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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. Well I've moved on from my beer to whiskey and drinking bourbon at that. Not giving those bloody jocks a damned thing.
  2. I'm of a very delicate disposition I'll have you know.
  3. Few days ago there was a horse and cart being driven by what I'm guessing were gypsy kids. The traffic wasn't too bad but what got me riled up was the way they had a wee terrier running alongside. It was terrified and of course other road traffic was coming close to the dog all the time. When I got up to them I bawled something about the dog. The young woman who responded had as good a vocabulary as the crustiest of seamen. Suffice to say we did not part on amicable terms.
  4. Bought a mini keg of Uley Breweries golden ale thinking I'd enjoy some while England thrashed Scotland at the rugby. Ha bloody ha. Instead I'm using it to drown my sorrows.
  5. Looks an absolute 'mare. My son lives in an ancient house and in the spring he's having the complete kitchen including floors etc ripped out. Builders reckon 6 weeks! His wife and two tinies are moving in with her mother in Wales, Covid permitting.
  6. The house and garden are smallish. The house was brand new when we got it 3 years ago. The garden was the remnants of an orchard although the trees are long gone. The ground was compacted by construction traffic. We spent the first spring we were in breaking up the soil. I won't be doing that again, ever.
  7. I live on a hill, about 2/3 up. The soil hereabouts is what's called Cotswold brash and is basically clay with lots of lumps of limestone. A heavy soil which doesn't drain well and in summer sets like cement.
  8. Yep, just checked tomtom's own website and their camera is discontinued. Still apparently available on line but without any manufacturer's support.
  9. Don't know about where you are but down here it's like a swamp. Way too wet to do anything in the garden at all.
  10. Not sure Tom Tom still do. They used to but it was discontinued. They may have brought out a new one though.
  11. Sitting at home drinking lots of coffee until the evening then drinking whisky. Bored out of my skull.
  12. Wot? Surely you jest! But perhaps given the mighty machines you ride perhaps not. GIVE THIS MAN TOTY RIGHT NOW!!!!
  13. At least its a Honda,not some Chinese rust bucket.
  14. Took the bike to Worcester Ducati who sorted the dodgy exhaust flap valve. Good service and a pleasure to deal with so may well be using them for my future needs. Also don't have to hack my way through Bristol to get to them so that's a plus!
  15. According to XC weather its not going to get above freezing from Sunday through Friday next week. Sounds pretty miserable in fact and suits my current mood.
  16. My son in law who is a cop got stopped by a young pc in Yorkshire who accused him of driving recklessly. At the time he was behind a transit van doing less than 60. He was driving a swanky high end Golf at the time. Showed his warrant card and the guy backed right off. SiL reckons it was pure jealousy and now drives a more humdrum Passat and never been stopped. So giving the police Judge Dredd powers? Not a chance.
  17. Live in an area of very low motorbike theft. Squire lock and heavy chain to ground anchor.
  18. Given that it wasn't raining and the sun was actually shining gave it a good clean. The ACF is doing its thing and keeping the worst of the salt at bay. Looks like a fortnight of rain to come but as any forecast longer than 24 hours seems complete bollocks I'll not fret too much.
  19. Also he lived with his daughter and her family so wasn't a separate household etc.
  20. I fitted a denali soundbomb horn to my bike. It was quite literally plug and play. The OEM horn was dreadful, a feeble fart of a noise. The denali isn't.
  21. Bought lots of stuff for the boat and bike from the US. In all cases for cheaper than in the UK even after paying import duties on some items. Also the dollar / pound exchange rate has an effect obviously.
  22. I think he wanted to go and let's be honest at 100 how many more years are you likely to get?
  23. All these people with overheated houses. No wonder bugs are running wild! Personally anything over 22 is uncomfortable for me. In the bedroom we keep it to 17 and have a window open in just about all weathers. My wife likes it even colder.
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