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Nob of the Day.......


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The Complete Tool in His Big Merc that decided to turn right at a stationary junction on my left hand side knowing I was indicating right

I didnt Rev, I didnt use the horn,

I just pulled in front of him mid junction (ALL traffic stopped) and gave him an Ice Cold Stare for about 6 seconds

He then crumbled and started Apologising

Car drivers can be total dicks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jackass in a black 3 series BMW (there's a surprise ) and a maroon Jag, M1 northbound near Watford gap.

Matrix signs were showing lane1 was closed due to an accident so pulled into lane 2.

Lane1 was empty for a good half mile and a few cars decided to carry on in lane 1.

I moved into lane 3 and as we crested a hill the accident came into sight,2 cars and a truck stopped in lane 1.

Suddenly there was a bit of hooting and Beemer had driven in 1 right up to the shunt and was trying to shove in by the Jag in 2.

Jag didn't oblige ,Beemer took offence and carved him up then they were swerving in front of and goading each other for several miles until the Jag backed off.

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My neighbour, nobhead, who decided the best time to start spray painting things in his garden was just after I'd started cooking on the BBQ.

I wouldn't mind but the guy is retired and does nothing with his life.

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Yesterday the two teenage girls about 13/14yrs old riding horses 2 abreast on the A38 at 17.15 The tailback was enormous. I mean jumbernormous. I thought there must have been a serious accident but no they were riding along not looking or caring about the enormous jam they’d caused.

I was quite annoyed so I wound down the window and said, can you not see the massive jam behind you? You’re causing an obstruction on a major road. Read the Highway Code and ride single file.

At this point one of the girls turned into a wailing banshee and really upset the horse who started doing that freaked out sideways walking. I drove on cos my god can you imagine if she lost anymore control what could have happened. Shudder.

Where are the adults who think it’s ok to put a child on a horse and not tell them about basic road skills.

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Lovely day so Walking home (because im fitting fairings)

Coming from a Dual carriageway leading from M1 onto normal roads

One Audi type car and two Sport 1000cc's racing after it at about 90mph (at least) in a 30mph road ......straight through red lights and screeching at the roundabout just past them.....NO REGARD for anyone at all.....they were so fast I couldnt tell what bikes they were apart from sport 1 liter bikes

Either Sunny day warriors racing each other and a car (I Hate those guys, there NOT bikers)

Complete ***** Racing Or the car was fleeing from a Kicking

Either way If I were a Copper and caught them I would expect them all to get a 5+ year ban each

Was looking to see if a cop heli was above but wasnt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stupid Bitch in her car on the phone taking corners wide and all over the place

Im usually a calm biker but I lost it and screamed at her whilst revving my engine and using the horn, even did something I dont agree with and gave her the middle finger :cry:

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What’s wrong with the middle finger?


Its just not me, Im the Quiet One ....I believe people that shout and act like that are cowards and dickheads

There are 2 riders in my town that think they are in Sons Of Anarchy on their HD's with their WW2 German helmets (true I swear) ...they just look like Bully Idiots as they do it to EveryOne!

Not sure but may even be illegal?

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I nominate the driver of the unmarked police car who went across a x roads without stopping or slowing, lights flashing in grille and rear window, that I only saw when it was right in front of me.

I know the junction well and always slow down as although I have right of way drivers creep out trying to get a better view, if I hadn’t slowed they’d of broad sided me, mised by about 30 feet which ain’t much at 50 mph.

On the way home I followed the road they had come out of, it’s narrow with high hedges either side, there is no way they could of known it was clear - it took me an hour to stop shaking.

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What’s wrong with the middle finger?


Its just not me, Im the Quiet One ....I believe people that shout and act like that are cowards and dickheads

There are 2 riders in my town that think they are in Sons Of Anarchy on their HD's with their WW2 German helmets (true I swear) ...they just look like Bully Idiots as they do it to EveryOne!

Not sure but may even be illegal?


Well only a big illegal, it’s down to interpretation. ‘Violation of public order’ could be used on its own but generally they will find something else to prosecute you with. I’m sure some other folk on here will be some the wiser than myself.

I’m no coward and I think mostly not too much of a dickhead but sometimes salutes are the only way to communicate displeasure.

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I nominate the driver of the unmarked police car who went across a x roads without stopping or slowing, lights flashing in grille and rear window, that I only saw when it was right in front of me.

I know the junction well and always slow down as although I have right of way drivers creep out trying to get a better view, if I hadn’t slowed they’d of broad sided me, mised by about 30 feet which ain’t much at 50 mph.

On the way home I followed the road they had come out of, it’s narrow with high hedges either side, there is no way they could of known it was clear - it took me an hour to stop shaking.


Crikey. That’s a bit much.

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I have three nominations for nob of the day yesterday:

Contestant #1: The inattentive Volvo driver that turned right halfway across my lane, while I'm on a long right hander, forcing me to slam on and swerve into a junction on the LHS to avoid him - didn't f@+king notice me and kept laughing with his passenger as they passed behind me.

Contestant #2: Would be the woman walking her dog at rush hour...I'm riding along in a bus lane (n/s) with two lanes of nose>tail traffic to my right, I see a ped crossing point up ahead so I'm gently easing off in case the lights change, next thing I know she just appears skipping out from between the traffic into the middle of my lane - proceed to slam on again. Barely get an acknowledgement from her.

Contestant #3: Come on down Mr. Uber! Sitting at a junction, to the RHS of my lane with my indicator flashing and waiting for a clear spot. Just as one is about to arrive, I check my mirrors/blind spot and out of nowhere appears a taxi straight up the right hand side of me (in the lane for oncoming traffic turning into the junction!)

F~*k Mondays :up: that is all.

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What’s wrong with the middle finger?


It's an insulting gesture and believe it or not there are people still in existence who believe that is not an acceptable reaction . Behaviour breeds behaviour.

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What’s wrong with the middle finger?


It's an insulting gesture and believe it or not there are people still in existence who believe that is not an acceptable reaction . Behaviour breeds behaviour.


Well yes isn’t polite that’s for sure but when someone’s behaved very poorly in your direction then as a form of communication it’s better than shouting or violence.

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I have three nominations for nob of the day yesterday:



Number 2 has my vote as I hate those suicidal pedestrians. Sadly London is full of them

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The woman outside the dentists who turned into the road fast and on the wrong side of the road causing my other half to break sharply and sat there staring at at us like it was our fault. She eventually pulled left onto her side and when the windows were just about level and her route ahead was clear shouted “Get out of my f*cking way”

Really bugs me when a road user totally messes up and because of your action there’s no accident and then they get shirty with you. The ones who shake there heads at you after they’ve carved you up are my pet hate! I hope there’s a special place in hell for those people :twisted:

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What’s wrong with the middle finger?


It's an insulting gesture and believe it or not there are people still in existence who believe that is not an acceptable reaction . Behaviour breeds behaviour.


Well yes isn’t polite that’s for sure but when someone’s behaved very poorly in your direction then as a form of communication it’s better than shouting or violence.

Why do you suddenly want to communicate with some random shit driver that you have never met ? There is nothing to be achieved here . Just ride on .

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It's an insulting gesture and believe it or not there are people still in existence who believe that is not an acceptable reaction . Behaviour breeds behaviour.


Well yes isn’t polite that’s for sure but when someone’s behaved very poorly in your direction then as a form of communication it’s better than shouting or violence.

Why do you suddenly want to communicate with some random shit driver that you have never met ? There is nothing to be achieved here . Just ride on .


I’m a communicative person :D

I don’t do it at all on my bike because normally the type of person who’d be salute worthy would be the sort I’d be busy avoiding and trying to stay alive! However (and I really can’t remember the last time I did this) sometimes it’s good for stress relief in the same way swearing can let off a little steam. I have to drive through a busy village (Banwell high street is one to avoid!) almost every day that in sections is only wide enough for one car. The car drivers at the top can see if there’s space for them at the bottom but for purely selfish reasons often push forward and gridlock the whole place, sometimes it can take and hour to get through. Mistakes or bad driving doesn’t bother me but when drivers are deliberately selfish it does get on my pip.

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Well yes isn’t polite that’s for sure but when someone’s behaved very poorly in your direction then as a form of communication it’s better than shouting or violence.

Why do you suddenly want to communicate with some random shit driver that you have never met ? There is nothing to be achieved here . Just ride on .


I’m a communicative person :D

I don’t do it at all on my bike because normally the type of person who’d be salute worthy would be the sort I’d be busy avoiding and trying to stay alive! However (and I really can’t remember the last time I did this) sometimes it’s good for stress relief in the same way swearing can let off a little steam. I have to drive through a busy village (Banwell high street is one to avoid!) almost every day that in sections is only wide enough for one car. The car drivers at the top can see if there’s space for them at the bottom but for purely selfish reasons often push forward and gridlock the whole place, sometimes it can take and hour to get through. Mistakes or bad driving doesn’t bother me but when drivers are deliberately selfish it does get on my pip.


Why not stop off and have a Thatchers? :thumb:

(Obviously don't drink and drive :shock: )

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(Obviously don't drink and drive :shock: )


No 'cause if you hit a pothole you are likely to spill it. :wink:

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All the nobs protesting about trump... they are what's wrong with this country .


He is an unlikeable, misogynistic, racist, lying dick head though.

What on earth is there anything to protest about?

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