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Claiming an abandoned bike


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I'm not sure but I believe any vehicle brought into the UK on a foreign registration ( Dad bought a car in Ireland once) has a max of 6 months before it must be registered on a UK plate. So unless he SORN'd it its actually an illegal bike. Its also very unlikely to be insured.

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Only just caught up on this, and wow... Absolutely sounds like someone with too much money, who has a bit of a complex going on. A toy he never uses, and forgot about for, literally, years. 

Wasn't there a threat to say if it wasn't removed by end of year, it would be scrapped? I think it's time to make good on that threat, with an e-mail now to say "you've got 2 weeks left to remove this vehicle, or it will be disposed of". It will likely go ignored, as the idea of it being thrown away is probably fine to this chap. It's the idea of someone profiting from him that sounds to be the issue, albeit I'm biased as that's what I usually find it is. 


He won't be insured in all likelihood, and it sounds like there's going to be a lot of outstanding costs associated with this bike and its import status.


So I say, get it scrapped... To your house. 

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36 minutes ago, S-Westerly said:

I'm not sure but I believe any vehicle brought into the UK on a foreign registration ( Dad bought a car in Ireland once) has a max of 6 months before it must be registered on a UK plate. So unless he SORN'd it its actually an illegal bike. Its also very unlikely to be insured.

You beat me to it. It likely won't have insurance, it definitely won't have a valid MOT or tax.


I wonder if you can get your employer to start charging him a storage fee, then when it reaches the value of the bike, email him again and offer to take it off his hands (agree it with your employer that you won't have to pay storage fees though)


Every time someone replies to this thread I get excited that you'd got your hands on it

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Well how long was he working at your site/uk?
Im unsure if any American insurers willingly take a private policy on a long time uk ridden bike, so id assume it is a uk insured policy?

How high up the ladder is wankoYanko? Unless it gets a bit further murky as could it be insured through your company's vehicle insurance if hes top tier.

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Unlikely to be insured not sure but I believe any vehicle brought into the UK on a foreign registration ( Dad bought a car in Ireland once) has a max of 6 months before it must be registered on a UK plate. So unless he SORN'd it its actually an illegal bike. Its also very unlikely to be insured.

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A long time since I did some study of the legalities involving the motor trade as part of a management course.  However as I posted previously.  Joe only has to wait until the end of the year and if the bike is still there, everything else is moot.


You can scrap an abandoned vehicle on your property if certain tests are met.  Of course this is of interest to garage owners and covered on the course.


This is covered under the Tort (interference of goods) act and local authority tests.


The tests.

The vehicle is to be considered abandoned if. ( Pick any three)

It has not moved in a period of time.  Usually one month.

Its condition clearly shows it has not been attended to.

It is unserviceable and unroadworthy.

It may have flat tyres.

It may not start.

It may or may not have an MOT ot tax.

It may be damaged.  Accident or uncorrected long term vandalism

The owner has clearly meant to abandon it ( i think going back to his own country for years, leaving the bike will cover that in any judges book).


The land owner must make reasonable efforts to contact the owner and give him formal notice of a reasonable amount of time to remove it. .... He has.

If the owner does not reclaim the vehicle in the specified time frame, the land owner (or responsible person enjoying the land, or his agent)   - company rents the land, the agent would be a senior manager of that company. The agent can then consider his duties discharged  and dispose of the vehicle as he sees fit.

One caviat.  He must dispose of it in a reasonable manner of his choice and any monies forthcoming from that disposal made available to the original owner- less expenses incurred by the landowner during the disposal if the original owner makes a claim for it.


Another caviat.  If the company does not own the land, but rents,  it cannot remove the vehicle by itself, it must use a registered recovery company and that recovery documented.


Where that recovery company takes the bike is up to the agent or landowner.


What would the metal scrap value of a motorcycle be?  £100?  Find the value of mixed scrap of the same weight as the motorcycle.


What would the cost of recovery be? £120?  The bike is yours.  He owes you £20.


I think thats how it goes...




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I have heard of valve rubbers perishing resulting in flat tyres (undo valves 1/2 turn).  Condensation in fuel tank that's just water right? maybe a workman could spill a little paint stripper on the seat? Or even paint the ceiling above, messy drips.

Or it could just start an oil leak  just drops of oil below it. Similar with coolant.

Or the local tea leafs might decide it's desirable.

Just a thought.


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11 hours ago, Joe85 said:

Unfortunately, his seniority within the business trumps all. Even if the deadline elapses he'll use his influence to tell me and my managers to get bent, essentially.


So what is essentially happening is he is a  senior in the company.  He abandoned his bike.  He came back and is clearly not interested in the bike, but he, knowing you have an interest, is not prepared to let you have it either.  He would rather use his power to let it sit and rot and be an headache to all his subordinates who, given any other situation, have the authority to deal with it.





I strongly suspect he is afflicted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  He does not view the bike as something of value materially, he sees it as a source of narcissistic supply from you and the others who want it gone.  He is using it as a tool of control.


He is likely a bully and a crap boss.  I would have as little to do with him as possible.


Any good manager in the same circumstance would see it as a morale building exercise.  He is senior and well paid, he does not want or need the bike, he knows you have an interest in it and he knows it is not worth much in its present condition... 


 " hey Joe.  That old bike of mine, no good to me, tell you what, gimme £200 and its yours".  It is not in the american culture to just give stuff with any perceived intrinsic value away to people who are not family or very close friends; so he would not give it to you.  


I do not see that happening.  In view of this further info, my advice to you is to forget the bike completely, have nothing else to do with it.  Do not enter into any mind games he may try to use it for in the future.


Being brought up with a narcississtic mother, I can spot their behaviour from afar.  I hate the fxxxxxs with a passion.

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This is like an annoying tv series that you need to binge so you can get to the end and find out how it all resolves - I hate having to deal with individual announcements and then waiting. Come on Joe, just release the final season of posts so I can rejoice with you. 

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I remember that aprilias have a habit of  metals rusting away in a night and aluminium parts not bolted to the heavy metals blow away...


well if nobber cant play by the law and regulation of the uk, wheel it outside cos its in the way, and lo and be hold ashock horror ruffian has yonked it away mere moments later.... oh i tried to chase them and throw a sponge at them but they got away...what a shame...

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  • 1 month later...
9 hours ago, Capt Sisko said:

Any updates?

It sits unused, but looking wonderfully cleaned and serviced (thanks to me) in the work basement. 

he’s paid up for parking too. 


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1 hour ago, Joe85 said:

It sits unused, but looking wonderfully cleaned and serviced (thanks to me) in the work basement. 

he’s paid up for parking too. 


I would spit on it every time you go past and if you can get away with it, piss on it every now and again. 

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3 hours ago, Joe85 said:

It sits unused, but looking wonderfully cleaned and serviced (thanks to me) in the work basement. 

he’s paid up for parking too. 


Send him an invoice for work done.

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2 hours ago, amber said:

what a scum bag man, if you can't take it you could rust it?

half a cup of paint stripper, 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide, 3 spoons of white vinegar & 1 spoon of salt, mix it up in a spray bottle an give it a quick spray should only take few days lol 



It's frightening how and why you know this!😱

(Note to self: do NOT piss Amber off)

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I've not been on the forum for a few days and thought to myself "I hope there's an update to this thread" as I logged on. And what do I see? This thread in the "unread" section. 


At this point I'm thinking we just set up a crowdfunding page to buy the bike. There are so many people invested in the story and it's very frustrating! 

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Be an awful shame if it were to go missing or get damaged. I mean generally I think you should (in the words of Vincent vega, or is it Jules) never f with anther man's automobile. Generally. 

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Yep.  Chalk it down to experience.  Tampering with it can have no positive outcomes.  It may give short term satisfaction leading to long term guilt.  You may even be seen and that could open up a whole new can of worms...


Even if unobserved, everyone in the company will have just one suspect in mind...

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