the river is famous for Lampreys ..really nasty fish with a circular row of teeth .... but they don't feed in fresh water ..thankfully ...
  16. The “Patina of Age” .... just leave it alone ....
  17. The header on my Himalayan has gone a light brown, like most Himalayans. Stainless steel but possibly not the best grade ... looks ok though.
  18. Perfect working order .... good external condition, surplus to requirements ... Free to collector Rotherham, Junction 1 M18 ....
  19. I’m going into work as advertised ... on the bike .... 14 miles there ..... 85 miles back ...lol lol
  20. Rained overnight but forecast for glorious sunshine. Told work on Wednesday I would be late in Thursday .... So that will be Friday then ..! 251 Miles of fun and games ... M18 / A1 to Wetherby then the loop as shown; It was bitterly cold ... but how could anyone complain ; However the SPAR at Grassington has great hot chocolate ...
  21. Shell Super .... big singles love it .... mine does ...
  22. I trust to a Kriega rucksack with a MacBook Pro 15 inch in it as my spine protector ..
  23. I bought a Oxford Hinterland 5 months age ... totally waterproof throughout the “summer” , but as its so short .. (but super comfy) its a summer / autumn jacket only ..I’ll go back to my super cheap. “sort of Chinese Gortex ebay” jacket for the winter as it sits much lower over my trousers. But the Hinterland is a great jacket. I bought mine as clearance stock from CMC Motorcycles at Clay Cross for ........ £100 ... !
  24. Just been watching Ross Kemp in Afghanistan with 45 Commando RM .... sobering .... Night Chaps ....
  25. A pedestrian, a Woman, was hit by a car in a road near by ... badly bleeding ... the Air Ambulance was transiting the area and were called in to get a doctor on site fast. She was taken by ambulance to the local hospital .. before the crew had even finished stowing their gear they where tasked to another incident. Top Chaps all. Pilot, ex Army. 2 Senior Paramedics, Doctor.
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