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Everything posted by Chrissb6

  1. I've given up watching the weather forecast, this week it's gone from being a soaker to sun and now possibly showers for the rally. Well whatever bring it on.
  2. Ok I'm free for the weekend yay! Payment sent Stu, see you all Friday
  3. Here you go Mate http://www.ultimateaddons.co.uk/Vehicle ... cessoriese, Just remember to get a designated charger to connect your phone to your bikes power supply, with your phone connecting to GPS your battery will soon get rinsed.
  4. Sometimes you don't realise just a small bit of your ear is crinked over & after about half an hour you just have to pull over to sort it out. Till you try a buff out I use a buff all the time rain, wind or shine keeps the wind out of the helmet, also helps keep the earphones in place when putting the helmet on. Skull caps from what I've seen from a safety point of view are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
  5. This system cheap enough and work a treat. http://www.amazon.co.uk/interphone-Blue ... for+helmet
  6. Happy birthday Mate enjoy your day
  7. The Honda Fireblade is a bit long in the tooth now but it's a well sorted road racing bike, with John Mc pint on board, his knowledge and that little bit of extra weight all helps to make it a winning package. Agree the Superbikes are on the limit the super stockers are not that far behind, to think that the super stockers are on treaded tyres is just unbelievable. The main failure this year with the New R1 and the reason you don't see many Ducati's on the Island is that it they were designed for driveability - grunt and control out of the corners, the TT circuit is a totally different animal from the normal roads and short circuits they've been designed for. The TT apart from the odd slow corner is absolutely flat out for most of the lap, this is where the bombproof Honda excels. I feel it won't be long before a new breed of super - super bikes hit's the Island. Honda have just shown there hand with a £140,000 bike, Kawasaki are messing around with the H2. Make no mistake, if the factories took there Motor GP bikes to Island the lap record for sure would get smashed. Top speeds at the last couple of Moto gp's was in the region of 216mph these bikes will also smoke a superbike both on acceleration and braking. 40yrs years ago when l first went to the TT l was gobsmacked at the speeds, l saw the first 110mph lap today it's over 130 mph Speeds will get higher
  8. Many thanks Mate, will keep in touch
  9. Thanks for that OhJay when are you going? l'll keep in touch hopefully l will make it. it now all depends on whether l get a call to work or not
  10. Joy! Sue just told me she can't make it, she has got to take her daughter up to Newcastle on the Friday for the open day at the Uni. Her daughter now wants to make a weekend of it. I'm now thinking if I'm free to come on my own, who's going from the Nott's area?
  11. For Leathers, baby wipes for textiles a stiffish brush. Harsh chemicals should avoided, with leather you'll dry out the leather and possibly remove the dye. With textiles your going to knock out the waterproofing treatment if it has any.
  12. Mick D did the right thing to move camp first Yamaha home 31 No 11 Dean Harrison Yamaha / Mar-Train Racing 01:36:06.112 117.781 MPH the 600's will be quicker than this
  13. Heads up, if the weather good this will be a really good meet up http://www.lincsaviation.co.uk/events/W ... -night.htm
  14. I agree. Very sad when this happens though, these guys are modern day Gladiators risking all for our entertainment Totally agree Mate as a modern day Gladiatorial spectacle nothing come close. No one is forced to enter they all know the risks, despite the modern day speeds the circuit now is far safer than years gone by
  15. Hi mate the lads on the U/K Busa forum swear by these pads Bendix Supersport MF186 apparently there as different as night and day from the stock pads. I've fitted Bendix to the rear of mine and there's a definite improvement, will do the fronts when this set has worn out. This might be worth a punt before you launch yourself into a pricey calliper change. Double check these pads are correct for your bike if you go out and buy. Chris
  16. According to the reports the latest Busa which is fitted with Brembo's and a ABS system is a bit of a let down.The brakes are fine but apparently the ABS kicks in way to early. I thought that the ABS should only kick in when you see God
  17. Check the water in battery it might of boiled dry. Any signs of buckled plates then the battery shot
  18. I wouldn't Mate, there only bolted into aluminium anyway the shear strength of the bolts is way outside anything you or the bike can throw at them. If you've not brought them yet this might help http://www.pro-bolt.com/stainless-steel ... W6_6XHbJgU
  19. Just crack them all off first, then swop them out one by one
  20. I'm on the brink of making this, though not counting my chicken yet. But fingers crossed
  21. http://www.mfn-club.co.uk/Home.html
  22. 80 in a 30 is Russian roulette, pity it wasn't him that was killed instead of an innocent bystander. Anyone who thinks 6yrs sentence is enough for his crime surely would not think the same if it was someone close and dear to them that was the victim.
  23. Totally agree guy's, nobody wants damaged hearing.
  24. I have looked at a few of these to use with our scala riders but when I look for ear plugs the first thing I look for is the SNR rating and none of these earphones have any of this published even though they are marketed as sound isolating/noise cancelling I've been using this brand for a while Stu, had them on our hard wired intercom system now using them on BT blue tooth intercom. I've had phone conversation with folks whilst on the motorway loud and clear
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