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Everything posted by Mickly

  1. We’ve got a digital photo frame that started flashing & then wouldn’t work at all, I tested the power supply & it’s ok. so I opened up the back to see if I could notice anything untoward!! Yeah right !!
  2. It’s what Bender does in public toilets ( Google it )
  3. I’ve got it ..... just a lot less than I had last night ......
  4. And it will never be their fault unless it is good news
  5. Nice one Hoggs Let’s all hope things conspire to let us do you work proud.
  6. Really?? with all the spin, gloss & bollocks excreted by this shower of shite, do you really think the truth will ever be told?
  7. H’mm Garage is 50’ away at the bottom of the garden.
  8. So Domestic management has raised objections to me warming parts & curing paint in the house oven, so....... If I scored a cheap 2nd hand electric one off eBay, could I run it off a 13A extension cable? (I’m thinking long and slow) or would it have to be a separate take off from the fuse box with properly rated cabling? I think I know the answer, but just wondering!!
  9. H’mmm a couple of micro dots & it’ll all become clear maaaaaaan
  10. Cold cuts on Xmas eve, lurrrvly
  11. Nope, I’ve not seen any pussy hair since the 70’s
  12. Which is why he got the ‘bums rush’ straight into the lounge with the door shut firmly behind him. Mind you, these days, when did you see any pussy hair?
  13. I like the thought of this kind of back to basics adventury bike, just needs a bit more vavavoom ( like 2X )
  14. Thought BBC4 was giving us an early Xmas present Sadly not, just some geriatric cook
  15. The EU of course, why change that well worn record?
  16. Be prepared for decades of “I told you so”
  17. When’s my turn? I’ll make sure I’m out
  18. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, I don’t very often send a card to a Twat. But seeing it is Christmas & greetings are due, I thought I’d make an exception for you ( all ) Have a good one folks, I hope Santa brings you what you deserve
  19. Smudge helping me peel a mountain of sprouts - just before he got the ‘bums rush’ Me & Mrs Mickly had the usual discussion on cross cutting the stalks of the sprouts - it’s a no no for me as I like them to have a little crunch where as the Mrs would start boiling them at the end of October !! If I’d known this 28 years ago it could have been a deal breaker
  20. Nice yorkies. Mrs Mickly has cunningly organised the prezzie drop off to the Grandkids for 16:00, I’m sure it’s to stop me having a slurp as I do the food prep for tomorrow... we’re having leg of lamb with garlic & rosemary roasted on a trivet of root veg & onion.
  21. This is my favourite phrase of 2020 ‘Clusterf*ck Of Sh*thousery’
  22. Good news is that the days will now be getting longer, rather than just seeming that way !!
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