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Nob of the Day.......


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NOTD goes to the HGV driver on the dual carriage going past park Penllergaer heading toward Fforestfach who without even looking and nor indicating started shifting into the right lane when I'm near the front end of the trailer, quick check of the mirrors and a quick life saver, cannot slow down and drop back because there is scaffold wagon more or less directly behind. Short blast of the horn (twice) the driver looks in the mirror and shifts back into the left lane.

Second NOTD goes to the female driver of an Astra who wasn't looking right at the roundabout in Cwmbwrla wasn't slowing down and nor stopping, drove straight on cutting across the lane forcing other traffic to slam on their brakes.

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That is a word without vowels!!

(I know it isn't really)


Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.

What we gain by conquest, we secure by clemency.


Not quite ...

Igitur = "that" or "this" (or a number of other things).

qui = "who, that, what or which". In this case "which".

desiderat = Third person singular present tense of verb "desiderare" = "to desire"

pacem = Accusative case of 3rd declension noun "pax" = "peace".

praeparet = Third person singular present tense of verb "praeparare" = "to prepare".

bellum = Nominative, Accusative or Vocative case or 2nd declension neuter noun "bellum" = "war". Here, accusative (I think - makes the most sense).

(I'll get me coat ...)

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I think the best Monty Python sketch ever was the Mr Creosote scene from the Meaning of Life.

To this day, our household still uses phrases such as "It is only waffur theen", "F*ck off I'm full" and "I want all of it. All mixed up in a bucket" (not a quote so much as a paraphrase). In a facetious moment, I once tried the last one on a waitress in a restaurant. Being far too young to know what I was talking about, she just blinked at me and looked a little unsettled! :mrgreen:

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Not exactly NOTD but ...

Was riding down A5 this morning and was near where it crosses A40. There is an Esso petrol station on the right and in front of me was a petrol tanker signaling right but moving to the left. All looked like in the highway code (lorry signaling one way but moving to the other side of the road) so I kept back to give it room to make the turn. Behind me someone on a white motorbike was very impatient and revved the engine, sounded the horn and then in a very dramatic way leaped forward and crossed the tanker's path with very little room to spare, less than 1m between the bike and the tanker.

Obviously, there was a huge amount of traffic in front and once I got moving again, in less than a minute I caught up with the impatient biker, who was waiting behind a bus.

So why not let the tanker turn and then nicely carry on? Why some people are so impatient and just don't see there's nowhere to go? I know lorry drivers aren't the most friendly towards bikers, but if your road ahead is blocked why not let it make the turn?

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To be fair to lorry drivers, I find them more considerate than the average commuter. When the A14 snags up, a lot of the lorries will make a token effort to make space for a bike to fit through (which I always try to wave thanks for), unlike those blasted Audis and BMWs which deliberately move in the way.

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Not exactly NOTD, but whoever designed my bike so that the exhaust is in the way of the rear axle bolt is on my shit list. Need to adjust the chain, but can't because the socket won't fit with exhaust in the way. Only have spanners up to 17mm, which isn't large enough.

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The learner driver, or should I say instructor of a learner car (8pm and driving alone), who swerved out from the right hand lane almost straight into me sideways when he decided he actually needed to go left. Thank christ this bike has way more punch to get outta hairy situations like that than the last! Proper shat me up (not for long, rest of the ride was lurvely).

Also, loving the Latin lessons and such :lol: Xmisteris, how the fudge do you know all of that?! :mrgreen:

Edit: just had to double check that was in fact latin...I imagined someone telling me I was a moron and it was in fact Portugese :lol:

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After dropping off my daughter at nursery this morning I was driving back through a built up area with one lane each direction. In the opposite lane there was Range Rover stopped with the hazard warning lights flashing. I could see a vehicle behind it, but (stupidly) assumed that if I could see it then it could see me. However, the driver decided to accelerate pulling into my path and overtaking the stopped Range Rover. This effectively created a game of chicken and I stopped just so that the oncoming A4 couldn't finish the overtake and without hitting me.

Somehow I kept my cool and got out to speak to the driver who was certainly not calm. Although not word for word the conversation was something like this: -

Driver "Why didn't you stop, so I could pass?"

Me "Because I didn't see you until you sped out from behind that parked car. I had to slam on the brakes to stop where I did and besides you should have seen me coming and it's my right of way"

Driver "No it's not! I was there first so you should let me past"

Me "I think if you were to ask the police.."

Driver (interrupting me) "No don't you threaten me with the police and be sides my mother is sick and" she was pointing at the passenger in her car.

Me (interrupting back) "Your mother. Did she tell you to drive dangerously?"

It was roughly at this point the Range Rover drove off. Presumably the car had miraculously fixed itself! :roll:

Both the A4 driver and I made some remarks about people parking in unsuitable places and I used this as an excuse to get back in the car and leave.

So there are two NotD. The Range Rover parked in the road without pulling in and the A4 driver who couldn't wait 3 seconds for the oncoming traffic to pass before overtaking.

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x2 for me today...

Firstly the kiddiwink on his scootypuff who was spraying tyre shine on his wheels to make them nice and slippy. When I politely informed him of his error he bacame very aggressive and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. I honestly feel he would have had a pop if he wasn't 6" shorter than me and had a bit more meat on him than a KFC wing.

Secondly, the ultra retarded tagnut who opened their car door on to mine and took a chunk of paint off of my new car. RAAAA, I WILL DESTROY YOU*

*If I ever find out who you are which I probably won't so you're pretty much in the clear.

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The idiot tailgating me as i went round a roundabout in the dark/rain/fog at 20 because ONE i'm still a new rider, TWO any faster is pretty dangerous for anyone THREE, you got nowhere faster so good jaaaaaaaaaaab

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the guy with his nose pressed up against the windscreen of his cage. he was in the wrong lane, (furthest right to go onto the m1 south/back around the round about). instead of going round the roundabout, he cut in front of me (who was in free flowing traffic) then barged his way across to another lane where he proceeded down a 50mph limit road at 25. You are a menace and you will kill someone.

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The nob in the red Range Rover who honked his horn and yelled abuse at the Fiesta driver who was slow at reversing out of his space. He was very surprised when I started yelling at him! Some people are not very good at maneuvers, but it seems some people aren't very tolerant.

A couple of guys who were watching in their van came over afterwards to say it was hilarious watching the Range Rover driver's face when I got abusive at him rather than back him up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The coffin dodgers going at 25 on the nice long straight national speed limit road on my way home, who accelerated when I tried to pass (just enough that I couldn't get in front before the oncoming van was too close for comfort), and the dropped back down to 25 and proceeded to swerve out in front of me on every attempt at overtaking thereafter.

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The prat in the black Mondeo on the A10 who kept moving to overtake me despite the oncoming traffic, insane wind, horizontal rain, and the fact that we were both already going a little faster than we perhaps should have been :roll:


Daily occurance mate :( You can't win with some of these ar*eholes.

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The award goes to the lorry driver who wanted to sit on my pillion seat obviously all the way to work, even when I sped up slightly to make a gap he closed it, absoloute vanker


Don't speed up to create a gap mate. Slow down to create more time for you and the ar*ehole to react!

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