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Everything posted by Joeman

  1. Lol pmsl idk wtf is going on but the forum seems obsessed with acronyms atm. VM, AA ITT, DDC and ESA on another. Getting BTT, IMO they F'ed up. Bikes shouldnt break like that. They can't fob you off and try to say it's all your fault for not RTFM.
  2. ESA is old school now, DDC is the new kid on the block!
  3. Tell them fix it properly or you'll take them to small claims court. They can't prove that you've caused the problem but it's easy for you to claim they didn't do the work properly as clearly it shouldn't fail again so soon.
  4. It's looking less likely that I'll be able to make it this year thanks to family and work commitments certainly not the Friday, but working on getting a pass for Saturday so I can come and get smashed with the rest of you! negotiations still ongoing.
  5. Did you rub them down and prime them first? What paint did you use? Too late to say now, but should have tried a small part first rather than everything at once.. Take off all the paint and vinyl wrap or plastidip all the parts
  6. Fix the gate then smear dog poo over the top of the gate so if they climb it again they get sticky fingers.
  7. Oh really? Lol, my work desktop has 6x27inch screens
  8. Only problem I have with my mb-pro is the letters wearing off the keyboard! But what bugs me about them is the lack of RAM. Even the new ones dont have much ram so I don't really know who the "pros" are they are aimed at. That's why I'm hanging only my 2013 mbp retina with i7. I've installed a larger SSD and it's fine - not perfect, but way better than any windows laptop.
  9. My macbook pro is the only Apple product I allow in the house and only because I haven't found a Windows laptop of the same build quality.
  10. Congratulations on the new job! It's the best combination as you get to work with the users to see how they use the software and then write code to actually fix real problems and make the users life easier. Coding fun plus loads of gratitude from the end users. Not like pure Dev roles where youre locked in a dark room pumping out code that's some generic IT- illiterate BA speced out. Pretty much what I do. I'm a systems developer at a hedgefund. Developing new stuff and supporting/rewriting old stuff.
  11. Start practicing big turns and work smaller and smaller until you're doing a regular sized U-turn!
  12. If we get a scooters chasing us, are we allowed to outrun them? Or will the law not take that as an excuse to break the speed limits and jump red lights?
  13. Are there enough tech nerds on here to start a geek thread to talk about the geeky techy stuff we get upto?? Tonights geekyness for me comes in the form of an old touchscreen shop EPOS system that i've acquired (Legally!). Its running Windows7 and MySQL so i've just cracked the MySQL Root password and i'm currently poking about in the database whilst drinking cider and blinding myself with the laser scanner What geeky stuff are you lot upto - or am i alone?
  14. Get one that fits snugly to the disk so it's harder to get tools on the locking part to cut it off.
  15. Looks like it's covered in unicorn poo. http://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q
  16. Joeman


    Technique used here to adjust coilover suspension without a c-spanner. "> Screenshot_20170802-204002.png Shudder!! he didn't even loosen the locking ring!! I know! Such a chavvy way to do it.. lol
  17. Joeman


    Can't even picture how that would work! Technique used here to adjust coilover suspension without a c-spanner. ">
  18. Joeman


    Or use a flat blade screwdriver and a hammer
  19. I bought the BMW service tool so I could code my bike to take OEM LED indicators.. bloody expensive! And it's limited so I can only connect it to a certain number of bikes.. it memorises the VIN numbers of the bikes its been connected to.. Useful bit of kit though.
  20. Aliens.. doing weird naughty things to your tyres with their wiggly little alien bits.
  21. Joeman

    Bike not starting

    Someone removed the engine?
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