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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. In the little bit of sailing I’ve done I found it had a parallel with biking in that keeping it the right way up was kinda important. It could be for that, too... Nice beer mug, mind.
  2. good morning. Fascinating. When a person has too much time on their hands, perhaps? Moped to cafe racer in 5,000 photographs
  3. The blackthorn is in full blossom. I’m hoping for a good harvest. Hic!
  4. Steve_M

    Dash Cams

    I have rarely considered having one, but having moved to a rural location with all routes home via narrow roads, the number of cars drivers, in particular, who can’t judge the left of their vehicle or cut RH bends leaving little room for a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction. It is making me consider buying one.
  5. I’m told they need adjusting, too. Soooo time consuming. I’d rather be riding.
  6. Getting a good finish with paint seems to me to be a dark art. Hope you can get it sorted.
  7. The upstairs toilet room is progressing nicely. My good lady will finish the tiling this afternoon. I’ll be installing the toilet, handbasin, skirting, and (when it’s delivered) the airing cupboard door. Probably over the course of the next week.
  8. Good morning. Glorious sunshine here, I’ll be indoors putting down flooring. Something of a rest day after yesterday’s efforts building steps in the garden.
  9. Basic maintenance for POWDERS checks is so simple even I can do it. Servicing the bike yourself can save money, but I’ve always left the greasy stuff to a professional. In summary, being handy with a spanner isn’t vital, though cost effective.
  10. Learn self restraint. Bad / dangerous decisions are made when emotions are in charge.
  11. Damn. You got there before me.
  12. DIY tomorrow, out on the Bike on Sunday. Possibly.
  13. Good evening, and a fine sunset observed over The Galloway Mountains
  14. The lovely Kate at Hideout Leathers has mentioned this is a problem for many riders and that she has to modify the riding kit for riders most years.
  15. I prefer yours. That would look more appropriate on our patio than what we’ve bought. We’re going for a slightly industrial look with the things we’ve planted up (wheelbarrow, brazier, half a beer barrel) to go with the corrugated metal wall on the one side.
  16. I have, in the last 5 minutes, treated myself to a Chiminea ... I’m looking forward to beers on the patio late(r) into the evening.
  17. I have a project. Being a mechanical technofeckwit means I’ve made a working bike into lots of pieces, some of which are absent, and insufficient time and ability to do anything about it. Right now I’d happily pay someone to stand and guide me on what to do...
  18. I’m not doing the challenge but I thought I’d mention that I would have got one location ...
  19. I never had an issue with the gearbox. The FJR I had after was agricultural by comparison (the Beemer sits somewhere between the two). Being tall, with wide handlebars and wider mirrors, filtering could be a challenge as the mirrors were transit van mirror height... you become very conscious of that after you’ve clipped mirrors a couple of times.
  20. Will you be touring solo or two up? The 1050 SE came with panniers as standard (and cost £9,000 brand new in 2013...). We did three tours on ours, the the French alps, Northern Spain (Picos and Pyrenees) and Austria. It was first class, and it’s good lady’s favourite pillion position (though she has yet to spend any significant time on the Beemer) Only one significant issue being that, when carrying a pillion and luggage (including a top box) the CoG is high and rearward (see photo) so the front goes light very easily in the lower gears.
  21. There are probably training schools who can provide some sort of “return to riding” facility / tuition... Phone around your local dealers/instructors and see what’s available.
  22. I’m in the process of building an airing cupboard, as well as a shelving unit in the study, both will need bespoke doors (the hot water cylinder cupboard in the main bathroom had them, too). Since none of the walls or ceilings are straight or square I’m having to cut some very odd shapes to make the surrounds fit. I haven’t done much woodworking since school so this is a massive learning curve.
  23. Good morning. I have a tricky choice today. Decorating. Or go for a ride on the bike.
  24. Last year I made some benches for the garden based on a Leopold bench design. I have finally got around to creating some basic drawings (barely GCE grade c standard, I admit) and photographs showing a little detail. I thought I’d share. Each bench cost around £40 so a significant saving against buying them (I made 6 of them). All wood is 195mm x 47mm treated round edge timber. The back rest is 121cm long. The seats 115.5cm long. The three holes for which I’ve given positions are for bolts to clamp the legs together. All other fixings were 70mm x 5mm screws set according to need. I have used a couple of the triangular offcuts as bracing struts under the seat (see photos). It’s worthwhile as it makes the bench much more rigid, resistant to lateral wobble. This is not a comprehensive instruction set but, hopefully, with a little practical thought will act as a reasonable guide. The benches I’ve made, you’ll note, have little platforms on each end, for a cup of tea / coffee (other beverages are available). These were made from offcuts of wood I had available, so not drawn. PS. I’m happy to answer questions in case I’ve missed anything obvious or there’s any ambiguity.
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