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Everything posted by S-Westerly

  1. I think you misunderstood me. My point is why would the government want to or need to control the population in general regardless of covid. What is the benefit to the government? This in response to those who think "they" are out to get us. Personally I don't think that. Yes I do think there has been and still is a degree of flailing around sometimes just to be seen to be doing something. But malice aforethought? No, just incompetence.
  2. Don't think my wallet is big enough.
  3. In my experience - years. Can't be seen to be too enthusiastic to do anything with parents! When I proposed going somewhere exotic and exciting for a holiday I got the same response as if I'd asked them to come to Sainsbury with me. Needless to say they thoroughly enjoyed the holiday and in normal times are planning to take their own kids to the same kind of place.
  4. But what's the point in all that? What does anybody gain? It's just senseless and incomprehensible to me.
  5. Given that it is the government and they are talking about something digital it will probably be a complete and absolute cluster f**k the same as every other digital cleverness they have tried.
  6. Same as Drift's 4k camera that I had and which died in heavy rain. Just seems so stupid.
  7. I get the suspicion as I have a degree of it myself and yes I do have a mobile phone etc. But I still don't understand why the government needs or wants to have this level of control. What's the benefit or the point?
  8. I do wonder if the government having discovered that in general its quite easy to terrify the population into subservience without having to resort to violence are thinking up ways to keep us that way. Can't see what the actual point might be though. I mean WHY?
  9. I certainly was as in those un pc days I was sitting up front between the ambulance crew and with it being dark the blue lights were great. Completely forgot about the pain in my gut.
  10. Almost ditto. Bad pains put down to being a whinging git (8 yo) but passed out on last day of term before Christmas. Blue lights to hospital, appendix immediately removed and released on Christmas Eve. Not my best childhood memory.
  11. Was out today on bike. Tomorrow is wife taking me on another bloody route march but followed by beef and wine assuming I survive.
  12. Don't really know what the fuss is about. I've had to have a yellow fever vaccination certificate since 1977 or else I don't do my job. Its no big deal. If its going to be some kind of ID card by the back door I can sort of see the argument but anyone who has a driver's licence with a photo (which I think is now every driver's licence) more or less has an ID card anyway.
  13. You mean they really are?! It's the end of civilization as we know it.
  14. The bloody Vauxhall Avila (Cirencester ring road) that popped out of an entrance into lane 2 of a dual carriageway at about 5 mph then proceeded to brake for the roundabout from way out. Got to test my emergency braking for the second time in one day.
  15. Don't think it's just Lincolnshire or for that matter even just the UK. Seems fairly universal. Last time I was in the USA we had a lady agent which itself is quite unusual but she was a biker too and she used to whinge like hell about blokes commenting about her riding a bike.
  16. Rode from Stroud to Cosham near Portsmouth to deliver something to my daughter. Went the mainly scenic route and returned another more scenic route. 260 miles in total. Sunny but on the Downs it was only 3 C at one point. Roads were busy and there were shed loads of bikes on the road.
  17. Catering in the wastelands of East Yorks might be dodgy. Can we not at least edge into West Yorks or Derbyshire?
  18. Don't think they ride that fast but you never know. Personally wouldn't fancy riding my bike in my tweed coat. Be a bit chilly too as it only has 2 buttons.
  19. Well I have a beard, short and un-oiled, a tweed coat too but sadly my bike is all wrong. Also I'm fairly sure I'm not distinguished andaccording to my wife I'm not very gentlemanly.
  20. For me it's a personal choice. I prefer to read for relaxation. These days more often than not using ebooks. I find TV boring or irrelevant to me. I wouldn't presume to tell anyone else what to do with their time. Ido get a degree of malicious pleasure in telling the TV licensing people where to go, politely of course.
  21. Well I don't have a TV licence nor a TV I hasten to add. Haven't for over 40 years and don't miss it at all. Occasionally when I find myself in a hotel with TV I'll switch it on and after a bit think I'm wasting my life here and switch it off again.
  22. Might help her build it too. Foul bloody woman.
  23. Unfortunately in Scotland there is also a one party state, even worse than ours. Also I didn't appreciate being called a white settler in my own country by some moonhowler from Glasgow when I was last up visiting the office.
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