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Everything posted by Chrissb6

  1. I've found over the years that the follow issues cause the said problems. Here's what you can do to try and over come them. Tension: Have a good stretch up and learn to relax before you set off, being tense contracts the blood vessels causing aches and pains, as already said learn to relax on holding the bars it causes aches and cramp, holding on tight is not necessary. Keeping warm and dry: Keep warm, cold and tension go hand in hand. Make sure you kit especially gloves are not to tight a fit as they can restrict the blood flow and cause the hand to go numb. After that if all else fails, you might need to see if you can make adjustment to the bike to suite your size, or maybe change to a bike more suited for you and your style of riding.
  2. Hi if your using ultimate addons gear then your far better getting there designated charger and adaptor cable to suite your phone and water proof case. Note: There waterproof cases only accept there cable connection due its unique size. Also there chargers are rated at 2 amps which is handy, as some of the cheaper usb charges cannot keep up with the drain on the phone battery whilst it being used in GPS mode. links below https://www.ultimate-mobiles.co.uk/Vehi ... wire_Cable https://www.ultimate-mobiles.co.uk/Cabl ... pter_Cable
  3. Hi, this one will do the job nicely http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tocas-Motorbike ... harger+usb It's got a built in switch so no need to be messing with relays or other just connect it direct to the battery with the inline fuse. Be sure to go direct onto the battery as some of the other electrical circuits on the bike are not D.C
  4. Should not be a problem it's all about building confidence in yourself and passenger. Also a lot depend on the bike your using, From the bikes point of view make sure the tyres and suspension is set up correctly. From a riders point of view make sure that your passenger understands what your doing and what's required of them. Give them something to hold on to and make sure that there comfy relaxed and fully kitted out. Try and do all your slow speed movements ie turning around on your own, then let the passenger get on board. Acceleration, braking and turning you need to give extra consideration to the bike and passenger. As said, it takes time for both of you to get use to things, don't be going scaring the life out of each other enjoy.
  5. Not an easy decision to make for the cop's, but in this modern age where most police patrol cars are armed you would of thought a dart gun with a tranquiliser would of been at hand rather than destroying the animal.
  6. Look no further than Norway there doing very nicely only difference is that they have a government that put the country first.
  7. Chrissb6

    Riding to Paris

    Hi France has some fantastic roads if you have got time try and keep off the peage - auto route and seek the route national, The peage is by far quicker but so boring. Petrol is a lot more expensive on the peage so fill up locally. Also you've got the toll charge to pay on the peage from Calais to Paris is - 290 km = € 12,80 toll for a bike each way. Warning the police tend to hang out on roads leading to the ports so watch out for speed traps, don't get caught, or they will march you straight up to nearest cash point to hammer your account. Big chain and padlock required as with parking in any major city these days, suggest you try and find a hotel with secure parking. The French motorist in general are very courteous to the bikers, Paris is some experience to ride a bike in enjoy.
  8. I can see it scratching the visor particularly on days after rain when your hit by dirty spray from the roads.
  9. Another gadget, this one might work?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUhT0EsmLns Any takers, what do you lot think?
  10. Hi, just run it in as the hand book, remember it's not just the engine your running in, the gearbox, brakes, tyres, chassis and suspension also need to be considered. Also there's you, you may need to get acclimatised to the bike, everyone slightly different as they all have there own quirks.
  11. Picture is only as good as your eyes, have you had them checked recently? I have a Sony projector onto a 9ft screen, pin sharp at least l thought so until l had my eyes check. The optician recommended that l have some glasses for distant work, I never had problems with seeing at distance before but went along with his professional decision. The difference when wearing the new glasses was shocking. Just a thought!
  12. You need to go and try this beauty! https://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=ro ... r=fp-yie10 And here's a classic Italian job lol https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=round ... 1n9rUmI%3D
  13. Any idea of a price you want to pay? If you go down the steel route l would fit a studded frame inside then sandwich some polystyrene sheets between 10mm external plywood to do it properly. It should not cost you a fortune if your handy with the tools.
  14. Forced ventilation might work but you defeating the object of keeping your bike warm and dry. The moisture that's generated inside a steel or concrete sheds through condensation ends up knackering the fabric of your bike, corrosion - rusting of the metal work, oxidizing of alloys and verdigrises' on the electrical cables and components. I've seen the end results of it many times over the years, worse case was a jag car that was garaged in a concrete garage, the guy went to get it out and found all his lovely black leather seats had turn green with mould.
  15. Wood for me, as already said steel is a nightmare for condensation unless you put a second skin inside it. Security wise a braced door, alarm and camera is all but a deterrent, if the pro's come knocking there's gear out there to do a bank.
  16. Hi, l would go for co pilot live in the phone linked to a helmet blue tooth head set. Remember that without a down loaded map in your phone you have to transmit and receive data to find your way which a, will cost you and use up your data allowance b, make you rely on a decent internet connection. You'll need a back up power supply for your phone as the gps connection will rinse your phone battery. I have a new Nokia phone linked to my head set, music, phone, tx and maps all hooked sync together brilliant! Unbelievable that the phone will actually read out a tx to you and then ask you if you want to reply. Technology where's it going to end??
  17. I brought one of these from the States http://www.fuzeblocks.com/index.php?pid=10 Not cheap, but I'm not buying another, it will be transferred to the next bike should l go in for a change. Works faultlessly heated grips, and other high powered gear on the switched circuit, satnav usb and others on a constant supply.
  18. Forget about waterproing the leathers get youselft a good waterproof over suit. Best way i,ve found to clean and maintain your leathers is to use babywipes. You may laugh, but that tip came from the Dainese man in the race paddock.
  19. l wouldn't ride a bike without ear protection. Wind Noise is an health issue and also very distracting.
  20. my understanding was always that it didnt invlove destroying the plug. it was just a way to get a good idea what the full throttle jetting was like, so by running full throttle, killing the ignition and coasting to a stop, you basically get a view of how the plug was at full throttle. Make sure you pull the clutch and shut the throttle.. no need to butcher the plug its the tip of the plug that counts
  21. DVLA and insurance are different firms, both are there to take your money and penalise you if you step out of line.
  22. This is on my to do list hopefully this summer if we get one? http://www.motorcyclescotland.com/route ... s-one-day/ Then again if it gets warm we'll get bit to death by the swarms of mossy's so better it stayed somewhat cool, it's not a perfect world!!
  23. Hi, Scotland can be awesome anytime of the year, tool up for the worst it can only get better "you hope" Having worked on a drill site in the Orkneys during the winter l can tell you the weather can change dramatically in a heart beat. A good low profile tent with extra pegs guy ropes - storm straps is a must, plus a good thermal break between your sleeping bag and terra firma. The biggest issue with Scotland got to be the wind and rain a nightmare on a bike, and if there's any chance of snow l would defiantly give it a miss.
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