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Everything posted by Mickly

  1. I was product testing the new Apple gesture control system. It was going well until I wanted to browse some porn, I gave it the W*nkers hand signal & this popped up. Apparently it’s not a bug !!
  2. Yes. I've just come back from a weekend at a campsite in Thirsk, which was rammed full of Geordies acclimatising themselves to the south before venturing down to Bridlington for their summer hols in a few weeks time. They were certainly an unusual breed, and would have made interesting subjects for anthropological study. Besides having clothes several sizes too small to cover their truly obscene beer guts and having the obligatory lower leg 'England' tattoo permanently on display, they were remarkable mainly for their social interactions: they appeared to communicate almost exclusively by breaking wind and burping, both as loudly as possible, which I suppose is an evolutionary adaptation designed to overcome the linguistic difficulties posed by having a fag permanently clamped between the lips. The closest to human speech they managed was "Jayden, ya f*ckin' bastad, gerover 'ere now or I'll put ma too oop y'arse hool." And the blokes were just the same. gotta love the geordies eh, if you think they are hard to understand you don't want to meet a mackam they are worse......why did we ever move to Sunderland I’ve never been to Sunderland ...... trod in some once !!
  3. Went to a pub once waiting for my mate to finish work. Ended up playing pool with Ali Campbell ( UB40 )
  4. Here’s some pics of some of the stuff on display & in the car park.
  5. The best helmet cam picks up the misdemeanours of other road users, while ignoring your own & only captures your heroic moments while not incriminating yourself.
  6. On tomorrow Anyone going?
  7. Mickly


    The stretch from Coulport to Arrochar has plenty of loch side opportunities. Sorry mate, but all I'm seeing is a narrow road ( I got stuck behind a car here and could not find one passing opportunity ) and either a wall or a metal barrier . I am seeing an oil terminal and the nuclear sub base . Passed the base at Portincaple, there’s woods on the right ( although on a steep hill side) & on the left there are camping opportunities on the loch side over the wall, or in the woods on the LHS.
  8. Mickly


    Thanks for the tip . Where exactly on Loch Long did you have in mind ? It looks a bit civilized on GMaps . To be honest , if I've made it that far by nightfall I'll probably press on to Bridge of Orchy and camp across the bridge behind the hotel . The stretch from Coulport to Arrochar has plenty of loch side opportunities.
  9. Mickly


    Have a good ‘un Bob. If you get a chance visit the banks of Loch Long ( just passed Helensburgh), great scenery & lots of places suitable for wild camping.
  10. There are double whites & double whites. The use of these has increased to stop the terminally stupid trying to overtake in a distance their inadequate tin boxes have no chance of making - although it’s a traffic offence (if you’re caught, then tough shit ) there are many occasions a bike can make a perfectly safe pass, not that I would do that of course, oh no, that would be naughty.
  11. I was filtering between slow/queuing traffic down Towcester high street on Sunday, a police car coming in the opposite direction moved over slightly to give me more room, I gave the driver an especially vigorous wave in thanks. The twat in the BMW 4x4 who deliberately tried to close the gap got an equally vigorous but different wave.
  12. On tomorrow Anyone going?
  13. They can do anything . They will hard chrome to slightly over size and then machine back to a beautiful finish . They can also do a rebuild and re seal . I had my first GSXR,s forks done and it was money well spent. ( Not my last one , the one before ) Sounds good. I'll make some enquiries once I have the bike. What price are you looking at to have the forks done? I used them recently. I stripped the forks and had them rechrome / grind the tubes. Cost £185 including shipping. They also had a solution to the fact that these particular forks had captive shuttle valves. For them to do the strip down, seals etc it’s best to get in touch with them direct for a quote.
  14. Nah, he’s just bought a strap on !!
  15. Mickly

    Fork seals

    THat makes sense, just seen your bikes this is all for a year 2000 - 1200 trophy. [mention]onesea[/mention] Here you go, this is the relevant page from the Haynes manual, should cover yours
  16. Mickly

    Fork seals

    You can run it a little low, you certainly wouldn't be the first person to have ever done that. You can also top it up, if you know what the "air gap" should be then this is easy - collapse the fork as much as you can and measure the distance from the top of the stanchion down to where the oil is, and fill it until you have the correct distance. If you don't know what the air gap should be then you're stuffed, maybe just put a few slugs of oil in and see how it goes or empty it completely and refill with the correct amount. My question is how do you measure down from top? Because I might be tempted to do this with non leaking fort to match with leaking fork. How do you get your little it of oil in? Use a piece of wooden dowel as a dip stick, the oil will leave a witness mark. Remove the fork caps to do this.
  17. Wasn’t you, it was someone testing your bike with a view to buy. You lent them your gear for the test ride, decided not to buy, so you haven’t got a clue who they were, think they gave a false name and address. That’s what I heard anyway
  18. Yes they do, if you tell them what you want they’ll get them for you, they don’t stock them. Do you think they could tackle a Harley ? Dunno, I mean, they do have standards to maintain I think the best thing is to just rock up and ask. I always take loose wheels.
  19. Yes they do, if you tell them what you want they’ll get them for you, they don’t stock them.
  20. On a more sensible point ,. I think that the legal DB of an exhaust is measured at a certain RPM so any kind of device would need to work out whether rather noise was created by someone revving the tits off their vehicle or rumbling along at less than the tested revs !! I’m sure that no one would ever start up a chainsaw in the vicinity of a passing Prius
  21. I’ve just had the tyres removed from the wheels of the Trophy project, so the can be blasted & coated. They were dated 2002 and the front was cracked up n lots of places e.g. Still don’t know how this bike got an MOT? The upside was that it only cost me a total of £5 for both tyres including disposal, so big up to Spon End Tyres in Coventry
  22. The thing that pisses me off in this type of scenario is when someone uses the slip road to undertake a load of traffic & despite there being ample room to merge, steam ahead to the end of the slip road then try and force themselves out causing others to Take avoiding action. This kind of special person invariably then swerves into the outermost lane and starts tailgating. They are best avoided, as their angst due to having such a small penis causes them to compensate by being a dickhead.
  23. Mickly

    Locking Nuts

    Ha, I’ve found them for £1 a piece from Sprint Manufacturing
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