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Everything posted by Mickly

  1. Mickly

    Ev charging

    Depends what she uses it for
  2. Didn’t stop in any empty ( or occupied ) lay-bys, just got some tags. Now relaxing in the Caravan with a . Think that’s the most I’ve done in a single day, not bad when a lot of it was single track B roads ( did spank it on the last bit of the A30 though )
  3. Thanks for the recommendation Wont be there this time, but might well go later in the year when Mrs Mickly comes along
  4. Cleaned & lined the chain on the Speedtriple in preparation for tomorrows ride down south. ( I did put a tarpaulin down on the drive to protect it but it soaked through & left a big black stain on the block paving, luckily Mrs Mickly won’t realise until I’ve gone ) Checked tyre pressures, oil & coolant levels, all good Here is my planned route:
  5. Happy Birthday - weather’s looking good for a ride out & an afternoon beer in the sun.
  6. I’ve found FWR tyres to be good.
  7. Out witted by a Cucumber, love it, that’s going to be my new insult of choice - “You’re so thick you’d be outwitted by a cucumber” Actually a good description of Nadine Dorries
  8. Oh dear …. In other news: it looks like it’s gonna brighten up for when I go down there on Monday If you’re anywhere near Newquay Airport there’s a Bike night at the Bearded Brewery on a Tuesday night starting from 18:00
  9. Mickly

    Scotland 2022

    A man’s gotta know his limitations & You’ve made absolutely the right decision, wet misery is no fun
  10. Mickly

    Scotland 2022

    Tebay services are the best in the country.. no argument!!
  11. The twisties on the road to, from & past Kemble are awesome
  12. Hopefully no bits of spark plug fell into the cylinder
  13. Intermittent electrical fault sorted: a connector I had disturbed while removing & fitting the engine. exhausts refitted, air cleaners refitted, new iridium spark plugs fitted. Tank drained of about 3 litres of old fuel ( over a year old ) with the current price ( about £6 worth ) I could have cried Wonder if the garage would take it in part ex?
  14. H’mm I thought it was seals that leaked, not bearings? In order to identify the bearing you’ll have to either strip the trike down until you can see the side of the bearing or remove it ( might as well. As your going to replace it ) there’s usually some identification marks you can use to identify it, or use the measurements - type of bearing + inside diameter + external diameter + width. I’m sure someone will be along soon to tell me I’m a Baffoon & will tell you exactly what you need.
  15. Mickly

    New chain

    Surely if you buy a bike with shaft drive it is also important to check it and know how to maintain it?
  16. Those drinks have an unfortunate delayed effect on my guts & everyone gets to find out
  17. You jammy fukka - enjoy & don’t forget to post some pics
  18. Getting closer, waiting for new spark plugs to be delivered, got to track down the intermittent electrical fault & save up for some E5 …
  19. ‘Ave a good ‘un
  20. Thought this would be the right place for this .. Euro Car parts - with discount
  21. So I’ve got 150 psi across all 4 cylinders Had no spark, but swapped the wires to the coils around and it’s all good
  22. All 4 … it’s a 1200 Triumph Trophy, I’m really chuffed.
  23. That’s what I’ve been doing and have got 150 psi on all cylinders so happy days.
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