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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Signs near me warning of loose chippings have a picture of a 70's style motorbike and the words "take care".. wonder if that's their attemp to wiggle out of any legal action?
  2. Could be worse.. could turn up with a slightly loose chain. With baggy knees and p1ss down your leg..
  3. Baloo can barely deal with the decimal system let alone Roman numerals!
  4. It was helpful had you understood the BASIC GCSE level physics!! Read this - the BBC have written a page especially for you!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/triple_aqa/keeping_things_moving/transformers/revision/4/ P=IV is all that needed to be said... 4 is not the correct answer. It's not that simple. Not helpful. I never said 4!! Did you get your English A-level from the same place as your Physics A-level?? Cuz clearly your can't read or do physics haha
  5. No P=IV doesn't need an explanation to somebody that has A level physics, however the thread is asking for the right answer. It's not your qualifications that don't meet requirements, it's your fondness for post sarcastic unhelpful shit. It was helpful had you understood the BASIC GCSE level physics!! Read this - the BBC have written a page especially for you!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/triple_aqa/keeping_things_moving/transformers/revision/4/ P=IV is all that needed to be said...
  6. That wasnt supposed to be the answer! I don't meet your requirements to provide an actual answer I was mearly pointing you in the direction of the Basic GCSE level physics formula you need to calculate the actual answer. Clearly there are two values for I and two values for V but as you love to quote Einstein energy cannot be created or destroyed, so the power (P) on each side of the transformer must be the same (ignoring losses) So without actually providing an answer it's pretty obvious that: I(primary) * V(primary) = I(secondary) * V(secondary) Does it really need an explanation to someone with an A-level in physics??
  7. My honors degree in experimental physics from a prestigious London university made me too underqualified to reply... But P=IV is GCSE level stuff.. that charger has a three pronged outlet suggesting it might actually be charging each battery individually at 12v rather than in series at 24v which might open up other possibilities for charging from a battery...
  8. Joeman

    Chains and WD40!

    So have I, its great at cleaning chains, but I like to stir the pot a little
  9. Joeman

    Chains and WD40!

    Yeah, but, that's fully submerged... No air able to get to it and no movement.. not a true test
  10. Increase your rear preload - assuming you have adjustable rear shock?
  11. You want a really politically incorrect alarm that starts shouting rude stuff that's so rude it makes the thieves too embarrassed to be associated with it.. That or "Ali Akbar" followed by a ticking noise...
  12. Since the range of Bluetooth is so small, they must only be using Bluetooth to connect the headset to phones/satnavs. To achieve usable range, they must be using another technology, probably just VHF with some digital encoding going on for the pairing.
  13. I've fitted a tracker but really just for the fun of it. If it gets nicked, I don't want it back. But I don't leave it anywhere to get nicked and I'm always careful about people following me home and I never keep my garage door open for people to know it's there. The tracker i have will send me text messages. Only cost a few quid and has a cheap giffgaff sim card.
  14. Whatever.. normally when people spout a load of contradictory nonsense then demand evidence to prove them wrong it's because they don't believe what others are saying...
  15. Your original post clearly demonstrated zero understanding of electronics when you suggested because nothing was plugged in it should draw zero current.. But then you went on to spout crap about dripping taps and trying to use scientific phrases like conservation of energy... Just admit you were wrong and don't actually have a scooby doo rather than belittling other people and trying to argue your way out....
  16. Exactly. Using the water analogy, the valve is analogous to a switch. But the usb charger has no switch, so the valve never gets closed so it's constantly taking 12mm water down to 5mm water regardless of anyone drinking it! That's about as far as the water analogy goes as it doesn't account for heating in the wire and circuits, magnetism etc. Unless the usb charger is able to go "open circuit" as a relay switch is able to, there will always be a current flow which will result in power loss.
  17. in a usb socket there is circuitry to convert 12v down to 5v. In the cheap Chinese ones there is no circuitry to detect if a devices is plugged in to charge, so the converter is always working converting 12v down to 5v. That process takes power. Current is drawn, a small amount of heat is produced and the battery drains at a very slow rate. It's like leaving your TV on standby. Even though there's no picture and nobody watching it, the TV is still doing work and therefore drawing current.
  18. Only need brake lights if you have other lights .. http://www.motuk.com/bike/1-3.asp#Menu_Top
  19. Keep all the lights and pass your test and get a new bike. Learner rider with no experience on the road with no lights and no indicators to practice using isn't going to put you in a good position to pass your test
  20. Buy a really switch and wire it up so that usb is only powered up when the bike is switched on. Easy enough to do and ensures zero current draw whilst the bike is not running. https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=62983
  21. You really think a cheap Chinese usb cable has the additional circuitry to only start drawing current when a device is connected??
  22. They think they can stop better without it, but I would bet alot of money that they actually can't. And the ones who say they can probably have never even ridden a bike with ABS, certainly not modern sportsbike ABS.
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