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Everything posted by manxie49

  1. I've decided to invest in another helmet, I'm 70% certain that this one is probably OK, but as pointed out, you only get one head is it worth the risk, I've seen enough accidents over the years to know that one of the reasons people get up and walk away is not just down to luck, but also due to the quality and integrity of the gear their wearing. Need to blag a bit of overtime now to help pay for it, could have been worse, could of dropped the wife's helmet, would have needed a new head then!
  2. Nope, the problem is the Militant cyclists who want to ban all cars and convert all roads into cycle lanes. There are loads like that on twitter and they are the most arrogant bunch of retards you could ever imagine to meet. To them I say If you hate motorvehicles so much and you truly think they should be banned then treat them like a nut allergy - Avoid anything that's been in contact with a motorvehicle and see how long you last... D**ks Joe, I gotta agree with you, don't get me wrong I'm not anti push bike, I ride a mountain bike, but only off road on forestry paths and courses made for just that, I do however think the time has come to make them more accountable, starting with tax and compulsory 3rd party insurance, a friend had his car damaged by a cyclist, guess who had to foot the bill, not the cyclist! Police told my mate he would have to pursue a civil action. There are few really arrogant, up themselves individuals on the road that spoil it for everyone.
  3. A Chinese jail Mate not the bloody holiday camps our do gooder's offer as a deterrent. Our prisons now offer better terms and conditions than most old folks homes. That is just not true. Our prisons are mostly crap places that help to re-inforce criminal behaviour as it is dog eat dog inside. Ironically, if you do want less reoffending, you want the Scandinavian model of prisoners treated well, give jobs and training, the vote and the oncentive to become a productive member of society. If you want more, treat them like a "Chinese jail". If someone treats you like scum, brutalises you and removes self control and dignity, would you bow down and accept that you are filth? Or would you fight back? Confused now, if prisons are such crap places to be why are they so overcrowded? The thought of going to prison should act as a deterrent, I don't always believe in the old adage "an eye for an eye", but I would let the people he threw acid over, who will have to live with not just the psychological and emotional scars for the rest of their lives, but also the physical ones, decide on what his punishment should be, now that would be justice.
  4. Thanks Guys.....You're mirroring my thoughts, not looking forward to telling the wife I've thrown my £400 helmet on the floor, at least this way I can blame you for the advice
  5. Just after some advise, I dropped my helmet this morning, hit the concrete floor in my garage with one hell of a clatter, it only appears to be scuffed, the shell isn't cracked or broken, should it be replaced or would it still be OK to use? I know manufacturers guidelines say "change it" but I often look at manufactures advice with a cynical eye, so thought I'd ask the question before breaking any bad news to the missus.
  6. Another scum bag, he deserves to rot in jail
  7. The Steam Packet (costa packet) is robbery, they fleece people coming to the island, I was away a couple of years ago, I came back on the Friday before TT, boat was heaving, paid top notch prices and there there was nowhere to sit except the floor. Classic TT is getting busier every year so people are having to book months ahead to ensure they can get on the boat. Hope you have a good time when you eventually get here anyway, fingers crossed the weather is fine. Oh nearly forgot, don't buy your beer from the kiosks or street vendors that pop up at that time of year, you get ripped of, go to Shoprite, you'll pay a third of the price!
  8. If you haven't got accommodation booked yet you will struggle, if you do post an ad on www.manx.net in the classifieds, someone will probably stump up a home stay for you, hope this helps.
  9. Cheers everyone, hope you all have a good one
  10. Easily bought for cooking purposes. https://www.discountcream.co.uk/96-pro-whip-cream-chargers-269-p.asp 96-pro-whip-cream-chargers-[2]-269-p.jpg It seems to be flouting the law https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/may/29/laughing-gas-government-legal-highs-nitrous-oxide They've obviously found a way around it
  11. Easily bought for cooking purposes. https://www.discountcream.co.uk/96-pro-whip-cream-chargers-269-p.asp 96-pro-whip-cream-chargers-[2]-269-p.jpg Shit........Learn something new every day
  12. Neither, going to go out on my bike and try to find somewhere oblivious to both....
  13. Mate sent me this advice: TRAVEL ADVICE FOR THOSE IN THE SOUTH OF THE UK: Do not travel unless absolutely necessary, stay at home, wrap up and keep warm. TRAVEL ADVICE FOR THOSE LIVING IN THE NORTH OF THE UK: Wear a thicker coat LOFL
  14. Try them both, you get a one month free subscription and cancelling the subscription is easy, we use Netflix, pretty satisfied with what it has and it suits our purposes, we intend to cancel Sky, getting fed up with the same stuff being regurgitated over and over again and we find that what we do watch is available on free-view anyway
  15. Nitrous Oxide is a POM (Prescription only medicine) so not sure where they're getting this from, I have heard that ambulances in some parts of the country are having the Entonox cylinders nicked from their vehicles.
  16. People just don't know how to drive in snow, bit of white stuff and everything grinds to a halt, was in Finland a few years ago, heavy snow falls were just another day at the office for them.
  17. From the posh cars I've ever seen in snow, you cruising about is not typical at all! I Adore seeing Chelsea tractors spinning their wheels and sliding sideways down hills Fair play not taking the bike out in that snow manx, look after yourself. Thanks, off to the Lake District on tonights boat, taking the wifes car though, would dearly love to go on the bike but I just know I'd end up getting stuck or worse .....
  18. That warm smog cloud hides all those nob rots roaming the streets on scooters
  19. manxie49

    Cold day

    [attachment=0]22.jpg[/attachment] Bottled out and left the bike at home today
  20. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4985252/moped-gang-jailed-london-raids-shops/ They shouldn't be jailed they should be birched and deported
  21. I seen a gang of youths like this in Leicester a while ago, strutted across the road banging on the bonnet of a car stopped in traffic, in gangs they're big men, on their own they're nothing, timid little cowards that skulk around in dark places that the rats that they are, I just wish that the Police had the power to exterminate them like you would normally do with vermin.
  22. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/boat-crash-victim-victoria-milligan-has-prosthetic-legs-stolen-by-moped-gang/ar-BBFWCef?li=BBoPWjQ&ocid=mailsignout Is there no level that these little Scum bags won't stoop to!
  23. You'll probably find its something called a robocall, machine sends out unsolicited calls, usually sales and market research, you can't ring them back because the number is randomly generated and changes, this is why its hard to block them, I had a similar problem a while ago and contacted my phone provider about it, there wasn't much they could do, the only advice I was given was not to answer the call, apparently these types of calls can also be scams.
  24. UPDATE: Have used it in the rain now and am happy to say that it does exactly what its designed to do, keeps the rear shock and underside of the bike a whole lot cleaner, going to get the infill panel now to try and keep my other half a bit drier when she's on the back
  25. It seems to be getting a lot of interest so far but I think it will be more of a clubmans introduction to road racing( hope I'm wrong in one respect but right in another) it won't be as exciting as the tt,nw, fom or Scarborough but road racing is road racing and it will get my backing, think its official name is the welsh road races and by the videos of the track it's a great start for the new comers to learn their trade but not sure it will attract the big names..again hope I'm wrong but hopefully see ya all there Hopefully it'll be a good place for newcomers to get the points and experience they need to compete in some of the bigger races, I agree, road racing is road racing and that has to be a good thing.
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