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25 minutes ago, dynax said:

Drink and drug related fine, but how do you determine what is dangerous driving and to what degree, and would this also include parents doing the school run.


This is why any new proposal for a law or change in current law is subject to debate in parliament. readings and amendments.

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I am with @dynax & @Bender - drink and drugs are one thing, that's pretty objective. But dangerous driving is something that needs more than the individual view of a police officer. I am not sure the police would want this power, and if they do then maybe that's a good reason not to give it to them. We've seen how some officers have conducted themselves over Covid rules.


My brother in law was a police officer, I say was because he was run down by a drunk driver whilst on duty. He spent years in hospital and is now severly disabled. His life was changed forever, with a huge impact on the family. The drunk driver received the usual paltry sentence. So  whilst I am entirely in favour of beefing up the justice system we need to be very careful what powers the police are given. It is not their role to sentence and I believe we would regret going down that route.

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I consider the police couriers of the law and while I appreciate they do a difficult job I am not in favour on giving them power to be judge n jury.

The behaviour of some when enforcing the lockdown rules is more than enough to convince me even minor powers are abused albeit by a minority but even so it’s not something that should be left in their hands. 

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I’m with @Mississippi Bullfrog on this.

Drink / drug driving is a black or white case supported by proven technology ( unless you can afford a very highly paid Barrister who can get you off on a procedural technicality ).

Dangerous driving is an assessment by the officer and this has shown on many occasion to be open to interpretation, how many of these charges been downgraded to something lesser?

Now, I know the following is coloured by my personal experiences with Police, but imagine the scenario where PC Piglet demands you bow to them, grovel and plead guilty to a lesser offence through fear of being banned for a year & the subsequent issues that might entail !!

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3 hours ago, Bianco2564 said:

I agree it should be looked at but if someone is inclined to drive while under the influence, will not having their licence change their ways?

Police  tried to charge my best mate for not putting the handbrake on fully when parked on a hill, it then set about removing all the drain pipes down his mother's Street, now it could have caused a serious injury and it took over a year to get to court and all of 5mins for it to be dismissed, no further charges were made.

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My son in law who is a cop got stopped by a young pc in Yorkshire who accused him of driving recklessly. At the time he was behind a transit van doing less than 60. He was driving a swanky high end Golf at the time. Showed his warrant card and the guy backed right off. SiL reckons it was pure jealousy and now drives a more humdrum Passat and never been stopped. So giving the police Judge Dredd powers? Not a chance.

Edited by S-Westerly
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To me this post says allot about those that cannot keep there opinions to themselves on a post about a dead biker.


Personally I would trust the police to show more self-control and respect than yourselves...


In the meantime the lorry driver who overtook cyclists on a blind bend (there is cam footage showing exactly what happened) 18 months later having been fired has set himself up in business as driver operator and is doing very well for himself.

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I thought it was a post about a petition. And the responses seem to focus on the merits of that petition.


It would seem there is a consensus that the justice system fails the victims of bad drivers, but the proposed solution is not seen to be appropriate.


I think most people on here have both experienced bad driving and have grieved for family or friends who have suffered as a result. This is something we all take seriously.

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My brothers 8yr old kid was unfortunately killed by what was put forward as a dangerous driver that took over 2 years to get to court and no charges stuck.


It's not the case no one cares about the biker, we could all be in the same position it's simply a case of what do you do with the cases where it's the polices interpretation of what is dangerous driving, you will have some that are clear cut, you will have loads that are not unfortunately.


Drunk,drugs great you blow into a machine, if that's positive off for the big machine at the station.



Unfortunately not all of the police are safe to be trusted with such powers, I've been through the process of being done by a twat incorrecty and he tried to lie his way through it, what did I get, a letter of apology 3points and he got a note made on his record, great, not.


He should have been done for misconduct at least.


It's the sentencing that's a joke, kill someone like that it should start as manslaughter as a min.

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As others have said, this is to bring the matter for debate. It’s unlikely to achieve even the drink and drug issue which most are in agreement with.  At best it might get the issue highlighted, then little more would come of it.


My thought for the dangerous driving would be the police should be able to take licence from anyone if they have sufficient reason. Even if it’s for a mater of hours.

In the case of a death or serious injury say 24-48 hours even if just to give the driver time to reflect.  I would like to think at blame or not i would take that period.

However there should be a period in which they need to supply clear evidence or the licence gets reinstated.  If nothing else the accused will be less likely to delay supplying there evidence.


I know round here of a series of accidents that would of been stopped, yes last I heard they still driving.


Then it seems I have more faith in the police than some on here, the courts are a different story.

Edited by onesea
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Take the suspect to court immediately and have a competent judge to apply the law accordingly.

I share the opinion that police have not enough knowledge of the law to apply it accordingly to the infraction.

Instead, make Advance motoring as minimal mandatory for license holders.


A driving license is a permit for having a weapon and should be treated as such.

Instead of having a license just because somehow you managed to attend 20 lessons and to pass an outdated test, make it a proper learning process and effective testing to guarantee that when you have your license to kill you know what you're doing.


Would you subject yourself to a brain surgery done by the hospital porter? NO! 

You would want to have a good surgeon.

So why give a driving license to someone who have no idea what safe driving is?

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Perhaps there should be a petition to stop manufacturers making excessively powerful vehicles , and all older vehicles fitted with a mandatory limiter, and if it gets removed or is tampered with instant imprisonment.

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1 hour ago, dynax said:

Perhaps there should be a petition to stop manufacturers making excessively powerful vehicles , and all older vehicles fitted with a mandatory limiter, and if it gets removed or is tampered with instant imprisonment.

It's people that need to have the limiter fitted, driving standards are getting worse by the week.

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1 hour ago, dynax said:

Perhaps there should be a petition to stop manufacturers making excessively powerful vehicles , and all older vehicles fitted with a mandatory limiter, and if it gets removed or is tampered with instant imprisonment.

Powerful vehicles don’t kill people, just as guns don’t kill .... Keep your legislation for humans ... anything else is pointless i believe.

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2 hours ago, dynax said:

Perhaps there should be a petition to stop manufacturers making excessively powerful vehicles , and all older vehicles fitted with a mandatory limiter, and if it gets removed or is tampered with instant imprisonment.


Do you want banning? 




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2 hours ago, husoi said:

Early application for TOTY...

@dynax A poor attempt, deliberately inflammatory in full knowledge that it wouldn’t affect your slow as shit Chinese chicken chaser 🤣🤣🤣

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5 hours ago, dynax said:

Perhaps there should be a petition to stop manufacturers making excessively powerful vehicles , and all older vehicles fitted with a mandatory limiter, and if it gets removed or is tampered with instant imprisonment.

Dos Equis Facepalm Gif By Dos Equis Gif

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6 hours ago, dynax said:

Perhaps there should be a petition to stop manufacturers making excessively powerful vehicles , and all older vehicles fitted with a mandatory limiter, and if it gets removed or is tampered with instant imprisonment.

Wot? Surely you jest! But perhaps given the mighty machines you ride perhaps not. GIVE THIS MAN TOTY RIGHT NOW!!!!

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