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F**k It

Guest noob_biker

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This is the F**k It thread.

When nothing's going right,someone's let ya down or ya just need a rant here's the place to do it.

Went to book my cbt on monday and the guy told me that i needed my paper part of my license so i left it till i could find it,anyway decided that i would book it today as i remember it's at my mum's in a drawer and what happen's i wake up to a £493.01 gas/electric bill and now can't afford to do it.

F**k It :cry:


Pay as you go...! So much easier on the wallet...! :lol:

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Had 2 hours of training today and now have a headache as the man spoke SO loudly :lol:

Got the "back off holiday blues" and am looking forward to going on a huge all out trip to Florida next year with my girlfriend and some friends.

Really want a project to work on as I've rebuilt so many peoples bikes now especially in the last few months its driving me nuts that I havent got my own to reap the rewards of finishing it :roll:

Not so bad, just a general moan so f**k it :lol:

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Got killed by a Ghast (Minecraft) last night and lost 20+ Blaze Rods; 6 Ghast Tears and loads of Gold Nuggets. Now I'll have to start collecting again! F**k It!


What were you doing in the nether without adequate protection!?

Me and my brother play a server every now and again and wont go in there unless we are geared up to the teeth :lol:

Now im going to get addicted to that game again so f**k it!

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What were you doing in the nether without adequate protection!?

Me and my brother play a server every now and again and wont go in there unless we are geared up to the teeth :lol:

Now im going to get addicted to that game again so f**k it!


Snared my first Ender in a trap last night, then lost against (at least) 4 Skeletons! Must take it of the 'hard' level- F**k It!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having been let down by a Mobile Motorbike mechanic based in Kirkintilloch (who took my bike then disappeared. I had to go and recover it myself from where it had been left abandoned) I have been let down by a rather large biker bloke from the Dennistoun area of Glasgow. He talked a good talk, slagged off others and then forgot to do two jobs I asked him to and got some powder coating done in the wrong colour (though it looks OK in silver). :up: to you guys.

I am now going to bite the bullet and pay the servicing and repair prices my local Kawasaki dealer asks for in the knowledge they are approachable, reliable and have done bits and pieces for free for me.

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  • 2 months later...

Just typed up the Challenge for 2013 including all the links, just about to hit submit button........................... Session timeout :shock:

F*******************K it lost the lot

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Just typed up the Challenge for 2013 including all the links, just about to hit submit button........................... Session timeout :shock:

F*******************K it lost the lot

Can you not click back in your browser? Is it still there?

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Just typed up the Challenge for 2013 including all the links, just about to hit submit button........................... Session timeout :shock:

F*******************K it lost the lot

Can you not click back in your browser? Is it still there?


Tried that :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a shit day yesterday. First a back story -mum had a transplant 3 weeks ago and was stuck in a hospital in oxford for most of it, she came home on monday

Since monday I have been looking after her, she has been mostly bed bound. Able to get to the toilet on her own but not the stairs, cant get food or water etc etc, so didnt take any overtime at work

I got up at half 8 on thus and go her up ready for an appointment at 20 past 11. Managed to get her to the hospital via a very expensive taxi ride (£20, compared to a couple of quid for a bus) as I have no driving licence and my grandad, who lives 30 miles away has gout in both his feet and cant drive.

So, that wasnt too much of a problem. But got her there, got the last wheelchair in the place which had the steering at the back. Much easier to pull, but she was too fragile and you could see the pain she was in on her face. Went to the waiting room, but had to get a nurse as she couldnt handle sitting anymore, she needed a bed. So got her straight into the appointment room so she could lie down, with some help from nurses. They ran some tests and said they werent happy, and were going to wait for the results, but what ever they were she was going to have to stay the night. So I waited around with her till they found a bed, did some tests etc till about 1:30 and once they got her a bed, she was taken up and put into another bed. Sat with her till 2pm and went home to get her some overnight stuff and went back again.

Anyway, back to yesterday, and my plans for the day. Thus night I was planning on being up all night so that I would sleep all day yesterday as I had work last night (fri night) so having been up since 8am thus, I got 2 hours sleep before staying up all night. Went to sleep 9am yesterday and got a call 2 hours later from my mum, informing me she is going back up to oxford (200 miles away)

So I spent an hour or 2 trying to wake up, tried getting hold of my boss at 11am, but he was asleep so I left home with more stuff for her at about 1am, knowing that she was being transfered at any time so needed to get there asap.

Unfortunately, I only half took megawatts advise, and tried to fix my chain before setting off with a new link chain that they told me was the right one. It wasnt, so it wasnt long enough to rivet it on. But I had been riding with my other one on which was disigned in a way that it didnt need riveting, so I took the chance because family is more important than potentially destroying the bike, and I thought 20 miles would be ok if I took it slowly, but the chain came flying off in the fast lane of the motorway... :/

So after a kind highways agency bloke retrieved my chain and called it in on the radio (they were there clearing up from a broken down lorry), but then drove off and left me on the side of the road with cars passing me at 70+ throwing stones at me, and lorries drenching me every time they went past and my hands getting so cold I could hardly move them, it almost did, as megawat said, end in tears. I just kinda stood there pissed off at myself, knowing my mum was going at any minute, feeling deflated.

Luckly she rang saying they would take her at half 3, so time wasnt a prolem, but my limited tools were. I had taken a few things just encase anything happened to the chain. I basically managed to rivet it on with only one plate on the master link, but I have a DID set turning up on monday, so f**k the "old" one which is less than a week old.

I got it sorted and went to put my gortex gloves on, but it seems leaving them with the cuffs open in the rain for over an hour, means that water seeps in right down to the fingertips, and the visor was soaked inside and out on the helmet.

Anyway, got to see mum before she was karted off in a stretcher, by ambulance up to Oxford.

Heading home, the weather was so bad that I literally couldnt even read the road signs, nor see the pain on the roads becuase of the rain, and lifting the visor meant I had to close my eyes to stop water pelting my eyeballs, so not a pleasant ride home.

I got home at half 5 after picking up some food as I had not eaten all day, still no word from my boss so went to bed at half 7 as I had been up for almost 36 hours by that point. I woke up thismorning to a text saying "I have noone to cover you in such short notice", so he isnt best pleased.

sorry for the essay, but I'm feeling the most drained I have felt since being jobless, and my boss doesnt really seem to care, so f**k it, f**k it all.

i am going to work tonight, but my boss can suck it. If he asks me to do something i hate (which he most probably will), then I'mm just going to keep my mouth shut and go as slow as I can :/

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F*cking burglar alarm on the joinery unit over the road been going off since 10pm last night, its much louder than the alarm I use to wake me up in the morning so had hardly any sleep.

It starts going off every other day or so and this has been happening for a month, often in the early hours :evil:

On looking online to find an alternative contact number for them (units closed at weekends) I found the company details inc owner/directors home address which happens to only be 2 minutes up the road so if its still going off this evening we'll go round to there door and let them know. We've spoke to them on the phone previously and they were apparently not aware it had been going off. The police have been out at least once about it when someone called but apparently it is not a monitored alarm as they are not notified when it goes off. Hopefully the owners will sort it out for good.

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F*cking burglar alarm on the joinery unit over the road been going off since 10pm last night, its much louder than the alarm I use to wake me up in the morning so had hardly any sleep.

It starts going off every other day or so and this has been happening for a month, often in the early hours :evil:

On looking online to find an alternative contact number for them (units closed at weekends) I found the company details inc owner/directors home address which happens to only be 2 minutes up the road so if its still going off this evening we'll go round to there door and let them know. We've spoke to them on the phone previously and they were apparently not aware it had been going off. The police have been out at least once about it when someone called but apparently it is not a monitored alarm as they are not notified when it goes off. Hopefully the owners will sort it out for good.


If no one turns up again. Go in and clear the place out, I'm sure the owners will react quicker in future if it goes off.

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F*cking burglar alarm on the joinery unit over the road been going off since 10pm last night, its much louder than the alarm I use to wake me up in the morning so had hardly any sleep.

It starts going off every other day or so and this has been happening for a month, often in the early hours :evil:

On looking online to find an alternative contact number for them (units closed at weekends) I found the company details inc owner/directors home address which happens to only be 2 minutes up the road so if its still going off this evening we'll go round to there door and let them know. We've spoke to them on the phone previously and they were apparently not aware it had been going off. The police have been out at least once about it when someone called but apparently it is not a monitored alarm as they are not notified when it goes off. Hopefully the owners will sort it out for good.


If no one turns up again. Go in and clear the place out, I'm sure the owners will react quicker in future if it goes off.

lol.Or notify the police again who can order them to turn it off I believe. Or is it the council who deal with noise complaints?

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Feck me mealexme, feel for ya matey. I know only too well what tending to your mother is like and no one stands in the way of doing just that. If boss doesn`t understand, just put it down to him being a senseless barsteward with no feeling or compassion.

Hope all goes well.

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