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Everything posted by Mickly

  1. Mickly


    Stepson works for a BSB sponsor, I’ve asked in the past if he could get any tickets, his response has always been that the Management always gets that stuff & the workshop staff never get a look in …. However he’s just told me he’s been given 2 Premium Paddock passes for this weekend at Donnington & he’s not bothered so he’s giving them to me I am absolutely stoked at the thought - although I can only go on Sunday & it will probably piss down.
  2. It’s only £2:80 return in the train plus admission for me, so I’ll probably be there at some point. If I go with the group of mates who work it will be the last Sunday, If I go with the other group of fellow shirkers and retirees it will be mid week.
  3. Mickly

    New PM

    I saw a homeless guy begging on the street today & felt so sorry for him I pushed a bundle of £20 notes through the door of a hedge fund manager I know, it’ll surely trickle down to the homeless guy soon. Happy that I’ve done my bit for the disadvantaged.
  4. Mickly

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday Chippy tea as a treat?
  5. Happy birthday @fastbob, hope you have a good’un.
  6. I discovered this place via a Freddie Dobbs You tube video. visited it today ( unfortunately not on the bike ) If you’re ever in the South West within striking distance of Newquay it’s worth a visit (IMO). Quality gear & nice coffee / cake they also sell cans of craft ale. A very nice environment for a break from riding or as in my case from the Missus. Possible 2023 Tag eh? @Hoggs
  7. Was that once it had lost all of its oil
  8. Mickly

    New PM

    What about them? Your point is? Certainly can’t be about me as I am only slightly left of centre … also a description of how I dress
  9. A bent gearbox final drive shaft?
  10. Mickly

    New PM

    Please enlighten us on your explanation of what ‘ the British’ means …. & here’s a clue … ‘British means British’ is not an acceptable answer … unless you want to be a nominee on the ‘Nob of the day’ thread. I already assume that ‘Woke’ is a description of anyone who doesn’t share your ultra right wing views.
  11. That’s a tough one & unless someone has been through the same experience with the same mind set I’m not sure anyone other than a professional shrink can give a view, but seeing that he seems unwilling to accept that kind of help, here’s a couple of things that might get him back to enjoying his riding.. If you are willing, maybe suggest that you’d love to go a ride out as pillion for a pub lunch or something, nothing too far but some nice country lanes & a river side venue? Secondly organise a ride out with some mates or find a local group he could join? He might not be wanting to commute due to a fear of having the bike stolen again … so maybe a bit of leisure riding will get him back in the mood? …. I am not a mental health professional so I take. I responsibility if the above is a load of bollox.
  12. Was going away, but Stepdaughter moved house yesterday & although I woke up absolutely fcuk’d this morning from helping I am now re-assembling furniture as her fella has had to go to work …. A bit too convenient I think & she can’t find the coffee !!!
  13. @fastbob @Ian Frog @billy sugger It’s been postponed
  14. So R&RP have done the running in process on their Dyno … No water or oil leaks No slipping clutch No smoke out of the exhaust No untoward noises Clip on handlebar wasn’t tight enough & moved when the guy was pushing it onto the dyno causing him to believe it was falling over & put his under crackers in jeopardy Initial view is that the fuelling needs much fettling £ £ Proper Dyno calibration will be over the next week
  15. A good innings with a swift end, I wish the same for everyone… with a few exceptions
  16. Has anyone any advice on what might be an appropriate electric Moto X style bike for a 10yo to muck about on? I’ve looked at the lines of Kuberg / Oset but waaaay to expensive. N01 son wishes to get one for N01 grandson at Xmas. Electric, so it won’t piss off the neighbours. Thanks
  17. I wouldn’t have bothered, forecast says it’s gonna piss down
  18. The stainless pipes on the Speedtriple do discolour over time & as @S-Westerly says it takes a lot of Autosol & elbow grease to bring them back - apparently oven cleaner can be painted on left a while & then rinsed off to bring them back, anybody wanna give it a go?
  19. Not yet, but I’ve heard good things Some people go on to there after a Wednesday morning at Hoar Oark.
  20. If I hadn’t got a free ticket I wouldn’t have bothered. Wasn’t overly impressed. You have to pre-book a 3 hour slot & pay on certain days it’s £5 for a bike & you get £2:50 off food or drink (£10 for a car).
  21. Bollox, we’re going away next weekend
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