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Nob of the Day.......


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NOTD goes to one of my neighbours, who has stuck stupid little passive aggressive notes to the covers of all my bikes insisting that the parking spot in our block's private car park that I've been using every single day for the past year is in fact his parking space, and I should either move my bikes or start paying him £95 a month for the luxury of using it! :evil:

I've emailed the knobjockey about it (and stayed polite, because unlike some I know better than to shit on my own doorstep) and of course he isn't replying. If my bikes have been so much as touched while I'm at work there will be hell to pay...

And it has taken him 12 months to notice :roll:

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My NoTD (those who have me on FB will have seen already)

Riding home from my girlfriends on saturday about 9pm. Decide, it's a nice evening, warm, slight sun in the sky still. I'll cut through town and go out the longer route home. Forgetting its a nice evening, warm, slight sun in the sky still... and people have just been paid. Town full of usual drunk planks. Colchester is a classy place imo.

Anyway as i'm riding up a slight hill the lights are green and likely going to end. However i'm going 20-25, i can make this. get to the lights still green all is well. Except for the stupid girl who decided to just walk out at the top without looking. Managed to stop with not much grace or space left.. The girl? carries on walking. No apologies. No shocked look. Nothing. Rev my engine a little and call her some choice names, before riding off. less than 2 minutes later some as*hole drives past me on a small road at easily 60. nearly clipping me in the process..

My nights ride? ruined. Get home, ranted to everyone about it, grumble grumble grumble.

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My NoTD (those who have me on FB will have seen already)

Except for the stupid girl who decided to just walk out at the top without looking. Managed to stop with not much grace or space left.. The girl? carries on walking. .


Need to bleed the front brakes Glorian to stop quicker. Ooppps :wink:

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NOTD goes to one of my neighbours, who has stuck stupid little passive aggressive notes to the covers of all my bikes insisting that the parking spot in our block's private car park that I've been using every single day for the past year is in fact his parking space, and I should either move my bikes or start paying him £95 a month for the luxury of using it! :evil:

I've emailed the knobjockey about it (and stayed polite, because unlike some I know better than to shit on my own doorstep) and of course he isn't replying. If my bikes have been so much as touched while I'm at work there will be hell to pay...

And it has taken him 12 months to notice :roll:

Yeah, funny that... I'm guessing one of three things:

1. New neighbour who is a bit of a dick

2. Existing neighbour who assumed they could make some money by throwing their weight around

3. Someone who doesn't even live in the area who is trying their luck

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My NoTD (those who have me on FB will have seen already)

Except for the stupid girl who decided to just walk out at the top without looking. Managed to stop with not much grace or space left.. The girl? carries on walking. .


Need to bleed the front brakes Glorian to stop quicker. Ooppps :wink:



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The woman today who thought me being in the middle of the inside lane on my old bike meant she could pull alongside me as we entered a filter down to my lane section. She then drifted across trying to force me either back or into the gutter. When I didn't move but looked at her and mouthed wtf are you doing she then pulled in behind me tooting her horn. I did try to ask her ( at the traffic lights) where she expected me to go so she could occupy the space I was in but she was having none of it. f**king dozy bullying cow.

Sent from my E5603 using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

NOTD goes to the geriatric old cock who deliberately pulled out into the outside lane of an empty national speed limit dual carriageway to block me and make me ride at 50mph. I know he was blocking me because when we pulled up at the lights in the next village, I asked him what his f**king problem was he said, "You bikers, you all ride too fast, I'm teaching you a lesson", to which I replied, "If you do that again, I'll teach you a f**king lesson!" (I often ride with camera - I didn't have it that day. That would have been an excellent "lesson" - give the footage to the police!). Damn, what a w**ker. :evil:

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Comment from Sue as she was following me in the car going to the Rally "It's amazing how many cars just either don't see you or ignore you and just pull out anyway".

It's not really 'amazing' - just the ignorant twohats that have somehow managed to pass their driving test and promptly forgot all they ever learned about actually looking to see if the road is clear BEFORE carrying out any manoeuvre!


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:stupid: totallt this!

I was coming round a mini roundabout today - turning right. I was on the roundabout.

An idiot in a Ka was straight ahead turning left, started to go saw me and stopped.... then decided to just pull out in front of me anyway. She got some angry revving and I got a semi apologetic wave. Stupid cow.

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Since we are covering ignorant Twats in cars. Thank heavens I guessed what was coming and had eased of a touch in landrover, seeing an on coming pushbike and car on brow of previous hill... Get to top of middle hill twat in car is coming head on on wrong side of road over taking pushbike.

Anchors on hard in landy, hand on horn daughter flung hard on seat belt. Any loose stuff sliding forward and twat in car coming the other way sticks finger up and gives me w**ker signals.

Pushbike rides on oblivious to it all, a typical day on the roads now days...

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My nob of the day goes to van driver who starts waving his arms around at me for filtering. At a junction my light is green going straight ahead but at stand still, his is red and coming from left (B and Q exit to be precise) and he thinks it's ok to go through red light and cut across both lanes to squeeze into right land lane, at which point nearly taking me out. Oh and blames me.

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Technically this is the Nob of yesterday. Fliting though stationary traffic on the Edinburgh bypass, white fiesta van tries to block me, then I notice he is in a Scottish ambulance service vehicle. Lucky the guy in the outside lane moved over to let me though or I would have had his badge number but quick.

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Technically this is the Nob of yesterday. Fliting though stationary traffic on the Edinburgh bypass, white fiesta van tries to block me, then I notice he is in a Scottish ambulance service vehicle. Lucky the guy in the outside lane moved over to let me though or I would have had his badge number but quick.

Filtered down the bypass myself yesterday bout 6pm. Very wet so trying to avoid the cats eyes. Majority of people aware of me and kindly moving over. So many oblivious and texting / drifting into the centre line.

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Technically this is the Nob of yesterday. Fliting though stationary traffic on the Edinburgh bypass, white fiesta van tries to block me, then I notice he is in a Scottish ambulance service vehicle. Lucky the guy in the outside lane moved over to let me though or I would have had his badge number but quick.

Filtered down the bypass myself yesterday bout 6pm. Very wet so trying to avoid the cats eyes. Majority of people aware of me and kindly moving over. So many oblivious and texting / drifting into the centre line.


Yeah hate riding on the bypass. Why does every tom dick and harry sit in the outside lane doing 50ish, 55 if your lucky, then never move over even in light traffic?

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NOTD: Summer holiday drivers on the South Coast. E.g. dozy fuckfaces in camper vans who live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and aren't used to driving their stupid tents-on-wheels in densely populated areas. Also, those knob heads who suddenly turn into rally drivers the moment a bit of sun comes out, all because they've got alloys and lowered suspension.

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Technically this is the Nob of yesterday. Fliting though stationary traffic on the Edinburgh bypass, white fiesta van tries to block me, then I notice he is in a Scottish ambulance service vehicle. Lucky the guy in the outside lane moved over to let me though or I would have had his badge number but quick.

Filtered down the bypass myself yesterday bout 6pm. Very wet so trying to avoid the cats eyes. Majority of people aware of me and kindly moving over. So many oblivious and texting / drifting into the centre line.


Yeah hate riding on the bypass. Why does every tom dick and harry sit in the outside lane doing 50ish, 55 if your lucky, then never move over even in light traffic?


Pretty standard behaviour on our roads I'm afraid, if they're really taking the piss I'll just move over to the inside lane and go past them. As we've had many discussions about it before on here it's not illegal to "undertake".

What also pisses me off is when you're joining a motorway/dual carriage way and the car in front does 40mph on the slip road!!

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mine goes to the guy driving on the bypass yesterday in front of me who upon seeing blue lights from a police car heading towards him on the OTHER side of the carriageway decides to slam on his brakes nearly causing a multi car pile up :shock:

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mine goes to the guy driving on the bypass yesterday in front of me who upon seeing blue lights from a police car heading towards him on the OTHER side of the carriageway decides to slam on his brakes nearly causing a multi car pile up :shock:

[emoji33] [emoji34] [emoji21]

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mine goes to the guy driving on the bypass yesterday in front of me who upon seeing blue lights from a police car heading towards him on the OTHER side of the carriageway decides to slam on his brakes nearly causing a multi car pile up :shock:


Proper Nob

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Filtered down the bypass myself yesterday bout 6pm. Very wet so trying to avoid the cats eyes. Majority of people aware of me and kindly moving over. So many oblivious and texting / drifting into the centre line.


Yeah hate riding on the bypass. Why does every tom dick and harry sit in the outside lane doing 50ish, 55 if your lucky, then never move over even in light traffic?


Pretty standard behaviour on our roads I'm afraid, if they're really taking the piss I'll just move over to the inside lane and go past them. As we've had many discussions about it before on here it's not illegal to "undertake".

What also pisses me off is when you're joining a motorway/dual carriage way and the car in front does 40mph on the slip road!!


I do either with a blast of the horn or slip the clutch and red line it

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On the bike, they get 10seconds to move over, else I take them on the inside. Justification being that they are clearly crap unobservant, inconsiderate drivers and being exposed on a bike i want to get as much distance from them as possible.

In the car I wait a bit longer as it's slower to pass them in a car so the chances if being side swiped is higher.

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I just go past on the inside asap. I don't gesticulate/beep/etc, just get past as quick as possible! Usually they don't even notice and just stay in the outside lane even then. I used to wonder how the hell anyone could be quite that unobservant. I attributed it to sheer stupidity and/or bloody mindedness, which is true in some cases, although mostly I think it's just that some people have a breathtaking lack of spatial awareness. I learnt this when I got a lift from one of my friends who has a degree in classics, can fluently read, write and speak Latin and classical Greek, yet fails to assemble ikea furniture. His driving is astonishingly bad and he doesn't even realise it. He took his test 5 times and only just passed. He drives a Citroën C1 and he can't afford the insurance on anything bigger because he has had so many crashes and all of them his fault. He had to switch insurance companies because the one he was with refused to insure him any more!

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I just go past on the inside asap. I don't gesticulate/beep/etc, just get past as quick as possible! Usually they don't even notice and just stay in the outside lane even then. I used to wonder how the hell anyone could be quite that unobservant. I attributed it to sheer stupidity and/or bloody mindedness, which is true in some cases, although mostly I think it's just that some people have a breathtaking lack of spatial awareness. I learnt this when I got a lift from one of my friends who has a degree in classics, can fluently read, write and speak Latin and classical Greek, yet fails to assemble ikea furniture. His driving is astonishingly bad and he doesn't even realise it. He took his test 5 times and only just passed. He drives a Citroën C1 and he can't afford the insurance on anything bigger because he has had so many crashes and all of them his fault. He had to switch insurance companies because the one he was with refused to insure him any more!

That's why people should have to retake their test if they have more than a couple of accidents in a reasonable timeframe. It would hopefully weed out these people and get them off the roads

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Not a bad idea there actually! Had never thought about forcing a retest.. Even if it's not a full test, more of an observed drive.

I have a friend who Swears that middle lane driving is just plain safer. We have had many debates.

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