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Everything posted by RideWithStyles

  1. Oh thats a shame about rhe others. From what ive heard delays are quite lengthy for the hornets at the mo!! another choice would be ex demo or even better a nearly new?? Like irs 1000miles old so it run in for you? because the bike has been px by someone who bought the wrong bike, Those will be available from the off. the way things with the bikes in their life cycle, the updates will me minimal at best so wont be worth the difference. Go after youve passed, near end of month to when the dealer will be more likely to deal to meet a sales target- if you dont have a voucher to discount.
  2. Well done. Good job to stick it to them. Yep mike made the right call, he could have bought the honda without actually riding before hand then find out hates it for 3 or more years on a pcp or worse loses loads of money to px for something that suits better in the first place.
  3. I own 3 helmets but only wear one, the other two i keep for are sentimental value cos i love the designs( giugliano and jw replica). winter - matching textiles. Texttile gloves, winter boots. trackday - one piece leather, leather sports boots and gloves ice had for years but start to wear out . spring/summer- leather jacket and denim jeans, use the same boots and gloves from the trackday cos there so perfect. heated vest.
  4. Yeah im 50/50 with him, get this proper bi polar vibe...oddball to deranged psychopath.
  5. No not at all. Someone might think its a collection or a obsession!! But i am wondering if Go is an octopus with that many gloves.
  6. Yeah a lot of those cafe jackets are posers job, more like standing around chatting at the pub sort, unzip it to be able to drink. They dont really allow much arm movement without affecting the rest of the panels of leather especially when new. you might be more of a french / Italian even possibly a swiss cut if tou wanna go leathering but dont bother is german stuff- unless you wanna start doing stu's advice. Leather wants to be comfortably firm alround, never biting or tight to move about for road use... racers are different. If it particularly biting from the off is a no. What you need to do is to spend at least 10-15mins or more not just wearing it casually but sit on a chair and put your self in the riding position that you are gonna be in. does look silly but move about as if you was riding, this will tell tou if ther are any parts you find dont work like its too short in the arms while their bent or the collar rides up, is there not enough flexibility panel where u need it etc. Where as much of the kit that will have contact with... if you buy gloves make sure tou wear your jacket while tou do the gloves cos does the glove allow for inside or outside the sleeve, does the cuff catch the sleeve or its too short. Things like that make buying correct from the first time. buying a helmet- wear the jacket that its gonna pair with, pants - wear the jacket and boots together. yeah knox is good stuff especially the gloves, never had a pair so right and last so long as them. Ps. Gloves matter a great deal, not kjust on hand size but individual finger lengths... my left hand index is longer than my ring finger just short of my middle but my right hand the ring finger is longer than the index..the misses and daughters hands have different characteristics to so make sure you try on both pairs cos i know alot of shops dont display both and normally not always made mirror perfect in manufacturing.
  7. Very Long time subscriber to F9 - good vids from Ryan and team. agree with Bullfrog, add the scum that nick bikes or insurance fraud and say its a £800 shoei.
  8. Im amazed on how nobody has asked why so many of individual bits of kit?? helmets (fiddle), coats and pants (steve and bonio) and gloves (Go).. mine are housed in two places as i share with the misses...most of the stuff is in the inbuilt clothes wardrobe and apart from my helmet, two pboots and the matching gloves in a small cupboard.
  9. Ebay special? I joke. yes id agree with fozzie's answer first, then tiggies of check connections at the dash then followa and check it at the other end.
  10. Hi Ade, Welcome from back up north at gods own garden!! Yueaaa. Poor bugger now mixing it with the nam-be-pam-be southerners!!! Lol. noice bike then the grassy stilts ..., i jokes of course cos my previous's are questionable..
  11. Agree with goat, good luck with finding the info you want. Most of the times its removing plates/deflections, changing pipe orientation, drilling holes into the air box, right up to junking the top clam of the airbox and using the tanks as its crude cover so that a will allow for more volume which is fine if you can go full speed all the time but for road use and to a point even off road use creates bigger problems than solving anything in the first place.
  12. Bsb series is still going well, keeps as many of the multiple manufacturers series going. Think the bmw cup is an interesting choice but teams iand individuals will get better but might need abit of a looking over for next year to tighten it up anyway? yea jackson did a good job with a unfavoured bike. Yes he has the right to feelmiffed about it but as some might say thats racing . was not the first time and definitely not the last well see that move done at that corner, recent memory was when sykes got proper duffed up at that corner that sent him to the grassed part and almost threw him off by might have been haslam? Not many complained about that. not covering for him but the ohally incident yep it was rough and out of desperation to keep with the championship leaders due to his lack of top places recently over a local lad with low title comprehension, but to feed his ego? Not sure on that one. Did you miss the supersport ones at the right just after the start / finish line... twice they were dodgy, fast and lead to actual crashes that came with a massive repair bill. Eurosport isn't perfect: one bug bare id prefer if they do multiple screen do it at different battles / other ends of the racing, not the wags or team members while the racings on or then they have to do another replay of an interesting part that you missed because they were to busy showing someone biting nails or covering their face. but better than some others attempt at cost to coverage, it doesn't cover motopg but i found that abit boring with annoying like football premier donnas ( to the point of contemplating to go out for a ride in the downpour or do i wash the bike in ther rain? Level of boredom) but has the 24hr racing like bo dor so plenty of racing i can watch in portions i can live with that. I find btsport bit to costly for my liking and tnt is just scandalous!!
  13. Poor fish, hopefully the time wil fly by. If have a misses and tou want to a amuse youself, you could ask her to clean it for you? If she does amazingly agree, Then point out all the bits she missed.
  14. Agree. Im up for it as the honda cup and so forth has run its course to bit long now. Its a step..just the other foot. nothing new to its or other race series have gone including ducati pani, bmw boxer cup, r6....and to a point with bsb junior cup series with them all being honda 250s and can be successful mostly for small teams starting and small peeps going a career. I still like the wsb 300cup which really should be 400 cup. for some people its just not competitive in the manor if you just like watching racing but dont like kawa or not bothered about a particular rider/team it's difficult to really rally for it, plus if other manufacturers are in it add to competition and variety. As i say, buying the bike is cheap to the grand scheme of things but running it and maintain it is the biggest cost next repairing it. Just a funny thought, i can see mr higgs getting very angry at young peeps at every meeting whenthey definitely having a lots of crashes with questionable moves to bridge the tiniest of gaps, then when they've got lots of points on there license theyll be just gravy train the circuit to see the season through!!
  15. Like for like LED dont create more heat, less if anything but HIDs which were the next best thing do at the time. The other problem with hid other than lots more heat is they needed a ballist to (bit like a transformer) to generate the high volts and ampage that got hot for the units to work, pain to hide in a car and worse for a bike, plus all the extra wires and the blubs were bigger/longer which made choices difficult with bikes. Plus they need time to warm up so for the first 5 or so mins they wernt better than a decent normal setup until they got working, not good for short journeys. the next problem with retrofit LEDs to oldschool lights is first the std system will be pumping out too much and not often enough, hence why you need a resistor kit if you change your indicators from a filiament blub to a led, sometimes you can get away with just swapping out if it's moderately modern (a few years old) to the tech but most of the time its just too different... for the headlight blub id just get good brand one that has better gas in it, like bullfrog said with the halfords or osram.m are quite good. Just to wary about colour... white doesn't mean brighter, technically the slightly yellow tinge ones are actually brighter to comparatively same lums, so the whiter you go you need mor lums to do the same range and dont get me started on the purple tint ones... purple ones are againt the law too by the way. technically by law you can only go so far with the luminescent power, but police hardly test these much to the annoyance of anyone whos retinas have been destroyed infront of a german branded car thats had headlights modded... the other thing with leds that they are generally very narrow apread of beam, so finding that perfect sweet spot for them is difficult.
  16. Iv have but they do just pop out...lol. anyway to a fix, just buy a alftermarket handle bar that you fit in and when you screw the bolt it opens the inner spline or bubber bladder to zpressure fit the inside handle bar. so all you need to measure is the inside diameter of the handle bar for example 22mm or 7/8 to the shaft of the weight, push in and tighten bolt to hold into place. steel will be chunky but shorter and will dampen more, alu will be bigger and longer and dampen less. https://www.demon-tweeks.com/uk/oxford-barends-3-heavy-weight-bar-ends-oxfox599/
  17. As bender said! Just to note Because dealers can be restricted on test rides even on full licences when you pass and prepared to wait a month of so get yourself to motorcycle shows near to you. some do open test rides that you can book before hand to have a go a looped enclosed area, nearest to me is at the nec that runs in nov time. can give you an idea from the off if that type feels right as it actually moving because sitting on to actually riding it are different things especially with no experience, they can even supply kit to borrow. loads of stationary bikes to sit on there together so easy to just jump from one made and type to the other so not having to "remember " plus some different brands that may fit your needs there too. all the supply traders are there so if you need helmets, leather, texts, boots, chains etc loads of brands are all under one roof so youll find what you want that fits and at that time of the year they want to sell stock off for next year so discounts can be had. its cheaper, safer and more comfortable to buy the right bike and kit from the off first time.
  18. Buy a super cheap non running gs just before it touches the scrapper, muse over it thinking the possibility ... hate the thing again and wondered why you did it again to yourself. Then think the positives of that it was cheap, wind the misses up with it.... enjoy life again...l
  19. Lol.. coppers are generally good with BL and BS. voice says yes...yes sir but the body said fak off copper ya cant... At least you didnt give him anymore reason to find fault and spend tax payers money on and ive got some good tyres on now so ill give you some sympathy.
  20. Yep finally, just cos you can afford it doesnt mean you should... youtube fails of fast expenses cars/bikes cone to mind when the talent runs out = all the gear no idea victim. yes go with something more manageable. Now this is a personal thing but adventure bikes do handle differently to sports and sports tourers. top heavy, more suddenness of flop into corners due to the higher weight and lots of movement, which for me i didnt like along with a few other forbles but not to say you wont, just to say they are different.
  21. Im up for a different series Exactly needs to be cheap for the young uns but racing is never cheap. Noticed the kteck forks/kits and shock, pegs, exhaust from the off plus as you said ecu tweaks so not cheap off first view but needs to be done. road going body work and brakes needs changing or junking too for rega so this adds to cost. even with a single series which is good to watch there will always be a bigger budget teams that will take any advantage possible within the rules. Even the old school two stokes 125 you could easily spend a fortune on them.
  22. Agree with the middle laning, that should be down as driving without due care and attention in my view. if you dont wanna understand then thats a what they see as an attitude problem, and with that no point continuing with discussion as your mind set is set. grind against the large cog... ive got a pair of new tyres which has made me even lighter, is million miles better than flintstones but so much happier.
  23. Good hope so! Id loved to be surprised. but not sure as the fuse should have popped if it was enough to properly short or affect the battery Or kill the bbikes drive and fail to start afterwards . The rear light only has a a few volts and amps sending to it so to kill a bike dead...hmmm. Has someome put 30+ amp fuses in the lights parts?? Lol. id have thought ithat would goose the battery from the start if it was to that extent.
  24. To add - Sure the angles of the header are very different plus the spacing between seems different...
  25. So the thread should say starts but wont idle. Balance the carb, reset cables.
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