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Overbearing Wives putting the kybosh on Bikes!


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I was reading a news article which touched on wives/girlfriends trying to put the kybosh on husbands' motorcycling......and I thought it may be an interesting point for you Casuals to debate.

In fact, judging by the virtually universal display of no-shows in the Ride Reports section I suspect most of you have been kyboshed already. Except [mention]JRH[/mention] of course!

In my case, neither of my wives were into bikes, but here's the crucial thing:

I met my first wife in 1973......I had a GT380 and I'd had bikes for two years. She knew what she was getting into.

I met my second wife in 1982......I had a Z650 and I'd had bikes for eleven years. She knew what she was getting into.

However, if guys are late starters and getting into bikes much later in life then I can understand wives having reservations about it. Because the husbands introduced a different (and potentially dangerous) factor into their lives.

I've never introduced any different factors! Bikes were there before them, and I suspect that if you're a lifer as well then it's the same situation for you.

I always remember my first wife saying......"If I find out you've been with another girl I'll put a hammer through that bike".

So I got the f@cking bike out first obviously!

https://media.giphy.com/media/jUhJJpzQHYQZvwFlWC/giphy.gif' alt='GIPHY>'>

So.....what's your experiences of this?

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When I was with the first wife it was her that made me do my bike test! I was always out on the bike to the point I was doing 15k in 6 months :shock:

Back then I used to work 6-2 and 2-10 so I was out after work and before work and every weekend it was sunny 8-) she wasn't in to bikes so left me to it

When I met the current wife I had a bike and worked really shit shifts! by then the bug had worn off a little and most of my mates was settled down and under the thumb! So weekend rides was less and weekday rides was a thing du to the shifts I worked.

The wife got in to bikes and I jumped from sports bikes to the FJR to get us both out and about.

She will never stop me going out on the bike nor will I stop her doing anything! its just not the done thing!

I was with someone once who tried to stop me going out! it didn't last long :lol:

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Guest Richzx6r

I started riding when I was 17 and have pretty much always had bikes though I have had many a gf try and say I shouldn't have a bike they are dangerous.....blah blah blah

Safe to say they were the ones to leave after I said I'd rather have a bike than a car or said gf as that's my lifestyle like it or lump it.

With the wife I told her pretty much on the first day that I'm a biker and wouldn't be giving it up for anything so she had better not ask but she likes being on the bike aswell so not had any complaints so far

My brother on the other hand is so far under the thumb of his wife that I don't think he knows what colour the sky is anymore, he said he wants to do his bike test but she won't allow it :lol:

Edited by Richzx6r
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For me personally none, my current partner has had no objections to my biking hobby, although it has come about through a need rather than a want.

Can't say the same for my neighbour's partner though, when i first mentioned about getting a bike, he was telling me about his scooter days, but she soon stepped in and told him " you can't have one" :lol:

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I do have one overbearing bitch to deal with though......




That's Luna......I rescued her in 2006......she's nearly 15 now.

She was always with my eldest boy until he left in 2016, but over the last couple of years she's latched onto me! Obsessively!

If I leave the house she gets separation anxiety......except if I go on the bike! Then she goes mental!

She barks and howls at the door and goes out of her way to make life as difficult as possible for the wife. Presumably she holds her responsible for letting me go on the bike.

Saturday and Sunday she's on pins......waiting for me to make the move. I've even resorted to trying to sneak out behind her back.....but I always get caught.

If I do something to the bike on a weekday like cleaning it or something, she's there in the garage watching every move I make. And she won't settle down till I cover it again.

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No issues in this house, always had a bike since the day I passed my test and long before I got married. After my off a few years back it was the wife that bought me the Beemer for my Birthday. Both her and the youngest (12) enjoy coming out on the bike. No issues with touring either, I don't publish many rides at present because of the sheeite weather and my commute to work is very boring and not worth filming. I was out last Sunday and will probably be out tomorrow, but it wont be worth filming (a short ride to the church yard) but I do try to get out at least 2 Sundays out of four, even if its raining.

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my better half is sweet, not into bikes but no problem that i am , i make sure she gets her holidays in the sun which i like to .... all's good ,

im just an thoughtful kind hearted gentleman , although im confused of late , its in my nature to hold doors open and give up my seat for a lady but what with all this equal rights , equal pay , should i still being doing this ??

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my better half is sweet, not into bikes but no problem that i am , i make sure she gets her holidays in the sun which i like to .... all's good ,

im just an thoughtful kind hearted gentleman , although im confused of late , its in my nature to hold doors open and give up my seat for a lady but what with all this equal rights , equal pay , should i still being doing this ??


Has someone else wrote this :lol:

Six I think your account has been hacked :D

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Animals have a 6th sense when it comes to danger, i bet if you go in the car she won't bat an eyelid :thumb:


She doesn't like it because she expects me to be with her all the time.

But she doesn't kick off like she does with the bike.

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my better half is sweet, not into bikes but no problem that i am , i make sure she gets her holidays in the sun which i like to .... all's good ,

im just an thoughtful kind hearted gentleman , although im confused of late , its in my nature to hold doors open and give up my seat for a lady but what with all this equal rights , equal pay , should i still being doing this ??


Has someone else wrote this :lol:

Six I think your account has been hacked :D


A play for TOTY!

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Got my first bike when I was 14, riding round the fields on my uncles farm, never been without a bike since. I've been lucky, past girlfriends and my wife have no issues with bikes, my wife used to ride a bike herself years ago, I remember giving her my old 250N Super dream when it came time for me to trade up. I do know where you're coming from with this though, a friend of mine has wanted to get back into biking for a few years now, its his wife stopping him, I was round there a few weeks ago winding her up and she said "he'll get another bike over my dead body" :lol:

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From a womans point of view i dont understand the men who allow another person to stop them doing something they want to do and i dont understand the women stopping them.

Andy and i just get on with it. He sails, i tried it for 2yrs...gave it a really good go and i hate it. I admire other people doing it but nah not for me. I cant sail with him cos we cant be in the same vessel at the same time....not good. I cant imagine being his pillion either so when he said he wanted a scooter i thought id better get my own then. See if i like it...if not ill get on the bsck of his and just deal with it but i loved it so got a bike. Dont like the scooter thing.

I got a horse, well i loaned her, Andy thought they were massive money eaters....i borrowed another horse and we went out together a few times. He loved the horse because he took the time to get to know her because it meant a lot to me.

Thats what a marriage should be about. We are best friends....kinda

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Guest Richzx6r

Got my first bike when I was 14, riding round the fields on my uncles farm, never been without a bike since. I've been lucky, past girlfriends and my wife have no issues with bikes, my wife used to ride a bike herself years ago, I remember giving her my old 250N Super dream when it came time for me to trade up. I do know where you're coming from with this though, a friend of mine has wanted to get back into biking for a few years now, its his wife stopping him, I was round there a few weeks ago winding her up and she said "he'll get another bike over my dead body" :lol:


A hitman it is then eh :thumb:

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I took quite a long hiatus from biking having stopped in my mid-twenties with a CB250 Dream, and when I met my current wife (I've had a few :D ) it wasn't even a subject of discussion. However, as I edged inexorably towards my fifties it became something that I increasingly yearned for again, and we had many conversations about it - over a period of years, in fact - that ended along the lines of "Forget it - you're not getting a bike and that's final!".

The real catalyst for me was when my son took his CBT a few years ago, which was effectively the final straw. I said to Bea that the issue was no longer a matter of "if" but "when", and that I was no longer asking. She still hates the fact that I ride, and I know she gets herself in a bit of a state every time I go out on the bike. I can sympathise with that and I do reassure her every now and then, but unfortunately she's going to have to live with it.

Edited by learningtofly
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Guest Swagman

Have been with my wife since 1972 had a pushbike when we met then I got a moped, at 17 got my first road bike took my bike test since then the wife won’t get off the back we always go out together in fact the bike doesn’t handle right without her there. :D

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Got my first bike when I was 14, riding round the fields on my uncles farm, never been without a bike since. I've been lucky, past girlfriends and my wife have no issues with bikes, my wife used to ride a bike herself years ago, I remember giving her my old 250N Super dream when it came time for me to trade up. I do know where you're coming from with this though, a friend of mine has wanted to get back into biking for a few years now, its his wife stopping him, I was round there a few weeks ago winding her up and she said "he'll get another bike over my dead body" :lol:


A hitman it is then eh :thumb:


Yep, I did say something along those lines :lol:

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Got my first bike when I was 14, riding round the fields on my uncles farm, never been without a bike since. I've been lucky, past girlfriends and my wife have no issues with bikes, my wife used to ride a bike herself years ago, I remember giving her my old 250N Super dream when it came time for me to trade up. I do know where you're coming from with this though, a friend of mine has wanted to get back into biking for a few years now, its his wife stopping him, I was round there a few weeks ago winding her up and she said "he'll get another bike over my dead body" :lol:


A hitman it is then eh :thumb:


Yep, I did say something along those lines :lol:


Cheaper than a divorce :wink:

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My ex bought me some bike gear for my birthday then said “now you have to get a bike and pass your test”.

Present OH has no interest in bikes, in 20 years been on the back 4 or 5 times, but does not try to stop me.

In fact after my incident when I was knocked off she said you are ok that’s all that matters. Life would be no fun if we were wrapped in cotton wool and never did anything. There is risk in all things.

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My ex bought me some bike gear for my birthday then said “now you have to get a bike and pass your test”.

Present OH has no interest in bikes, in 20 years been on the back 4 or 5 times, but does not try to stop me.

In fact after my incident when I was knocked off she said you are ok that’s all that matters. Life would be no fun if we were wrapped in cotton wool and never did anything. There is risk in all things.


Has she got a decent life insurance policy on you :lol:

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Life would be no fun if we were wrapped in cotton wool and never did anything. There is risk in all things.


I don't think its about that I just think some women are control freaks :lol:

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I don't think its about that I just think some women are control freaks :lol:


Luckily for my Wife I don't really care about our finances whereas she is an utter control freak about paying bills and what to do with money, if I was bothered then I could see a lot of falling out :lol:

As long as bailiff's don't come round and my card doesn't get declined when I go to the shop I'm happy to let her deal with it all

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Wife has been on the back twice in seven years.

The first time was fine, the second time I went a bit quick for her liking even though I assured her that I kept it under a ton.

It works quite well here mind you, she has a Lotus she never uses and I have bikes I rarely use.

The thing that stops either of us pissing about with our respective toys is the children.

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