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Everything posted by Mickly

  1. The wonders don’t care, the wonders don’t give a daaaaaamn.
  2. I’ve heard of this, apparently it happened to an experienced, highly trained and highly ranked police motorcyclist, had to retake his test. The best advice I have heard is that when you have to renew ‘accidentally’ loose your license and if the new one arrives without your motorcycle entitlement, miraculously find it again and use it as proof. You can also check your entitlement on line, so you could challenge before the current one expires.
  3. Surely you should be able to recognise that they are all Fraggles?
  4. I’ve used Suttons Motorcycles in Tamworth, they did the 12K service on my Speedtriple for half the price a main Triumph dealership was quoting.
  5. Went to the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Classic Bike Show today with some mates, a good time was had. There were loads of beautiful bikes, here are some that made my trousers twitch When one turbo is not enough And one for the perverts
  6. If someone was to forcibly remove them & they leave skin attached to the road, what might be the legal consequences? Asking for a ‘Friend’
  7. Unfortunately that’s just the start of it. My Mum (82) also had a fall recently, she tried to tough it out but gave up after 3 days of no sleep, so it was off to her local minor injuries clinic, a 2 hour wait to be seen & then an hour for X-rays and CT scan didn’t seem too bad, but they were concerned about internal bleeding due to her being on Warfarin, so we were sent to A&E … 6 hours before being seen, anyway they gave her the all clear on the bleeding, just a broken finger which they strapped and an appointment at the fracture clinic 3 days later. The appointment was for 11:00 and she wasn’t seen until 14:00, had her finger put in an elasticated support and was also told that A&E had missed her broken rib, which couldn’t be fixed but at least she knows why it’s so bloody painful. So a total of 12 hours waiting. Judging by our experience the NHS does seems woefully understaffed.
  8. You’re a week early, the Beach race is next weekend - I know this coz I is going
  9. The people I really like live in my computer
  10. H’mmm, ‘practical’ is the kindest thing I can say
  11. Mickly


    Sadly I have just read that Chrissy has passed away. RIP ‘The fastest maths teacher’ https://apple.news/A22IjQPMKRReYx792X6Lrmw
  12. Just discovered that my cheap & cheerful not very old lap top doesn’t have the requisite spec to upgrade to Win 11. Also my I-phone 6S Plus is just about to be considered obsolete as the latest IOS will not be made available for it
  13. Mickly


    A great day, however the accident involving Chrissie Rouse in the second race has really saddened me. These things happen in racing & the only way to prevent these incidents is to ban racing entirely, which I can’t advocate. What makes this more of a personal thing is that although I have never met him, I listened avidly to his ( & Dom Herbertsons’) Chasin’ the Racin’ podcast throughout the lock down while sat in my garage & it really helped me escape from the outside world. He seems a genuinely nice guy & I wish him a successful recovery irrespective of the time it takes.
  14. I’ll usually nod, but if I’m in a foul mood or concentrating on making progress or filtering or close to something that needs my attention then no.
  15. Not had the heating on yet … Missus Mickly had the gas fire on in the front room for an hour last night for the 1st time this autumn but confessed that she was getting too warm as she had a cat stretched out on her lap & it got turned off. Need to have a word with the cats and get them to take turns in ensuring their Mummy is kept warm enough to keep the fire off
  16. My case with the Ombudsman is over a year old, despite giving them all the relevant correspondence & details
  17. Mickly


    Stepson works for a BSB sponsor, I’ve asked in the past if he could get any tickets, his response has always been that the Management always gets that stuff & the workshop staff never get a look in …. However he’s just told me he’s been given 2 Premium Paddock passes for this weekend at Donnington & he’s not bothered so he’s giving them to me I am absolutely stoked at the thought - although I can only go on Sunday & it will probably piss down.
  18. It’s only £2:80 return in the train plus admission for me, so I’ll probably be there at some point. If I go with the group of mates who work it will be the last Sunday, If I go with the other group of fellow shirkers and retirees it will be mid week.
  19. Mickly

    New PM

    I saw a homeless guy begging on the street today & felt so sorry for him I pushed a bundle of £20 notes through the door of a hedge fund manager I know, it’ll surely trickle down to the homeless guy soon. Happy that I’ve done my bit for the disadvantaged.
  20. Mickly

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday Chippy tea as a treat?
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