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There’s nutters of all genders male, female or other. Wife beaters n bunny boilers (whatever you wanna call em) there can be damaging elements on either side of the equation.
2 women a week, yep 2 women EVERY single week are killed by their partners in this country.
But knowing that doesn’t mean anything as to whether McQueen was a wife beater or not just in Mcqueens case it was well documented and known amongst his own friends as well as his ex’s. 

When people start banging on about controlling wives (and yes I fully acknowledge they exist) I wonder if they ever pause for a moments thought about all the controlling men out there who regularly tip their angry need for control into violence and murder. 

Nutty unstable controlling people exist on all sides, I feel truly awful for the people suffering at the hands of them unable to escape because of circumstances or weakness (weakness often created or exacerbated by the controlling one) but my own experiences of them wouldn't lead me to assume McQueens ex’s were lying.

My sister in law was stabbed 9 times by her butter wouldn’t melt boyfriend. In the face, the chest and the back as she tried to run away.
He did an amazing job of making people believe it was all her fault and she’d tipped him over the edge when in reality she was very scared of him and didn’t know what to do. He and his well connected daddy did such a good job he got only 18 months for an attempted murder reduced to GBH .
Understandably she was too much of a wreck to stand up for herself and just wanted to run away. 
You never know what exactly goes on behind closed doors and assumptions are never helpful.

I’m sorry to hear about your experience @Bender I currently have a friend who’s partner controls all their income and won’t let her out, it’s her second one of these nasty losers, they pick their victims well and that I think this is something that happens to both sexes. 

On a good note from 2019 they put how to recognise the signs of a controlling or abusive relationship on the school curriculum. A step up from the domestic abuse stuff they were doing so hopefully future generations will be a bit wiser to the warning signs and get out before it’s too late.


Edited by Slowlycatchymonkey
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7 minutes ago, Slowlycatchymonkey said:

There’s nutters of all genders male, female or other. Wife beaters n bunny boilers (whatever you wanna call em) there can be damaging elements on either side of the equation.
2 women a week, yep 2 women EVERY single week are killed by their partners in this country.
But knowing that doesn’t mean anything as to whether McQueen was a wife beater or not just in Mcqueens case it was well documented and known amongst his own friends as well as his ex’s. 

When people start banging on about controlling wives (and yes I fully acknowledge they exist) I wonder if they ever pause for a moments thought about all the controlling men out there who regularly tip their angry need for control into violence and murder. 

Nutty unstable controlling people exist on all sides, I feel truly awful for the people suffering at the hands of them unable to escape because of circumstances or weakness (weakness often created or exacerbated by the controlling one) but my own experiences of them wouldn't lead me to assume McQueens ex’s were lying.

My sister in law was stabbed 9 times by her butter wouldn’t melt boyfriend. In the face, the chest and the back as she tried to run away.
He did an amazing job of making people believe it was all her fault and she’d tipped him over the edge when in reality she was very scared of him and didn’t know what to do. He and his well connected daddy did such a good job he got only 18 months for an attempted murder reduced to GBH .
Understandably she was too much of a wreck to stand up for herself and just wanted to run away. 
You never know what exactly goes on behind closed doors and assumptions are never helpful.

I’m sorry to hear about your experience @Bender I currently have a friend who’s partner controls all their income and won’t let her out, it’s her second one of these nasty losers, they pick their victims well and that I think this is something that happens to both sexes. 

On a good note from 2019 they put how to recognise the signs of a controlling or abusive relationship on the school curriculum. A step up from the domestic abuse stuff they were doing so hopefully future generations will be a bit wiser to the warning signs and get out before it’s too late.


Some real bast*rds out there. Deserve locking up without a key.

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Yup I agree they exist in both sides of relationship, my point was just you can't always believe everything, I'm not defending or condoning any actions, mental torture can be juat as bad as physical and have just as deadly an outcome.

I'm sure had I been famous I would have been dragged through the papers and been well documented.


Sorry to hear bout sister in law, I was on jury service for a case that ended in murder, I've seen the photographs of that stabbing and the brutality of the attack and sadly the finality of it.

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16 minutes ago, Slowlycatchymonkey said:

There’s nutters of all genders male, female or other. Wife beaters n bunny boilers (whatever you wanna call em) there can be damaging elements on either side of the equation.
2 women a week, yep 2 women EVERY single week are killed by their partners in this country.
But knowing that doesn’t mean anything as to whether McQueen was a wife beater or not just in Mcqueens case it was well documented and known amongst his own friends as well as his ex’s. 

When people start banging on about controlling wives (and yes I fully acknowledge they exist) I wonder if they ever pause for a moments thought about all the controlling men out there who regularly tip their angry need for control into violence and murder. 

Nutty unstable controlling people exist on all sides, I feel truly awful for the people suffering at the hands of them unable to escape because of circumstances or weakness (weakness often created or exacerbated by the controlling one) but my own experiences of them wouldn't lead me to assume McQueens ex’s were lying.

My sister in law was stabbed 9 times by her butter wouldn’t melt boyfriend. In the face, the chest and the back as she tried to run away.
He did an amazing job of making people believe it was all her fault and she’d tipped him over the edge when in reality she was very scared of him and didn’t know what to do. He and his well connected daddy did such a good job he got only 18 months for an attempted murder reduced to GBH .
Understandably she was too much of a wreck to stand up for herself and just wanted to run away. 
You never know what exactly goes on behind closed doors and assumptions are never helpful.

I’m sorry to hear about your experience @Bender I currently have a friend who’s partner controls all their income and won’t let her out, it’s her second one of these nasty losers, they pick their victims well and that I think this is something that happens to both sexes. 

On a good note from 2019 they put how to recognise the signs of a controlling or abusive relationship on the school curriculum. A step up from the domestic abuse stuff they were doing so hopefully future generations will be a bit wiser to the warning signs and get out before it’s too late.


perhaps that's why there are so many carpet munchers now .

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My first longterm girlfriend back in 1972 pinned me in a doorway and tried to slit my throat!

I still have a trace of a scar after all these years.

Needless to say that was the end of that relationship........found out recently that she died of cancer 15 years ago.

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She survived and plastic surgeon did an amazing job on her face which he’d stabbed so ferociously that when I saw her lying on our hallway floor (she somehow managed to get away and ran to our house) I couldnt recognise her, her face was opened out like a horseshoe bat.

The thing that really concerns me about it is that he’s free to do it again. There’s no way of a future victim knowing about this episode and his previous girlfriend who was very forthcoming and willing to testify against him was suddenly unable and that’s how nutters get away with it people are (rightfully) frightened, fearful they won’t be believed and they just desperately want it to be over.

He had sone very nice looking women friends testifying what an “absolute sweetie” he was, a horror movie for the future if there ever was. 
She’s happily married with to kids now and lives many many miles away 👍

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25 minutes ago, Six30 said:

Sky  documentary’s  on now , 

I am Steve McQueen . 

They reckon that when McQueen was married to one of his wives in the 60's he was shagging on average 10 different birds a week behind his wife's back!

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41 minutes ago, XTreme said:

They reckon that when McQueen was married to one of his wives in the 60's he was shagging on average 10 different birds a week behind his wife's back!


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12 hours ago, Bender said:

Problem with ex partners is they are not always the most reliable, I could have served time and never been allowed to see my kids again if the court had believed a word from her, yes we ended up in court.

Your not the only one in those shoes, after 10 years I am again looking at court.  Luckily there has been only the bare minimal allegations and no grounds to base them on, I have been lucky.  Although 10 years of struggling to see your own child takes its toll, in all aspects of life include career (and associated in come etc).

The statistics are clear "Suicide is a significant national social issue in the United Kingdom. In 2019 there were 5,691 registered deaths by suicide in England & Wales, equating to an average of 18 suicides per day in the country. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country."

That's 18 people per day 3/4 of them men. Yep so that just short of 100 men EVERY single week.

"Why so many men? Again, the research, including Samaritans’ Men and Suicide report, shows how complex the issue is. In the report, men talk about relationships breaking down, separation from children, job loss, addiction, lack of close friendships, loneliness and being unable to open up." 

A recent thread on this forum says allot about what so many people carry in relative silence.

When I took up biking and people told me how dangerous it was I can easily argue its safer on a bike than sitting moping at home.

Edited by onesea
To add after this strange year, I can see the suicide statistics changing strangely after this year to a whole new much older age demographic....
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My story is a tragic one......because I've been belted by every female I've ever been with. And stabbed by one!

One that always sticks in my mind was Mary the Margam Slag in 1973! She was ugly as f@ck so I took her round the back of Port Talbot Steelworks in the car so nobody would see me with her.

I went straight for it......hand down her pants.....but she grabbed my arm and pulled my hand out. When my hand came out I could smell the fish......reeking it was! So I stuck my hand in front of her face and said....."Smell that Mary.......you're good to go luv".

I thought it was quite funny......however she didn't! And smacked me in the face harder than I'd ever been hit before.....or since! 

It felt like I'd been hit by George Foreman (he'd only just won the Heavyweight title), and if it wasn't for the fact that I was behind the steering wheel of the car I'd have gone down. I'm sure I blacked out and was very dizzy after it! F@cking monstrous power she had!

Maybe it's a Welsh girl thing......I don't know! Cos all of them were Welsh! Except one though who was an Irish nurse in a mental hospital! And yes she belted me as well. So maybe it's a Celtic girl thing?



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Blimey. This thread has evolved a bit since I posted those photos.

@Slowlycatchymonkey Sorry to hear about your sister - that's awful. Yes, Steve McQueen was no angel, that's for sure. Neither was Sean Connery, from what I recall; didn't he say in an interview (after being accused by his former wife of physical and psychological abuse) “It’s not the worst thing to slap a woman now and then...”, going on to qualify it by suggesting that it's best to do it with an open hand?


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18 hours ago, S-Westerly said:

When I was first at sea there were a lot of crusty old jolly jacks with tats that looked awful. A consequence of age and having them done in a back street tattooist  in Singapore after a night on the lash. Fair put me off. Of course roughty  toughty sailors are vanishing fast. I was cast into a slough of despond when I overheard my (male) second mate and an AB discussing the relative merits of various types of hairbands to wear under a safety helmet. What's  even further psst a sell by date than gammon? Cos that's me.

The age of real seaman is over, years ago. I remember bosuns and ab’s extinguish cigarets on their palms as ships had wooden hatch covers and lot of decks covered with wood. After dinner all together drinking beer, wine and whiskey watching porns. That vanished long time ago, with alcohol policy and random testing plus so called dry ships. At some point I am glad it’s over as I remember some nasty scenes. 

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18 hours ago, Bender said:

Problem with ex partners is they are not always the most reliable, I could have served time and never been allowed to see my kids again if the court had believed a word from her, yes we ended up in court.

Ahhhh I hear you say but that's just one, I had another who wanted me done too when it ended, she turned into a proper bunny boiler, I even had her mam threatening to stab me, luckily it was recorded on my answer machine.

As for tattoo's I personally hate them and have told the wife, who has a small one, when I'm in charge of social cleansing I'm starting with the tattoo brigade 😁 

Yes the coin has two sides, my ex manage to create so much drama, I couldn’t see my kids since they were 6 and 2 years old. Beside I left them a house brand new one more than 150 square metres, brand new car, £850 alimony a month and list goes on. I never controlled her or physically or mentally abused her but was treated as criminal. Fortunately how kids grown up they realised that mum is the psycho, however too many years were lost.

sometimes all of accusations are just a weapon for revenge.

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1 hour ago, XTreme said:

My story is a tragic one......because I've been belted by every female I've ever been with. And stabbed by one!

One that always sticks in my mind was Mary the Margam Slag in 1973! She was ugly as f@ck so I took her round the back of Port Talbot Steelworks in the car so nobody would see me with her.

I went straight for it......hand down her pants.....but she grabbed my arm and pulled my hand out. When my hand came out I could smell the fish......reeking it was! So I stuck my hand in front of her face and said....."Smell that Mary.......you're good to go luv".

I thought it was quite funny......however she didn't! And smacked me in the face harder than I'd ever been hit before.....or since! 

It felt like I'd been hit by George Foreman (he'd only just won the Heavyweight title), and if it wasn't for the fact that I was behind the steering wheel of the car I'd have gone down. I'm sure I blacked out and was very dizzy after it! F@cking monstrous power she had!

Maybe it's a Welsh girl thing......I don't know! Cos all of them were Welsh! Except one though who was an Irish nurse in a mental hospital! And yes she belted me as well. So maybe it's a Celtic girl thing?




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4 minutes ago, Swagman said:

No they wash over here.😇

Really? I used to work with one girl in the 70's and her fanny stunk the building out!

We used to tell her....."Gwenda....your fanny f@cking stinks girl.....sort it out FFS"

We were a motor factors but you'd swear you'd walked into MacFisheries!

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1 hour ago, XTreme said:

My story is a tragic one......because I've been belted by every female I've ever been with. And stabbed by one!

One that always sticks in my mind was Mary the Margam Slag in 1973! She was ugly as f@ck so I took her round the back of Port Talbot Steelworks in the car so nobody would see me with her.

I went straight for it......hand down her pants.....but she grabbed my arm and pulled my hand out. When my hand came out I could smell the fish......reeking it was! So I stuck my hand in front of her face and said....."Smell that Mary.......you're good to go luv".

I thought it was quite funny......however she didn't! And smacked me in the face harder than I'd ever been hit before.....or since! 

It felt like I'd been hit by George Foreman (he'd only just won the Heavyweight title), and if it wasn't for the fact that I was behind the steering wheel of the car I'd have gone down. I'm sure I blacked out and was very dizzy after it! F@cking monstrous power she had!

Maybe it's a Welsh girl thing......I don't know! Cos all of them were Welsh! Except one though who was an Irish nurse in a mental hospital! And yes she belted me as well. So maybe it's a Celtic girl thing?



i see you like your rough women XT :classic_ohmy:

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Guest Swagman
7 minutes ago, XTreme said:

Really? I used to work with one girl in the 70's and her fanny stunk the building out!

We used to tell her....."Gwenda....your fanny f@cking stinks girl.....sort it out FFS"

We were a motor factors but you'd swear you'd walked into MacFisheries!

Should have got her a mum rollett dildo.🤣🤣

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