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Everything posted by onesea

  1. We gave up on Anti slip seat cover she learned it was comfier to change position occasionally, love handles are just good so she has some where comfy to put her hands. She is now confident enough to that shes noted to not use them at the most inappropriate moment. Filtering shes been seen to "tap" wing mirrors of cars that have moved to block , her hand signals have been noted to be the ones not in the highway code . If she gets carried away a blip on the throttle and she reaches for the love handles , although the abuse I then get in the head set , I have learned not to .
  2. onesea

    Flat battery

    Depending on your charger that in itself could be suspicious, fast charge quick flat can = knackered battery. As others have said check voltage with load on if it drop significantly its not holding charge and is knackered.
  3. I would say Mitchlin PR 4 or 5 never let me down on FZ6. You should use same brand but I have given up trying I just convert to Mitchlin.
  4. The light does not look like this does it? Engine management light, that should come on when you turn ignition and go out once running. It might not be as drastic as it sounds but should be checked out.
  5. onesea

    Flat battery

    I would test voltage when running and at each of the first few 1000's revs ranges up too 6k?... When my rectifier packed up it charged at low revs not high revs, none of the tests pointed to wards it. Just my old school mechanic, given symptoms said rectifier. Top tip here never jump start your bike from a running vehicle, it can blow rectifier. *** Parasitic Draw: Particularly If you are using same SatNav on both bikes I would be suspicious of that, or if you have wired cam, Alarms are a PITA for it. Even the clock on some bikes can draw a surprising amount, I fitted a solenoid to my bikes for auxiliaries so the power goes on and off with the engine. Except the TDM which has an alarm so already has a large parasitic draw. As others say turning on parking lights when turning off, I know I did it the other day If it has an alarm it has not been left in the wind so drawing more power from the battery. Is your bike kept on Optimate or other intelligent charger? They often remove symptoms of dieing battery, you start it fresh from charge go for ride. Battery cannot hold charge for a couple of hours flat battery. Although I will admit am not a fan of "Smart Chargers". I always consider it good practice to leave bike off charge overnight to see if it will start in the morning, my thought is if it starts of a morning it will start all day... *** As I understand a rectifier takes any excess power created and ditches it as heat. The long and short of it is if other vehicle is running it try's to discharge all the power from other vehicle's alternator as heat. It cannot so just gives up the ghost, might not happen every time but once is enough.
  6. Blocked nozzle's my guess, oil is only fed down by gravity if it's like my old Scot oiler, it does not take much. Depending how it's positioned an air lock could also be an option... In winter with a scott oiler, I still added more spray oil from time to time as it would not keep up...
  7. They are Sh1t's Not long ago it cost me £50 admin fee to change a bike on my insurance but it was also £50 cancellation so I left it run. My other half changed cars and it was cheaper insure her new car with no NCB and to continue her old policy for 2 weeks and cancel it when the car sold. I just had not had this trick tried before...
  8. From my reckoning a little bit of design and the fumes will me no worse than a car sat in traffic, or walking down the side of a road. Still on the search for an elusive trailer.
  9. Well I had better update, my misses has done a few 1000' miles on the back of the bike and she is a dam site heavier than me. we where over (200 kg combined) 2 up with weekend clothes Triumph Trophy and knocking round town on TDM 900 and FZ6. In effect I just put maximum suspension to max and got on with it. There are some wonderful memories, misses had never been to cheddar gouge before and all I could here in intercom was WOW, the Egg run up on the Wirral was cool as was North Wales. Only thing I would add is be gentle on acceleration, even the Trophy could lift its front wheel with ease be-careful in strong winds, watch out for cow shit (still my target fixation of choice) and watch out for stone chippings.
  10. With a week to go and having done my research for new insurance, I phoned my last insurance company to see if they could do better and confirm my no claims bonus. I was told I have 4 years, I thought it was 5. I questioned this I had to get quite specific: "If I don't have and accident before your policy runs out I will have 5?" "Well I cannot say that, directly you could make a claim before the policy ends." "In the event I do not make a claim I will have 5 that's correct?" "Yes." Well that shopping saved me well over £100 pounds.... They don't do anything to gain trust.
  11. Well its here and fitted, which took 30-40 minutes. Only annoying thing is I had no suitable mounting point, luckily I had old mirror stem mounting point so problem solved. Will see how it works and post up in time if there are problems or its exceptionally good.
  12. There are you-tube videos on how to test it, I tested mine and it seemed fine but was not. Easy fit you don't need a mechanic provided you can find it! I bought one from this guy: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Regulator-Rectifier-Voltage-Fit-For-Kawasaki-ZZR600-ZXR400-ZR750-ZX6R-ZL600-UK/312590892663?hash=item48c7de7e77:g:-E4AAOSwOmBcyD82 I think that's the one you need, it worked for the 6 months until I sold the bike (no link other than satisfied customer). For £15 I would give it a go....
  13. Really does not surprise me, from what I can see. if your bikes written off it may take month or 2. If not engineers report 1- 4 weeks, the decision stage will they payout and how much, 1-4 weeks then there's parts availability, they normally have to wait at least a month for something then theirs the workshop time to be booked, of course you will need to pay them your excess and anything else you and continue to pay insurance for a bike you cannot ride in all this time. Don't forget: They have to decide who's fault it was which they typically do AFTER your policy expiry date so they increase your insurance premium because you have an outstanding claim. Have I missed anything?
  14. I have had a TDM for 2+ years now nearly sold it because of the low speed judder. As I was cleaning it for a potential buyer another TDM owner commented and asked if I had done the Air Box Mod. Long and short he convinced me it was a good idea, as I was in 2 minds if to sell or not and the buyer offered allot less than I was asking I thought sod it. It took me 15 minutes to remove fairing disconnect 1 wire (brown and black) and I have a new bike! https://www.tdm-yamaha.heliohost.org/?page=AIR The guy also said you can go further but it gained little more so I am stopping there, the improvement is immense. Smoother at lower revs, more forgiving in lazy gear changes so much nicer in 30 mph limits.
  15. Well no moral dilemma for me, £24 from china, as the only problem I had with my Scott oilier was the nozzle blocking occasionally, a pressurised system seemed the way to go... Chain with Scotoiler lasted 20k+ without less than 10k I am pro chain oilliers, will be interesting to see how I get on with this one... Having used one before I am aware they are not a complete solution, I still had to oil and clean the chain occasionally. Just if using bike daily it reduced the requirement considerably.
  16. Oh my I have entered the dangerous world of innovation: This one seems to work from suspension? Not very clear on instructions... https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/222758409650?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=222758409650&targetid=878066732321&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9045694&poi=&campaignid=9441123009&mkgroupid=99473010601&rlsatarget=aud-629407027585:pla-878066732321&abcId=1140496&merchantid=118925697&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnL7yBRD3ARIsAJp_oLbBYCFjK5sxy8FznyjDezjypwRONsgixjZBm-ypCn98MuIDXDwIH3IaAr3wEALw_wcB Then there is this chain cleaner/ lubricator, I am tempted just cause you can apply lube without over spray.... https://m.louis-moto.co.uk/artikel/kettenmax-louis-edition-chain-clean-lube-device/10003114?filter_article_number=10003114 Would love some feedback from people who have tried any of these.
  17. I know contentious subject some have had them and love them some remove them and think they a spawn of devil... For me I have had a Scott oiler and liked it, not certain I would pay £100 for one. It was not perfect and didn't make maintenance free chain. Although it reduced my oiling and cleaning. How ever there are others what would you recommend? Presently I have my eye on a LoobMan at just under £20 and yes they do recommend using engine oil... http://www.loobman.co.uk Any one any experience? Loobman or others. https://bikerrated.com/gear/maintenance/best-motorcycle-chain-oilers/
  18. The price of puncture repair kits has dropped it seems. Having had two tyre killing punctures in new ish tyres and ridden tyres out on plugs at some point I can see me investing in a puncture set as well.. I guess I should avoid twisty B roads but I find they are the most fun
  19. I have jus tbough a new rear tyre for my TDM, for about £7.00 extra I bought a years insurance for it. https://www.tyreleader.co.uk/tyre-insurance Hoping that I have not wasted my money but historically speaking I would of claimed twice so far. Yes there is a 25% Excess but I figured it was worth it a glance at T&C's seems it covers everything but wear and tare. Has anyone had to claim on similar policy?
  20. I was thinking of mounting close to frame clamped to peice of wood out across luggage rack..
  21. Anyone know what the law is regarding the law and luggage on motorbikes? In my ususal manner I am thinking (always dangerous), I routinley use the car to move this around. One of the reasons I was looking to get electric pushbike I dont like hills, particularly after hard days sail. If I could mount it of the luggage rack to one side (easy to do clamp to plank of wood). Then there is the idea of a dog (top) box for labradour size dog, that might be pushing friend ship...
  22. Is this more in line [mention]Stu[/mention] / [mention]Six30[/mention]
  23. Yes same rules apply as cycles only you just have to be visibily drunk.... https://www.cyclinguk.org/cycle/many-speeds The present situation in the UK is nuts, its cheaper to have small Ped than it is an electric bike if you want to have assitane over 15mph. Although if you want to go for type aproval the instructions are here: https://ebiketips.road.cc/content/advice/advice/buying-and-riding-an-s-pedelec-in-the-uk-1637 Next plan is to hire a standard electric bike and see how they ride and if itwould do the job... Still open to ideas.
  24. Anyone know how hard would it be to register, if you did put something together that went faster? getting caught realy is not an option. I have been googling (always dangerous) and think one of these capable of 28mph (as long as it can pull up a hill) would be good 40mph perfect. Then I could stick the dog and outboard in it and take him saling or just for a walk also the weekly shopping. I think you'll have to put the same gear on for an electric bike. If you really don't want to use your other bikes then get a 50cc aprilia scoot or similar for £500. It'll sip fuel and cost you nothing to run. At 30-40 mph, I would not mind just a armoured jacket lid and work boots. Getting my bike MOT'd and the guy down the road said just that a 100cc Pegout for £300 then no chance for dog and outboard...
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