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Moving to London very anxious about my bikes


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Motorbike theft in London is crazy high. I have 2 motorbikes, they are both expensive and I'm worried about them being stolen overnight. I will be renting a place so ground anchors are out the question. They are too big to fit through the door. I have Almax chains however but I'm still very anxious and fearful. Anyone has any tips for me to keep them safe. Cheers 

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Welcome to the forum :cheers:

Is renting a lockup somewhere local an option? 

Otherwise keep them covered and chained to something. It takes seconds for a couple of people to lift a bike into a van.

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I would definitely try renting a lock up.  My brother lives in Middlesex, when I visit him he always reminds me to bring at least two locks for the bike, and that's even with leaving it in his garage!  I wouldn't be happy leaving my bike in many places down that neck of the woods .... Good quality locks, preferably chained to an immovable object.  I wouldn't bother with an alarm but maybe consider a tracker?

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11 minutes ago, Tiggie said:

Welcome to the forum :cheers:

Is renting a lockup somewhere local an option? 

Otherwise keep them covered and chained to something. It takes seconds for a couple of people to lift a bike into a van.

I get wary of lock ups they can easily be broken into and I'd be too far away to hear it 

Thanks for the welcome 🍻

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4 minutes ago, manxie49 said:

I would definitely try renting a lock up.  My brother lives in Middlesex, when I visit him he always reminds me to bring at least two locks for the bike, and that's even with leaving it in his garage!  I wouldn't be happy leaving my bike in many places down that neck of the woods .... Good quality locks, preferably chained to an immovable object.  I wouldn't bother with an alarm but maybe consider a tracker?

Not a fan of lock ups they are easily broken into and I'd be too far away to hear it. I posted a screenshot below of the lock up in the area they are pretty much a crap garage with a crap padlock that can be angle grinded off.

I  currently got the best chain on the market pretty much (Almax) I guess I have to be wise when picking where to live and chain it to something near my bedroom window like a lamp post or something.


But yeah nice one I need to get myself some gas tank trackers.

Screenshot_20201204-183842_Samsung Internet.jpg

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Not meaning to put a downer on an already difficult situation but would you consider getting rid of one bike so you aren`t leaving one behind every time you are out ?

I understand that`s not what you want to hear but it might be worth saving the money rather than having the heartache of negotiating a settlement from an insurance company because some oxygen thief made off with a bike while you were at work on the other one.

Cheers and very much good luck.


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3 minutes ago, rightstuff said:

get a shitter for a few quid then a few hundred quid out of pocket not a problem but not all of us Londoners are ar*eholes most are normal hard working I would be more concerned living up north them places look shit  

There is a reason why insurance in London is ridiculous.

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Tbh I wouldn't be happy parking a bike up in the same place each night without it being chained to something very solid.

But what about

  • an alarmed disc lock. Might be useful if you can park near enough to be woken up.
  • a decent tracker, like biketrak or whatever the other one is - the ones where fork out £100 a year in subscriptions. They both claim 95% recovery rates.


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24 minutes ago, WD-40 said:

The answer to this is obvious. You need a third bike:classic_biggrin: Something that no one would bother stealing. (Insert joke here). And park the other two with a friend or family member

That strikes me as the best way to stop things being stolen security, security, security or undesirability (even that is no guarantee :( )

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