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Everything posted by Tiggie

  1. I'm thinking he can't remember what its for himself and is getting us to find out for him
  2. I just searched Bandit 650 fuel filter https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=bandit+650+fuel+filter&_sacat=0
  3. eBay has loads of them from what I've just seen including an original OEM one but that was based in Germany
  4. I got mine for next to nowt when the local homebase was closing down
  5. [mention]Bender[/mention] I replaced my old fluorescents in the garage for l.e.d.s last year. Love how bright it makes it in there
  6. Pfft, couple of cans of wd40 and some autoglymn and it'll look brand new
  7. [mention]XTreme[/mention] engine still runs at least
  8. Didn't know that! Back in the day I remember it being a right pain to post YouTube links
  9. How I pretty much imagine it would go with [mention]Six30[/mention] as a mod. Make sure volume is on
  10. I have no special cameras or any clue about photography but thought I'd post this photo I took a few years ago on my phone. I've always thought it looked good
  11. I was 18 when that film came out and Tara Reid was on my wall from then to her American pie days
  12. Tiggie

    Ogri Books

    [mention]Mawsley[/mention] Same here!!! I've got volume 4 still for some reason and wouldn't you know it but that ones not as collectable!
  13. [mention]Six30[/mention] When I worked nights and didn't get my hair cut as often there is actually a resemblance
  14. Tiggie

    Ogri Books

    Mitzi has always looked well
  15. In my head I picture you looking very much like him
  16. I haven't been a fan of insurance companies after the time my bike was stolen. I informed the police and insurance companies immediately. then went for a walk around town, mainly in all the shithole estate areas Two hours later I had found my bike leant up behind someones house (A communal walkway going through the back of the whole street) nothing to do with the house it was at I assumed when a little old granny opened the door after I brayed on it They had tried the screwdriver trick on the ignition and when that didnt work it looks like they tried cutting and twisting together different wires to try and start it up. Lucky they didnt knack the ECU Anyway long story short I pushed it home (up hill!!) and rang police & insurance up to say I had found it, cancel claims etc. Fast forward to renewal and they had whacked premium up almost quadruple what it was before as I had made a claim. Didn't matter that nothing was paid out according to guy I spoke to, as soon as I rang them up to report it was stolen then that counts as a claim apparently whether they pay out or not
  17. I think I should be disqualified from playing I wont give it away but will say I used to love going bowling
  18. Had a painful couple of hours in the garage this afternoon To be expected I guess but its still not fun!! Can't decide whether or not to reuse this chain And some good news in that my box of bits turned up
  19. My bosses mother owns an apartment in Portugal (not sure where) and every year their whole family spend a couple of weeks each on holiday there. The Daughter at the time was engaged to a Spanish guy who went with her pretty much against his will as he knew exactly what was in store for him
  20. Same with any country I suppose. I can only imagine what tourists over here would think after visiting Bradford I had a crap experience with Rome. Straight off the termini to be confronted with a prostitute taking a piss behind a car and 30 seconds later watching a drug deal happen on the pavement in front of me The historic buildings and monuments were nice though
  21. [mention]Six30[/mention] I said it wasn't for sale so you decided to nick it anyway ? and then crash it into a fuc............... oh wait, its still in my back garden, never mind
  22. Happy birthday So glad the flypast happened for him, at one point looked like it wouldn't be going through
  23. [mention]Stu[/mention] what can I say, back in my teenage years when everyone was out on the town, getting pissed, pulling birds, doing wheelies down mainstreet................................I wasnt
  24. I know but will leave it for someone else this time!!
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