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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Well against some advice I tried this stuff on a double dose... Quicksilver Quickleen Engine Clean https://www.marinesuperstore.com/engine-bay/engine-oil-additives/quicksilver-quickleen-engine?utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=pcn&utm_term=97003397&utm_campaign=MSS&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhZT9BRDmARIsAN2E-J21fxaOXpnjXbflLss_wQIiK9BJTvcIZB4zxylE8sYI_FTcuproEHIaAr50EALw_wcB After 2 ride outs, Any difference? YES without a doubt, no misfire on starting ran evenly without misfire. I could bring the idol back to 900rpm quicker and after a 5 minute run I did not need to do it again. Instructions say I should use a measure every tank so still have another 16 doses to go out of the bottle, I wont use every tank as long as she runs fine. History tells me if not left standing for a couple of months she wont be needing another dose. Next time I fill my Yamaha it will get a little does as well, because of the improvement it made on the Triumph.
  2. Go on,... I nominated myself 3 years ago now https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=48247&p=1013847&hilit=Cooker+helmet#p1013847
  3. Cannot vouch for safety but ease of use I am on second. First was GIVI that was really good till it meet an unfortunate end in a cooker.. Present one is HJC, I will sticking by with flip front. I don't need one that can ridden open as I always close it before I pull away.
  4. All leads to the question is Guy Forks the only man to enter the houses of parliament with honourable intentions? As a side note i enjoy fire works, more as an excuse to get together and have a fun night. My post was more about the haters than my view on fire works...
  5. Someone had a firework display, someone grumbled about picking some of the waste.
  6. Might just be a local thing then which is good to hear, round here one mention of fireworks and there is up raw. "My dog will be terrified", "think of the animals", "My aunty she is scared of them" Ban them they should not be allowed... Not one thought that its not very often and some people enjoy them... Petitions to government to have them banned, pictures of dogs terrified in corners etc etc etc PS First post eddited to make it more clear PPS I was in middle of night shift, not drunk.
  7. Rant time. It's it just me that gets annoyed at all the people "I have a pet, you cannot have fire works!" Is it not part of owning an animal to teach them about loud noises, yes it's hard work some animals are better than others. Show them your not scared and that is part of life, if they trust you they will accept the noises. The last 2 years we lured our dog out with snacks. This year we have a new dog in the house, as I left to go to work misses was in the garden with big bag of dog treats watching fireworks. We are missing Missing trick or treat this year, lots of Knocks in the door ideal for dog training. We supply kids dog snacks for them to feed dog (the majority like doing it), they get there treats, suddenly knocks on for are fun for the dogs not points of aggression! When the haters are bikers I point out that loud exhaust noise is as bad. When they say your dog is fine with them (every bike that passes gets a raised head it might be a friend), I point out how many bike meets I drove to with the dog to settle him round loud bikes...
  8. Don't park bike outside garage... Either in garage or elsewhere so they don't know where to look for it. Don't leave it in the same place to often if you can help it. Alarmed disk lock will notify you with luck, the day you do leave it on. The is a slim chance it will scare a their as well. Your choice of chains ground anchors. You can get cheap battery powered review motion sensors for garage doors that give a noise if garage door moves. Thieves will either take your bike as it's the one they want or be looking for a soft target..
  9. now we are talking I must admit I always preferred a butty for breakfast: Never found anywhere that does a decent butty down here in the south, my favourite was in Liverpool a "Breakfast Bin Lid".
  10. I was lost on this thread but I am glad I am not the only one who looks at the weather forecast for internet speeds. Ours slows down lots when it's raining...
  11. Got to agree that was child size... Found this in Harry's Cafe Herne Bay ..
  12. I am with [mention]S-Westerly[/mention] online check online, to report to three relevant local council. The local council here have an app is very easy to report all sorts of things, they to change because of it. Abandoned vehicles, pot holes, trailers parked in road, fly tipping and even a worksite leaving a dirt on the road.. They do address these matters.
  13. I was going to use: Quicksilver Powertune as recommended by [mention]Mississippi Bullfrog[/mention] https://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=73570&p=1150557&hilit=Quicksilver+Powertune#p1150557 The problem is one of the instructions: remove air filter... If anyone knows a Triumph Trophy knows to do this you remove the rear fairing, then the fuel tank then the fuel lines, then the carbs, then the air box, oh and the filter comes as an integral part of air box. So Looking for suggestions as an alternative fuel additive... Thinking Quicksilver Quickleen Engine and Fuel System Cleaner just because of above any suggestions. Why am I thinking additive? She is lazy to start (Has 8 month old battery that turns her over fine) and has a miss fire until she gets warm (20-30 seconds if that) then runs like a dream... Generally does not want choke, or any revs above idol to start. She has spent to much time in the last 2 years standing but now will be in regular use. I really don't want to go through the above process as its a pig takes better part of a day. You need to be ridiculously methodical with routing fuel and vacuum lines... I recon its probably damp in fuel or junk in carbs, fuel additive Italian tune up then think about proper cleanout.
  14. Thought I should add an update to this.... Having jumped through the hurdles to get him. We have had Ben over 2 years the one repeated comment that people who meet him said was "hes lovely but he needs a buddy"... So Ben met Molly... Molly could be cast as lock down reject, she's 14 months old and spent 10 months at her previous forever home. We took her on after 3 weeks in foster... Glad to announce after 48 hours they get on like house on fire, (which is something they have not achieved yet). Although Misses recons the patio window will be put through before long...
  15. Velcro watch strap? Add a bit of pipe lagging if you need larger diameter. Our just put pipe lagging until existing watch strap fits... https://www.google.com/search?q=Velcro+watch+strap&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj58cujxdHsAhW4QkEAHZ0rAgMQ_AUoAnoECCwQAg&biw=360&bih=544
  16. Hi good to see you back. I had been eyeing these up as an alternative to my TDM. Which is a great bike but I am not keen on the speed chuggyness of that. That's the first review that's made me think again...
  17. I fully agree with you [mention]Stu[/mention] However I would suggest some caution with more powerful jet washes. The one I use at work is about 3 for long 18" talk and 2 foot wide. That probably could do damage. The one I have at home I spray any what it was bought not to To sealant and caulking out off wooden decks...
  18. This one did hence my comment about 34mpg... I am sure you could get better if you did not have the electric bit...
  19. I cannot write on reliability, I can see the computer told me it was averaging 34 mpg.... Not certain how that works as the future of electric vehicles...
  20. Be aware the guy who, can give the recipe...
  21. I have pack pack sprayer that I keep in garage and wash of if salty, similar to this it will do several washes... https://www.onbuy.com/gb/silverline-backpack-sprayer-20ltr-633595-garden-knapsack-backpack-sprayer-silverline-20ltr-633595-garden-knapsack~c5036~p3347555/?exta=gshp&stat=eyJpcCI6IjI0LjAwIiwiZHAiOm51bGwsImxpZCI6bnVsbCwicyI6bnVsbCwidCI6MTYwMjAxODcwOSwiYm1jIjowfQ==&gclid=CjwKCAjw_sn8BRBrEiwAnUGJDoZKp1ijR-JDi9JYbYjQH9Pb8fWPYTHANb-DtmNNOIMrYmio8PFxoBoCnP4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds If I bought again I would buy 12ltr as 20 Lts is heavy to carry... Maybe this: http://screwfix.com/p/bs1-white-backpack-pressure-sprayer-12ltr/1402X?tc=XA8&ds_kid=92700052138697936&ds_rl=1249410&gclid=CjwKCAjw_sn8BRBrEiwAnUGJDnMQ_ETNnoDBy8yZ_mGoAG460uSYYsEVXECL_IxPpH9pArKIqu6S0xoCZlgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  22. I am no expert on faults but... Given your fault running at higher revs, that could be the electronic choke? Did it stop when the bike warmed up? I am thinking sensor problem? occasional faulty reading or dodgy wiring. Google is often your friend and clever people on forums (which I don't class myself as), research several times and look for the actual symptoms before ripping anything apart or ordering parts. Some sensors can be tested with voltmeters and resistance, others by disconnecting.
  23. Well that took the fun out of that... Not something I thought I would end up driving. My all first electric drive. It's not a career change, and I cannot put the light on.
  24. It's going to be [mention]Six30[/mention] even the admin is using his super powers to fix the competition.
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