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Noise cameras on the way


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I'm sure we have all heard that noise cameras are being introduced to our roads. A YouTube channel I follow has interviewed the head of the company that manufactures the machines. Interesting video, answers some but not all questions. Thought you lot might want to see too.




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A decent idea for tight urban roads in residential areas. 


I do worry that this tech is just one sad sap away from "we should be driving responsibly at all times" and uses said reason to itch their authoritarian tendencies however...


I can just see it now "The Cat and fiddle may have average speed cameras, but these can be worked around, and we want to dissuade speeding for its entire run for peoples safety. These noise cameras help with that". Which broadly translated is "people are having fun and I don't like it". 

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1 hour ago, bud said:

"Unlikely to be in B roads in the country side." So the first one trailed by the government was near Loomies not in a very populated area. 🤔


One thing I noticed is he doesn't commit to saying they won't be in non built up areas. I understand the reason for them. Some areas have issues with loud noise at night. But I think these will become widespread over time unless EVs become the norm

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Yes it will be like speed cameras. Only originally used in accident black spots, now everywhere.

I can see the need for them too. Some places like the ace cafe have been telling people for years to be sensible. With little change.

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They are trialling them in our town currently they have been trying them in different parts of the West Mids and I believe they will publish some form of review next year. Personally for me no issue, my can is road legal and in the summer we get a lot of noise from cars and bikes with stupid exhausts. I'd imagine if your exhaust system is street legal there should be no issues 

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I’m a bit sceptical that these noise cameras can accurately detect precisely which vehicle is making the noise. … I can see a situation where a boy racer type car is next to a stock saloon … now the operator may assume the boy racer car is creating the noise. But maybe not

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55 minutes ago, Davidtav said:

I’m a bit sceptical that these noise cameras can accurately detect precisely which vehicle is making the noise. … I can see a situation where a boy racer type car is next to a stock saloon … now the operator may assume the boy racer car is creating the noise. But maybe not

I think that's why there is a lot of testing to make sure it doesnt pick the wrong vehicle. A bit like calibration of speeding devices and drink drive equipment there's a lot of testing involved. 

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2 hours ago, Davidtav said:

I’m a bit sceptical that these noise cameras can accurately detect precisely which vehicle is making the noise. … I can see a situation where a boy racer type car is next to a stock saloon … now the operator may assume the boy racer car is creating the noise. But maybe not

The guy in the video seems pretty sure that they can pick out who it is automatically using the system or have it reviewed frame by frame to see who it is. 

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4 minutes ago, daveinlim said:

The guy in the video seems pretty sure that they can pick out who it is automatically using the system or have it reviewed frame by frame to see who it is. 

Yes, but the guy in the video happens to be making a lot of money out of it 😉

Edited by Yorky
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2 hours ago, Davidtav said:

I’m a bit sceptical that these noise cameras can accurately detect precisely which vehicle is making the noise. … I can see a situation where a boy racer type car is next to a stock saloon … now the operator may assume the boy racer car is creating the noise. But maybe not

the example shown has but one microphone ... the next generation have at least three ... there will be arguments in court in and around your assertion .. as similarly there was around speed cameras ... untill the trap becomes enforceable ... which it will .. 

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So it's not a Police matter, but will be down to local councils to decide if action is taken against an offending driver ,  in the form of a fine?  Of course, councils, IMHO, will not be pragmatic, they will fine whoever is caught. Drivers are little more than cash cows to some of these tinpot dictators.  This guy is going to make money out of this technology without doubt, councils will be licking their lips with glee once they can get hold of, and install these.

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It's given me an idea for a prank.


Motion sensor based sounders are already popular with all sorts. Fit one with a magnet, programme it so it comes on after a delay from when it first senses movement, and it get increasingly louder from something you can't hear, to a horrible screech. Attached to the rear of an electric car, and facing away, it will be some time before someone hears it as they tend to have robust sound proofing. 

They can't be fined for it, wasn't their car emitting the noise, and not their device. And if it caught on as a popular prank, the scheme would have to be scrapped... Or they'd come down like a ton of bricks on those caught fitting the devices... Nothing ventured, nothing gained :thumb:

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It’s a bit of an odd one, isn’t it? Couldn’t someone theoretically stand next to one with a megaphone and trick it into giving people tickets? (Haven’t watched the video yet).



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If you don’t take the piss out of the law and try to think it doesn’t apply to you. Then this just like any other measure becomes irrelevant. I took the baffle out of my exhaust for a time then put it back.. not due to fear of the police. But, because I get on really well with my neighbours and don’t want to jeopardise that. (And the row became tedious after a while). 

of course they could take the easy way out and include decibel testing in the mot, like they do in much of Europe. But are most likely going down this route because people take the piss out of the mot and… these sorts of people are just asking to become a source of revenue in fines. 

if you want to break the rules then it just might cost you. Heartbreaking.

Edited by Gerontious
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