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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Thats where ive been going wrong, I've been "Doing the happy that makes you shit"
  2. Yep, sounds like a brake light switch stuck. Should be easy enough to figure out which one by disconnecting them one at a time. If the brake light is still on with both disconnected, you have a short.
  3. Take the bulb out and look in the socket where the bulb screws in. Are there Two contacts or one? Photos please
  4. Who's gonna try one of theses: https://www.lidl.co.uk/en/Non-Food-Offers.htm?articleId=4905
  5. Criminals put themselves into the "dangerous situation" of being in a police cell by breaking the law in the first place! So there is a really simple way to ensure you don't die in custody... Don't break the law!
  6. Yeah, just spray wd40 all over it and it will look great!
  7. I vote for a new law. Whatever contraband you're caught carrying, you are locked up and not allowed out until you've eaten it! Knives, guns, drugs, all edible with enough time.
  8. Hinge the whole side of the shed, so you swing the side open, push bike in, close side and front.
  9. Easy to build a shelter yes. Also it would be more spacious than a bought shed as you could join to the house and use the house as one wall, and take the other side right up to the fence (or whatevers on the other side) How wide is the gap? I push my bike backwards to slot it between other bike and shelving in my junk filled garrage
  10. Cows only exist so we can turn their flesh into burgers and their skin into motorbike leathers. If it wasn't for bikes and burgers, we would be overrun by grass chomping moo-cows!
  11. Wouldn't get a metal shed. They don't breath, they condensate in winter and get too hot in summer. Also metal looks like you have something to hide and cost a fortune! Get a cheap wooden shed instead.
  12. Nobody needs a gear indicator, you pull away in first and go up the gears. Ride in the appropriate gear for the a speed, and when stopping come down the gears and kick it down the gears a few extra times to make sure it's in 1st ready to pull away. No need to even know what gear you are in.
  13. Fight fire with fire. Get a van load of criminals who are prepared to "sort people out" for a few quid, then park them in London next to a bait bike and watch criminals kick the crap out of other criminals. Finance the operation by posting the videos on YouTube and earn advertising revenue.
  14. Joeman

    Oil leak?

    What I thought too. Core plugs normally in the water jacket too..
  15. Worn dogs would make it jump out of gear, not give it a flat spot at 11k.
  16. Joeman

    Oil leak?

    I wouldn't even do that , just point to the oil leak and let them figure it out otherwise they might suspect that you have been fiddling with something that you shouldn't have been fiddling with . Exactly. Play dumb until they try to fob you off with some stupid answers, then show them you're actually more clued up mechanically than they gave you credit for..
  17. My leather jacket is fine, it's perforated and has stretch panels, and a big zip down the front I leave open to let the air in My leather trousers are very sweaty and a nightmare to remove when hot!
  18. Should have reversed over them. Job done.
  19. All very well a former officer saying that, but nothing will happen until a currently serving senior officer dares to share the same opinion.
  20. Fully lined is a marketing gimmick I reckon. Most leathers have stretch panels in certain places instead of leather as those places don't make contact with the road. So why do kevlar jeans need to be "fully lined" - they just make you sweat more! Also dragging a pair of cheap jeans around a go kart track isn't really representative of what happens in an accident where you'll slide for a few metres during which you'll decelerate, not laps of a karting track at steady speed. Anything is better than nothing so round town, the cheap ones are likely fine.. even better if you don't crash!
  21. I wouldn't be a police officer. The line is too fine between doing your job and breaking the law.. They give you a car but you're not allowed to use it to chase criminals, they give you a gun, but you're not allowed to use it without weeks off work and shed load of paperwork. What's the point ?
  22. Waste of tax payers money having a 4 days trial for a police officer who did the right thing in the majority of people's eyes. The legal system in this country is a joke. You can basically do what you like if you're on a scooter with no helmet and the criminals know that. Infact even the bored kids know that so to ease the boredom of modern life they have a bit of fun on scramblers on the public roads safe in the knowledge the police won't touch them...
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