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Cats and their tales....


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I'm sure we have a few animal folk on here, following on from bobs bob, the motorbike cat šŸ˜Ā 


We had cats and a dog growing up I'm still more a dog person but all pets as a kid were great.


Our cat was an odd ball, it used to go on holiday with us in our caravan, would always go wandering off in new places, always came back.


Took her away with kittens, tucked up in the toilet comp on the floor, got to Scotland she had re located to the top shelf, blanket kittens and all.


She would go willingly for a walk with us and the dog, but only when she fancied it, she loved climbing trees.


She took on an alsatian, one of the kittens when big enough to start exploring escaped our back yard, I had just picked it up, the local mad dog in our street that had already bitten me twice previously rounded the corner barking like the mental thing it was, I screamed the kitten hissed and mother came straight over the roof, off the wall, jumped on my head, ran down my face and launched into the dogs face.


I looked like an extra from a horror film, which wasn't a new experience for the rents I was a nightmare kid šŸ˜Ā 


Cat in full attack mode is quick and the claws are bloody sharp, cat was fine, dog had one seriously damaged eye.


Interesting creatures.

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I donā€™t like cats .... not at all .... ever ...


Cats love me, whirl around my feet, 1 eyed killer moggies from Cornwall curl up on me .... and purr ... Ā As soon as i walk in to a room with aĀ cat thatĀ ā€œHates Peopleā€ Ā ... ItĀ wanders over to me and starts stroking ME!!!


Itā€™s a cat plot !!!!

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I love cats, but sadly our last one was run over. Technically he was our daughter's cat. She then spotted a rabbit in the RSPCA rescue. He'd been there for ages because no-one could cope with him.


We took him and he's still with us because she got married and we got the rabbit. We've had several rabbits but this one is more like a dog. He's way more intelligent than any other we've had.


He's nearly 11 which is pushing it for a rabbit. He needs a bit of tlc these days but generally he does ok.Ā 


He lives in the kitchen and has free run of the hall and stairs when we're in. Just don't let him near curtains.




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Weā€™ve got 2 kittens, now both 6 months old.

The most inquisitive is this one, Zorro

Itā€™s the door to the cupboard under the stairs, heā€™d climbed up the coats hung on the other side.

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Not mine technically but had 8/9 of these visiting every night before mid December when they went for hibernation And the odd cheeky Robin...


So i try to deter the cats .... immenselyĀ 









Edited by TimR
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A few years ago when my youngest daughter was around 8 she was sat on the sofa with her mum arguing about something or other when her mum raised her voice and shouted at her not to speak like that to her.


That woke tiggie the cat up who launched herself at my wife, wrapped herself around her arm and gave her a few quick nips before legging itĀ šŸ˜†


She was just protecting her little friend!!Ā 

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I used to live in a barn conversion on an old farm.Ā  The next farm down from us had a cat that used to wander up the fields and let himself into peoples houses. He was a big bugger, big enough to scare our 3 cats into hiding and even the dog thought twice haha.Ā  I woke one night to a thud on the landing and sure enough when I checked, the big fat lump had jumped through the window and was standing at the top of the stairs.Ā  I stood at the bottom and will never forget the shock and horror as this cat launched at me hissing and making noises I never knew a cat could make.Ā  It landed on my chest and clawed into my chest and arms holding itself onto me and trying to go for my faceĀ šŸ˜³Ā 

I still cant remember to this day how I got it off and how lucky it was that my foot missed it as it ran awayĀ šŸ˜‚Ā 

Little b*****d!

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