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F**k It

Guest noob_biker

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Turkish Airlines have rescheduled internal flights - Now we cannot make the connection as the flight takes off 10 minutes before we land!!!!

F**K IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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Went for a run last night on Southend Sea front. I had my Ipod on and didnt hear the Chaved up Escort drive past. A Southend Chav threw a full 2 litre bottle of Tango at me which knocked me over and covered me in Tango. By the time Id run the 4 miles hom I was like a sticky sweet and my hoody was stuck to my chest hairs.

f**k IT

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... Nice... :?

Dont you just love the rebeling youth communty... little twats..

Hope the tango came out of the hoody.. And hope you didnt rip too many hairs out while removing said hoody :shock:

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I was really angry when it happened, but then, when I was eighteen I would have laughed about doing that to someone for about two weeks.

As I went down like a sack of spuds I hope they thought they killed me, and now they cant sleep.

I hope its not posted on you tube. I can see it now. JOGGER FAIL. DRIVE BY WIN :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

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The weather is bad so no bike, the van has just burnt out its wiper motor so I have taken the rest of the week of using 2 days leave I didnt want to use F**k it

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Went for a run last night on Southend Sea front. I had my Ipod on and didnt hear the Chaved up Escort drive past. A Southend Chav threw a full 2 litre bottle of Tango at me which knocked me over and covered me in Tango. By the time Id run the 4 miles hom I was like a sticky sweet and my hoody was stuck to my chest hairs.

f**k IT


only one thing to say about that pal.......YOU'VE BEEN TANGO'D......LMAO... :up:

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Went for a run last night on Southend Sea front. I had my Ipod on and didnt hear the Chaved up Escort drive past. A Southend Chav threw a full 2 litre bottle of Tango at me which knocked me over and covered me in Tango. By the time Id run the 4 miles hom I was like a sticky sweet and my hoody was stuck to my chest hairs.

f**k IT


should have got the girlfriend round to lick it off !!!

no girlfriend ?

F**K IT !!

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Where do I begin... my worst day ever... Drove to Leeds this morning about 6.30 for my medical appointment and just when I arrived my car died. Battery I thought. Called my friend who came around 9.00am and jump-started me car. Ok, I thought, off to the halfords for a new battery. Fortunately they did free battery check and turned out my was fine... WTF?? So off to home I go. Managed to get to Wakefield (7-8miles) and my car died again. Was lucky I pulled right to Kwik-Fit garage. Unlucky Kwik-Fit is most useless garages in the world. So had to arrange some breakdown cover. But as I was already broken down the AA ripped me off £138 for a most basic cover that is £30 over the internet. Ok, I swallowed it. Patrol came over, tested my battery and turned out my alternator was f**ked. He said I can get home as it was still charging a bit so off I went again. After incredible 0.5 mile my car died again. Another phone to AA, same patrol showes up and decision... As my cover doesnt include recovery to home and lady over the phone quoted me £110 extra for this option I thought I was really f**ked now but hey, no choice. I had to get home somehow. Fortunately AA guy was a great bloke and fitted me with his spare battery and followed me all the way to my home for free. Thanks man :thumb: So Ive bought an alternator off ebay for £40 and I will sort it when it arrive. BUT I really need a car to get to Leeds every morning by 7am until Saturday or I will lose £1800 so I had to rent a car for a week for £160 and pay £35 for a taxi to pick it up before they close. So that was my great day. My car is dead, lost almost £400 and wasted all day :crybaby: .

F**K IT!!!

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*Gives Cypek a hug*

Wow that is bad.. :shock:

I just have one anoying little thing in my life that i wish would Royaly f**k Right Off .. Im trying so hard to get good grades to get into Uni and i feel like everything i do isnt Nearly enough.. Cant deal with having More things pestering me right now.. :x

And This one could so easily Piss off aswell! Like this hasnt done Enough harm already yet just keeps coming back!

Seriously.. I've been Good! Wheres My Karma?? :evil:

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  • 1 month later...

Shit luck mate, good weather is on it's way!!

I was meant to be going out to the union tonight, they got chipmunk playing live and then I get a reminder I have a mid-seimester test at 0900 in the morning!! f**k it!!

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F*ck it.

Came back yesterday evening from a trip to Hungary for work (two nights away from home). Have to go to Poland next Wednesday morning for another two nights, again for work. Will probably have to go to Poland again the week after that for at least another night (again for work). I express my disappointment that I have to do so much travel and get told I have to, "take the rough with the smooth" by someone who sits on her arse all day, doesn't do any travel and hasn't left the country in years.

F*CK IT!!!

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Turns out chipmunk was only on stage for 3 songs so didn't miss much, though in tune with the thread;

Had a lab session today and found out the morning there was a pre-lab exercise to do and the sheet was only put online yesterday, so had to cram that in only to get to the lab and them to say we didn't have to as they had only managed to upload it yesterday. I got it all right tho so shows I can do it so :up: f**k it!

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f**k it a million times...

I break my foot, i crack a rib and lose my bike and THEN this gorgeous weather turns up... I cant ride, i cant even go outside because im filling the days with all the overtime i can so that when this insurance claim finally gets itself sorted out I can just sit back and buy any god damn bike I choose and by then I bet it will be in summer and seeing how the last 3 summers have been...

Sunny spells with predominant RAIN!!!!!

f**k it!!!!!

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8 Days on and f**k it!

I had an x-ray to see if my foot had fixed, I went in 4 weeks instead of 6 weeks on the off chance my foot had healed fast. The answer is, yes it has healed fast, yes it could come out the cast but because there was no orthopeidic to come down and have a look I sat around for 4 hours essentially to be told. Go home and wait another 2 weeks...

Ive had enough of hobbling around like some stupid gremlin when I have far better things to do. I could work faster, I could get to places faster, I could ride a bike but I cant because my stupid foot wont sodding heal because I have to keep using it which is slowing it down in healing but I cant take time off because im on a strict deadline so well and truly f**k... IT

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