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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. I'm with you on that. The endless reporting about the minutae of American politics is wearing. Ditto all the culture wars etc. Sure we might want to know the broad outline but we don't need all the detail. Try finding much in the way of foreign news in an American newspaper- maybe 2 pages out of 50 plus.
  2. When I bought my XL the fellow in the shop told me they expected the 4K to be discontinued and for them to push the XL. Given its cheaper, waterproof to a degree and has a 9 hour battery life its a definite improvement. The mic is still absolutely dire though.
  3. A helmet mountable camera which could be really good but isn't. I had a Ghost 4K which was good until it got caught in heavy prolonged rain whereupon it died never to recover. Tried a Gopro but the battery life was pisspoor. Then got a Ghost XL which is waterproof and although not 4K is a good enough resolution (1080). It's battery also lasts about 9 hours. So far seems good.
  4. Yeah, dawn flighting and shooting at silhouettes is a bit hit and miss (no pun intended!). Shoot the wrong kind of goose or worse a swan and you're in very deep, very hot water.
  5. As I don't have a garage I don't have a charger. My bike has been left outside under cover for 4 months and started at the first time of asking.
  6. Used to watch them when I worked for a Kuwaiti outfit as we got some satellite TV in the Gulf. They had a decent sports coverage and their news was no more biased than anyone else's.
  7. Canadas taste like shite and are generally tough as old boot. I actually like the sounds of geese flying overhead, I find it very evocative. When I was a child I used to live under one of their migratory flight paths and used to hear them often in the evenings.
  8. Similar article was in the Telegraph. When the technology catches up with the concept EV's will take off. If you can get 2-300 mile range and a re-charge of 10 minutes or so the whole idea becomes a lot more attractive. To my mind the biggest stumbling block will be infrastructure and the electricity supply available. Think a bank holiday weekend and all those cars trying to recharge on M-way services. Still a way to go I think.
  9. No, it's mandated under the IMO a bit like pilots flying hours. We're supposed to get a minimum 6 hours rest in any 24 but depending on what's going on not always. If we don't we are supposed to get compensatory rest later. More dodgy operators try and fudge it but if they get caught out the ship can be fined or even detained.
  10. 3 to 4 months on followed by 3 to 4 months off. Actual working hours when away vary from 4 to 24 although it is mandatory we get 77 hours rest a week.
  11. Yep, me too on that one. And as for Chubby Brown a less funny "comedian" would be hard to find. Never really did see the point of him.
  12. I actually like Billy Connolly. Saw him live once in dubai of all places. Really good laugh. That's when he really was the Big Yin.
  13. See my grandchildren properly. Go out somewhere / anywhere on a whim. Eat out with family and friends. Tell any jobsworth who asks me what I'm doing to f**k off and die. Not bitter or anything......
  14. Assuming the body is buried 6ft deep I'd be unlikely to disturb it. Don't fancy the actual house tbh.
  15. Don't think I fancy trying to barter a few barrels of crude oil for my day to day living. There's a really good reason we moved away from a bartering economy. Beyond basics it simply doesn't work.
  16. These things bear as much resemblance to a normal sail boat as an Astra does to an F1 car. Awesome though.
  17. Yes, but it's a pain in the arse. It shouldn't be that way.
  18. Last windows 10 update I did killed off my nvidea graphic card. Got it back by retrieving drivers etc. but it pisses me off when windows updates kill things. The Apple was better for that but not much use for gaming which is my main use for it when I'm at sea. Also proving useful when under house arrest.
  19. So rant coming: yesterday went for a good long walk with my wife up on the Cotswold Way. Nice weather good views over the Severn Valley etc. Lots of folk walking dogs which is fine but WTF is it with people bagging their dog's shite and then chucking it unto a bush? I think that's even worse than leaving it lying especially if it's clear of the path; they're adding plastic pollution to their crap. Really yanks my chain.
  20. Somehow missed this bit of bad news. Hope Mrs. Six pulls through and you don't catch it at all. Best of luck.
  21. Oh yes, I've been accused of indulging my second childhood. Frankly I couldn't care less. I enjoy my bike even some of the more masochistic aspects of it. As to tantrums well the last one I can remember was after I accidentally threw a brand new rod and reel into the North Sea. My mate thought it was hilarious and I was sorely tempted to throw him in too.
  22. The large floral trousers give a rather vivid mental impression.
  23. I looked for one in the Stroud area a couple of years ago. The council used to rent them out then sold them. Now if you can find one it's up to £20000 and if less than that in an area where you may as well have a "please steal me" sign on it.
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