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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Hopefully see my daughter having said good by yesterday for what I expect to be the last time till we are.... Edit: to add get my hair cut....
  2. I got one like this to wash salt and shit off, it works ok. https://oypla.com/garden/garden-tools-equipment/20l-20-litre-backpack-knapsack-pressure-crop-garden-weed-sprayer?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyPbzBRDsARIsAFh15Jbl-6mMdswEh67J5DVZPBUuIeZ16cquQPJP-gTztr2jKwmiIlc52RcaAmq-EALw_wcB Still need bucket and water but did help setting and washing off..
  3. Probably more sense in this than you would like to admit; Quarantine - Top 5 (suggestions & updates welcome!) 1- Mealtimes should be observed, 11hrs grazing a day is for cattle. 2 - Dressing for dinner, turning up for lunch unshaven and in your underpants is not cool! 3 - Extra care should be taken in the bathroom as any sewerage back ups could be disastrous! 4 - All Facebook posts should be reviewed after 30 minutes for signs of cabin fever. 5 - Drunkeness should only be pursued collectively with your other inmates. Any you would add
  4. Still cheaper than a ceiling and several emergency repairs to plumbing and redecorating the hall.... Not to mention other minor damage down stairs...
  5. Mine is planning on staying open he has contract for maintenance for council and will priorities keeping, key workers on the road as well. Hopefully that will keep him going...
  6. My work is about that distance away, I work shifts and its rural roads with no pavement. At times I used to take a long route home as the car does not demist or charge battery in distance I drive. Sorry I did not get to work I did not drive enough?
  7. Admin: This may assist like its in the wrong section but I think you will agree.... Belgium for riding it seems like a great place, best biking roads lists 140 roads. The SE of the UK has 390+ which is clearly to many. The local delicacies beer Waffles and Chocolate. The locals are more hospitable than most. Plus they are taking proactive steps at stopping C19. https://worldnewsdailyreport.com/belgium-health-minister-puts-ban-on-non-essential-sexual-activities-of-persons-3-or-greater-in-indoor-areas/ Once it's all over I have a feeling they are going to get back to the habits.. Before some one let's the truth get in the easy.... https://www.truthorfiction.com/did-belgiums-health-minister-ban-non-essential-sexual-activities-of-three-or-more-due-to-coronavirus-concerns/
  8. With respect I have had cocker spaniels lovely a little bit active and mainly obedient... It's when dog trainers say: 1) You might have to just keep him on a long lead, several 1 on 1 lessons later.* 2) you realize that dog will never be classically trained, 3) the nicest we have had yet after meeting him after a few months, there are some slight signs of improvement. . * You highlight the dangers of long lead with 40 kg on the end, my answer was you try they soon agree... You know those snacks you had in a green plastic bag, I did not eat them.. I plan my escape... Hmm that smells interesting. On the plus side he's friendly, he is none reactive/ aggressive to other dogs. He always comes back in the end, I have tried losing him. When you get the amature dog trainers this is what you should do.... Well maybe this will, he really is not food motivated is he? Others where the person who was 1/2 waving his foot half kicking dog to keep him away. Dog started chasing his foot around, it was funny all he had to do was put his foot down and chase game was over.. Then there was the one who went to smack his nose for sniffing near him, dog snapped at his fingers no contact but warning don't you dare. We don't smack his nose, he really doesn't like it. It's just the house and back yard is never going to be big enough. If he dosnt get an hour run his behaviour soon becomes Keyboard warriors here demanding campsites closed none one allowed in forest every car park was full yesterday. Think of the illness they bring to us, we are pure here in first. Failing to mention how many have jobs and commute to London daily...
  9. Some may of observed our efforts to get a dog, one that turned out that is: Bigger than expected, Noisier than expected, High exercise, Highly friendly and social, The problem we have is... He becomes a nightmare if does not get a daily hour off the lead running, some days we can get by with an hour's lead walk. The next day he needs to be out of lead. For off lead we are spoiled with the new forest 10 minute drive away. The local walks front door type walks are monopolized by pompous people who believe dogs should never socialize and who's owners I have learned to socially isolate from before C19. If they stop allowing walking we will need to get him tranquillisers industrial strength, well if not we won't have much of a house to isolate in. The are already the moral brigade saying it's an unnecessary journey Any ideas?
  10. This can happens quite efficiently with marine 2 stroke engines as well, in this case it just runs into the sump. Which had a history of collecting cooling water when stopped, design floor. Solution being turning it over with spark plug out not even connected to empty water out of crankcase. Turns out it was the needle valve stuck open (fuel tank was higher than engine) the result where quite a flare. Powder extinguishers do work and apparently you should not use sea water to cool your skin then, the tide was out is not a good reason not to call the emergency services... Don't ask how I know.
  11. Decide the safest course of action for the laptop, I would suggest: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/5851245763703907022?q=motorcycle+laptop+bag&biw=1366&bih=635&sxsrf=ALeKk01KVsWEmMPTvDtyAJZWpkDC_Ew_Zw:1584539027626&prds=epd:12498217860916688899,paur:ClkAsKraX9457Ig6ILLGLSb5UgAiCWBT97YY0soSc9DIfC2WYhYyamY5TOMq56QF71Ebm2vK7i_LWazFqdKxc7i-OQPO23AXrsXEw-yrhmgF_0G17K60WlEUchIZAFPVH70o9-aOBeyKATIskSM_7MPMIm4OYA,prmr:1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJwbv3k6ToAhXXZxUIHYIDAhYQ8wIIrwY Then request they buy it for you When they complain ask them what cost effective method they would propose, at best they should give you laptop sleeve to make it safe in you top box.
  12. Not had it but do wonder had 2 days of sick for first time in 3 years in this job and other than that probably 20 years.. Thing that was different was a massive headache and feeling light headed.... Didn't check temperature, cough was productive but that is not uncommon for me a productive cough. The suggestion was merely out of interest because someone here may of had it by from what he said.
  13. [mention]XTreme[/mention] I am guessing you created this poll, maybe you at some point could update it with more options. 1) Yes confirmed & recovered -statistically its going to happen to one of us, 2) Presently self-Isolating, and maybe 3) I suspect I might of had it..
  14. You can use expensive (I think) load testing devices that measure voltage drop under load. There must be complex calculations you can do having a known load and voltage drop for given time. You can just leave it a week or month and see if it will still do what is required. The problem with batteries is they can maintain a voltage but under load this drops away. Modern cars are prone to having batteries die with little warning. My understanding is: They generally start with little cranking, modern charging systems and battery monitoring systems maintain battery till it just gives up.
  15. It might keep global warming at bay for a short whilst... https://www.businessinsider.com/climate-changed-after-europeans-killed-indigenous-americans-2019-2?r=US&IR=T I would imagine there will be them already monitoring the effects of less flights less travel less pollution....
  16. Keep the rectifier you can always try it on future. Use the new battery they have shelf life and old one is well used and abused of you have had charging problems. If your battery is hard to access you can get a good idea of voltage in battery on any live connection or bulb. On my FZ6 i would split rear light connection under seat... Not precise but it gave enough information.
  17. When your back, just let us know your home with battery fully charged..
  18. Lemsip and whiskey, a pharmacy friend send paracetamol and whisky it will kill you!! My answer was is not done it yet but I don't have a cold on the morning.....
  19. onesea

    I'm back !!!

    This could sound like a very dodgy request. Top tip [mention]geofferz[/mention] if your going to request request private pictures do it by PM
  20. Yeah there is a though think now much the helmet manufactures would charge for them... At the moment I am not blind enough to wear glasses when driving but the day will come
  21. Relax at let it take you, don't try to hard to counter every gust. I grew up south of you riding pushbikes same principle applies on motorbikes. I have hear it said the winners of the Southport 24 hour race one particularly blustery year should of held the record for furthest distance under sail. Makes a good tale but I doubt a GP or Enterbarge could average 20 knots...
  22. I have one friend she's a legend who's been retired for longer than I want to know who still rides with her eye patch and does more miles than most in all but the worst weathers (she hasn't got car licence and wouldn't want one). Another who is not quite that blind but still rides, not certain who they have to tell but yes you can.
  23. My thoughts charge it its not going to do any harm provided the charger stops when charged. Battery charger: a slower charge is better, just make sure it stops when charged (very easy to over charge a battery, don't ask how I know). This looks good: https://www.aldi.co.uk/car-battery-charger/p/090030347442700?gclid=CjwKCAiA44LzBRB-EiwA-jJipFDpsMFh5TDSAhs1GreCbf5UcshYnUXIH3HGtNXxB7qfuU1FJ_RI9xoC1c4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Bike quick start when battery flat: Small set of jump leads or mini jump pack. Something like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Starter-Charger-Booster-Emergency/dp/B07TZXXT9S/ref=pd_sbs_263_5/258-4833557-6496506?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07TZXXT9S&pd_rd_r=7a20c96f-df5f-42af-b2c7-f96cd39abf47&pd_rd_w=ZDbvG&pd_rd_wg=aI1sT&pf_rd_p=96cae456-8d7a-4bc1-91c7-9b20b4dfd7c9&pf_rd_r=4Y8NDD277VSDDVV3GNH8&psc=1&refRID=4Y8NDD277VSDDVV3GNH8 Just remember to ride your bike far enough before stalling it or have a mini jump pack that you can carry.
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