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Module 2 - members test experiences

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  • 1 month later...

Passed mod2 first time !

Don’t know how! Did at Wolverhampton with bcmt those guys are amazing btw.

Get to test centre do show me tell ok . Of with go it’s all a blur I think I’ve f**ked up a coupe times nothing major . But didn’t know anyway on way back Ride was better as knew was over and was 50-50 wether I passed when he told me I did I was buzzing . 5 minors can’t even remember what for now 😂🙄 who cares I’ve passed .

Really recommend BCMT x

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  • 2 months later...

I took my Mod 2 last week and since I've found this thread so helpful I thought it only right to post my experience.

As I explained in my Mod 1 post, Plan A was to do a CBT in August, buy a 125 and ride through the winter, think about the test in Spring.. Well, once you start riding you just want the tests out of the way and get on riding..

I do the theory and somehow making it through the Mod 1. I've just finished the long ride back from Mod 1 on the 650cc Gladius, (really liked that bike BTW), and everything is feeling great! I feel like if I took the Mod 2 right now I'd pass! I immediately book in for Mod 2. There's a month wait so that gives me lots of time to practice on the YBR.

I don't know if it was the nerves of the impending test, or getting back on the 125 after the stability of the big bike, but my riding just felt awful. Simple things started to become difficult. I'd be dabbing a foot here and there, everything felt rushed, whereas the week before I was on top of the world, serenely navigating the surrounding towns. I carried on, riding every night, assuming it would get better...

The bike show came to the NEC, just up the road, and so I went to go and try sitting on every bike I could. Show was brilliant and I definitely recommend it. A sat on a load of bikes, confirmed a sports bike is never going to be my thing, and... fell in love... with the Ducati Scrambler. I had my eye on it beforehand, but spending a little time poking around it and trying it for size, I knew this was the bike for me!

I was already stressing about my riding, so just to add a little more pressure, I decided to buy the bike before passing my test! Went along to the local dealer and they had the exact bike I wanted, an ex-demo Scrambler Icon with under 300 miles on it, for £3,000 less than new. SOLD!

Now, there is logic to this. When I passed my CBT I was dying to get back out on the road. It took 3 weeks for the bike to turn up and that felt like forever. The way I figured it, I would feel worse to pass and not have a bike, than to fail and have the bike in the garage..

So, bike turns up. My riding is still awful. Weather is complete garbage. Not feeling Mod 2 one bit. I practice every night until the day comes..

I turn up to the training centre, it's foggy, and about 3 degrees. So first of all I wonder if it's going to go ahead. Instructor Suzie turns up, on the bike I did my Mod 1 on, great, loved that bike! It's just me to begin with, and we'll be joined later with the same man who did Mod 1 with me last time, he had failed Mod 2 in the mean time. Bummer, but, I'm happy as I know he was cool from last time.

We go through the show me tell me and pillion questions as we wait for the traffic to die down and the fog to clear, (please). Then it's time for a last bit of training. Start the bike up... instantly reminded of why I'm doing this.. big bikes are just cool, no two ways about it. I do a little circuit of the place to get reacquainted and then we set off. Lots of pulling in in safe places, pulling out behind parked cars and vans, and a few hill starts. Well, verging on cliff-face starts if you ask me.

I'm riding around and it still feels like I'm making lots of mistakes, and nothing is flowing. Despite this the instructor is saying everything's great. I'm not convinced, but we carry on.

We go back to the training centre, other dude turns up. Explains how he failed his test, changing lanes, doing lifesaver but still not seeing a car in the lane! Okay, let's not do that today then! We're doing the test in Warwick and he's not from there, so I make sure to tell him about the 20 'zone' that's popped up and not altogether obvious.

We get geared up again and we're off to Warwick! We go the long way to get a load of junctions and roundabouts in. I still feel like I'm making lots of little mistakes, but we're doing okay. We get to a roundabout and an ambulance appears behind us so we pull over. I'm in front and decide to get back to the line of the roundabout junction and stop before setting off. Other student thinks I'm going and almost rides straight into me! Hilarious, but not altogether calming before the test 😅

We get to the test centre. The road in is a 10mph limit, which I note, and seemingly some kind of pot hole farm. Great! We park up and go inside.

Just enough time for a pre-test pee, then I'm whisked off to an office by a friendly examiner, bit of paperwork, mic on... go time!

Show me tell me. I only remember him asking me a couple of questions. I definitely did the horn one, which I pointed at a learner driver before doing and the examiner said to not worry. Then what would I tell a pillion. Maybe there was another question, but I can't remember now.

In my own time, let's go! Negotiate the car park, at 10mph, and wait for the first direction, are we going left towards the dual carriageway, or are we going right into town... My biggest worry about the whole test was making a bad decision on the dual carriageway, like overtaking to make 'progress' but then not having a big enough gap to get back into, or something like that. So naturally we head left to the A46 😅 Before we get there though he says to turn left and I go down a road I've never been down, no worries, then into a one way street and asked to turn right. I've read the forums, I remember my instructor, get over to the right in good time. Okay this is going well!

We head towards the A46 and meet a massive queue of traffic. Examiner says that if we ever get to the roundabout ahead then to turn left. We were in the queue for at least 10 minutes. During which time I had the opportunity to let a car joining from a side street into a gap in front of me. Not knowing whether that was the right thing to do on my test I just rode up to the car in front. The traffic starts to move and the examiner reminds me that he wants us to go left at the roundabout ahead. I thought that was a nice touch, but.. I know the roundabout, and it's a straight on and a right turn, but the lane arrows are covered in cars. I decide to indicate left anyway. We finally clear the roundabout and head to the A46 roundabout.

I wait for "At the roundabout please take the third exit please..", but no, we go straight over! Unexpected! Although, I had checked the test routes and there were five, four in town and one that went out the back of Warwick. For no good reason I kept to the town for my practicing. Yet here we are, heading out to roads I had never seen before. To add to it, they're absolutely smothered in mud. Cool.

We approach a side road and the examiner asks to turn right. I go into it fine, make all the right checks, but for whatever reason the bike would not turn as I wanted it to and I end up much wider than I wanted to be, I do an extra lifesaver to get back into position 2 and cancel my signal. I think to myself that must be a minor, but think of this thread and put it out of my mind, concentrate on the road ahead.

Examiner asks me to pull up behind a quite large car, on a really quite narrow road. Neat-o. He's happy with my distance from the car and asks me to pull away when I'm ready. Look in right mirror, indicate, shoulder checks, look around car as best I can, e.g. I can't see further in the opposite lane than the front of the car, and we're off. Feel totally unstable, foot feels like it's going to come off the peg, when I start to see around the car. A Jaguar is right there, at the front of the car, doing 30mph. I get on the brakes before I cross into the lane and come to a stop. Do all my checks and set off again. Now, I didn't feel like I could have done anything else, but I rode away feeling like that was a definite fail. Again, put it behind me and carry on..

We wind through a few lanes and we appear at a road I know. This is the start of my independent ride he says. Follow the signs to Coventry. Now, I thought we'd manage 1 or 2 junctions of the A46 on the Leamington side, and I wasn't all that jazzed about that. Oh no, we're the M40 end, joining from the 2 lane bypass, much more than I thought possible on the test. Excellent! As we approach there are lorries in the left lane so I check and move over to the right slip lane, good they want to see progress. I approach the main carriageway and look in my mirror, to my amazement the road behind is almost clear, with a single car passing me as I join. Good, less to think about. In front of me, however, is the Warwick Lorry Fest 2019. I move to the right hand lane and clear a couple, making sure to keep under 70mph. Then a double lorry pulls out to overtake another, I sit behind and wait. It finally pulls back over as we approach a bend. I'm now free to overtake. I am now cornering at 70mph on a bike I've only ridden for a small number of hours, trying to overtake a lorry that's making more turbulent air than I've ever experienced before, trying to keep below the speed limit and checking to make sure there's a gap to get back into. Halfway round I glance at the speedo, 66mph, okay surely that's fine?? We clear the bend and I power past the lorry, pull back in and the examiner asks me to follow signs for Hill Wooton, the next junction. We get off, thank god, it's over!

In all my relief of clearing my most dreaded part of the test I switch to auto pilot. I've been around this roundabout a million times in the last month and I always go to Warwick. As I glance at the turning for Hill Wooton I hear the examiner say "Just do what you'd normally do", and so I shoulder check, signal, and head for Warwick. Ooh, I know it's okay to go the wrong way, but it really doesn't feel good. The way we wanted to go would take us away from the test centre so we're clearly not done, but we're now heading straight for it. Perhaps we'll head back into town.. Nope, turn right at the roundabout.. that's the road the test centre is on! Keep it together. He asks to stop safely, then just a standard pull away. Just up ahead is the test centre and he asks to pull in..

I remember the 10mph limit, and find my way to a parking space. Neutral, engine off. Side stand down. Off the bike.... it's over! I apologise for going the wrong way, he says not to worry and we head inside. Do you want your instructor present, I don't know, yes? We go in the office...... I feel I've just put in one of the worst rides since before I even did Mod 1... but I passed!! And no rider faults!!! But two "rollockings". One was for not letting the car out in traffic, he pointed out bikers get a bad enough reputation as it is, so please be nice to other road users. And he asked just exactly how long I was intending to take when overtaking the double lorry, stressing that the quicker you get past the better, although I had got past safely enough and wasn't in rider fault territory. Again, like the Mod 1 examiner, this man was very friendly and just came across like he wants people to get into riding, just as safely as possible. He was covering though, so if you take your test in Warwick it almost definitely won't be with him.

Many handshakes with Suzie my instructor. We talk through the test and wait for other student to get back. He turns up... passed too! Brilliant! We then get our L-plates taped over, don't get mics on, and just follow the instructor back to base, "Try to keep up!" she says 😅

I suppose my big take is that they aren't looking for a perfect ride. I think I set the standard in my head far higher than is actually required. Even though I felt I was riding badly, I was doing all the checks and positioning the bike correctly, (I guess my wide corner wasn't all that wide, or my additional shoulder check made up for it??). Also, if you can get on a 125 for a few weeks before your Mod 2 I think it's a big help. Practicing all the junction types and roundabouts beforehand until they're second nature really helped me. Pretty quickly you feel relaxed, do everything in good time and don't feel so rushed.

So, I've gone from having never ridden a bike in July, to passing my test and sitting on my 800cc Scrambler in December. I'm still in shock really. It doesn't seem real that I'm allowed to roam the streets on this absolute beast, but I very much am! I spent most of the weekend lost in surrounding country roads, just amusing myself with the sound of the engine, and in wonder of the power. I can go 60mph no matter which way the wind is blowing, uphill or downhill 😅 Still love my little YBR though, and that's sticking around for my boy who turns 17 next April!

I absolutely recommend Suzie of Motocoastal/riders coventry. Friendly, sets a relaxed atmosphere, and really knows how to teach and coach. Top notch!

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Sure thing. This machine was spotless on Tuesday! Let's hope the fabled ACF50 does its job 😅😅😅

https://i.imgur.com/Sbdo3pM.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

https://i.imgur.com/SRwb1ML.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

https://i.imgur.com/MB222Dt.jpg' alt='IMGUR>'>

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  • 7 months later...

Hi all.

I did my Mod 2 on Monday in Newport and passed. I found it much easier than doing the Mod 1, which I failed first time.

I like riding a bike and decided to treat the Mod 2 as a nice, relaxing bike ride. All I did then was applying all I’d learned in my training.

Today I ordered a new bike.

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Congratulations, like you I failed my Mod 1 but passed second time. I was 2 mph slow on the hazard avoidance. The Mod 2 I found ok and passed first time. Went from a Yam125 to a 2003 Yam Fazer 600 with 12500 miles. Love the bike, I think a used bike first after passing is the way to go, then decide what you really want later, but thats only what I think. jc

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Hi all.

I did my Mod 2 on Monday in Newport and passed. I found it much easier than doing the Mod 1, which I failed first time.

I like riding a bike and decided to treat the Mod 2 as a nice, relaxing bike ride. All I did then was applying all I’d learned in my training.

Today I ordered a new bike.


Congrats on the pass,

I'm looking to do DAS very soon and assume the closest test centre to me is Newport. What was the test route like? Not overly familiar with the roads around there, apart from the obvious tunnels! 🤬

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Hi all.

I did my Mod 2 on Monday in Newport and passed. I found it much easier than doing the Mod 1, which I failed first time.

I like riding a bike and decided to treat the Mod 2 as a nice, relaxing bike ride. All I did then was applying all I’d learned in my training.

Today I ordered a new bike.


Congrats on the pass,

I'm looking to do DAS very soon and assume the closest test centre to me is Newport. What was the test route like? Not overly familiar with the roads around there, apart from the obvious tunnels! 🤬


It took in some of the A48 down to the Patents Office, then doubled back vía Cardiff Road towards the town centre. We then turned left by the big Tesco and headed uphill doing many of the residential roads up there and dropping into the town centre.

Then back towards the test centre.

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Hi all,

How are you?

Hope you are having a great weekend :)

Just a little update.

My Mod 2 test is next Friday morning. This morning I went for my last training session and I would have failed the test :(

The reason is that, turning right from a 30mph dual way road to a 20mph road, I kind of "sprinted" between a gap left from the oncoming traffic. My instructor said the gap was to small, I should have waited longer, and definaly don't speed to enter a narrow gap, and this is a major fault. Well, lesson learnt and it will be on top of my mind next Friday.

The thing is, this morning was a 2 and half hours ride with my instructor, overally I was quite happy, till the point (after 2 hourd and 15 min), I got a couple of minors, especially in 20mph areas.

I know that the test is about 45 min, so probably I can keep focusing for the whole of it; This morning happen that, the more I was riding, the more I was getting confident, and I started to take some risk, probably I felt to relaxed and I totally forgot about the test. So after 2 hours and something of riding , I went through the narrow gap in the traffic.

Thinking about it now, I wouldn't do it again, it was risky and "dangerous", I mean, I felt I could do it, probably my instructor (and the tester net week) saw it as a too big risk.

How you keep the focus on during the ride?

I have noticed I became too over confident , and I really would like to avoid this behaviour.

Thanks again for your help


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One idea is to talk yourself through what you're seeing and what you're about to do, something like "turning into side road. narrow with oncoming traffic. gap ahead on left, looks quite small." It helps you stay focussed on what you're seeing and on the plan you're coming up with to deal with it. tbh it takes a bit a practice, so i'd say it's not something to start when you're on your test. But it might be useful afterwards.

I find it useful if my brain is a bit is fuzzy or my mind's elsewhere.

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Like you say, the test is just 45 minutes. The knowledge you're on the test will keep you focussed for that length of time.

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Hi all,

How are you?

Hope you are having a great weekend :)

Just a little update.

My Mod 2 test is next Friday morning. This morning I went for my last training session and I would have failed the test :(

The reason is that, turning right from a 30mph dual way road to a 20mph road, I kind of "sprinted" between a gap left from the oncoming traffic. My instructor said the gap was to small, I should have waited longer, and definaly don't speed to enter a narrow gap, and this is a major fault. Well, lesson learnt and it will be on top of my mind next Friday.

The thing is, this morning was a 2 and half hours ride with my instructor, overally I was quite happy, till the point (after 2 hourd and 15 min), I got a couple of minors, especially in 20mph areas.

I know that the test is about 45 min, so probably I can keep focusing for the whole of it; This morning happen that, the more I was riding, the more I was getting confident, and I started to take some risk, probably I felt to relaxed and I totally forgot about the test. So after 2 hours and something of riding , I went through the narrow gap in the traffic.

Thinking about it now, I wouldn't do it again, it was risky and "dangerous", I mean, I felt I could do it, probably my instructor (and the tester net week) saw it as a too big risk.

How you keep the focus on during the ride?

I have noticed I became too over confident , and I really would like to avoid this behaviour.

Thanks again for your help



Hi guys.

how are you?

So, went this morning for my Mod2 test and I failed :(

It was a big silly/dangerous mistake so I deserve to fail, my fault only.

Comond down from a 60mph slip road, after around 200 meters, I haven't seen the 30mph limit, even if I reduced the speed as I saw some traffic ahead, I past the 30mph speed limit at about 45mphj, and that was it.

The examiner didn't stop me there, we just went on with the rest of the test, in total it was about 45 minutes.

I'm upset with myself because I could had avoided it. I didn't have any minors , I was driving calm and easy, doing all the necessary lifesavers.

Maybe that was the problem, I knew everything was going well, and maybe I started to lost focus, I can't be sure, I know only that I totally missed that 30mph speed limit, and I'm not sure how. Maybe I was looking at the mirrors too much, I don;t know....

Well, from the positive side, I have lerant the lesson, and I will remember it for next test, hopefully in a couple of week.

I didn;t had minors, so I think, If I pay more attention to road signals, and spend a little bit less time to look around, I'm pretty sure I can master it.

I will keep you updated.

Have a great weekend :)


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Sorry to hear that [mention]GiorgioG[/mention]. It does happen... it's how I failed my second driving test :) (true story, I failed my first because the examiner deemed that doing 50mph in a rural NSL on torrential rain was too slow, but I finally got it correct in the third :lol: )

It sounds like you've already taken it on the chin and it seems like the rest of the ride was fine, so just be safe in the knowledge that you'll get there.

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Thanks, guys for your support and thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences here, it is really a great help to read about yours stories.

My next test will be on the 17 of September, at Tolworth test centre.

I will keep you updated :)

Have a great day,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys and girls, how are you?

So, 3 hours ago I went for my mod test 2, the second attempt.

4 minors, no majors,... Passed :)

I can't describe the joy when the instructor said the word "Passed" at the end of the ride :)))))

Now it is time to get used to my bike, I have trained so many hours on Yamaha MT and XJ, that getting on my Vulcan S, feel a bit strange :)

Thanks to all of you.

Have a great day


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