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Bloody women.


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Roll back about 6 years ago when I was getting ready to make my first foray/return to two wheels, take lessons and the tests, I had a small win on the lottery, so being a sensible chap, I had a trip to a motorcycle clothing shop in Newcastle and got myself an MT helmet, Akito jacket, trousers and gloves, didn't cost a fortune, but it wiped out my winnings and a few quid more. No problem, I was set up and raring to go.  Two days after my first lesson, I had a seizure, my driving license was automatically removed for 6 months, but because of the time it took to get doctors reports and further tests, it was almost a year, but when my license came back, it only showed the car category, I contacted DVLA and was told I'd have to wait 2 years from the episode because of the report from the neurologist, gutted wasn't the word. So I carefully packed away my clothing in a sealed box and placed it in the bedroom cupboard.

In early 2017, my ex decided we should split up, so seeing this as an opportunity, I was gone in a flash and set up home in the bungalow I'm still in and very happy with it. Because of the expense of setting up home, it wasn't until earlier this year when I had the finances to start again. Of course, that viral thing was still happening, so doing the CBT and the theory and hazard perception test, this I manged to do in late summer.

Because of my disability, I couldn't use the schools bike, so has to search around for a bike that would suit me or could be modified and this took quite a while. Meanwhile, I remembered I had some clothing and went to my old home, where my ex still lives (we get on OK, but I'll never go back to her), I asked her if my gear was still in the cupboard in the bedroom, she just shrugged her shoulders and told me she hadn't touched them. I went upstairs and looked in the cupboard, then looked in the attic and the cupboard under the stairs, nothing. I asked her if she'd moved them, but she denied it, I knew I hadn't touched them and became suspicious. I searched everywhere, but to no avail and had to go and get some new stuff.

I now have another Akito jacket, trousers and gloves, plus an HJC C70 Troky from J&S Gateshead for a little over £300.

On Friday, I went around to the garage behind the old house to fit a Booster Plug to my Vulcan 650S, I opened the garage door and could have cried, my ex had gone and thrown empty cardboard box after cardboard box into the garage and my bike was covered. Instead of going into the house and starting a raging row, I grabbed a Stanley knife and broke the boxes down to a flatpack state, then had a massive tidy up session. I wheeled the bike out, pulled an old and broken chest freezer out for the scrapman.

Then I got started with the big tidy up, there was old furniture in there, it was put outside, the kids toys in carboard and plastic lidded storage boxes, they were all put just inside the door, aftger 3 hours I was making headway, I utilised the empty boxes I'd flatpacked to put boxed games in, kids clothes and general crap, this is all stuff she had promised to give to the local charity shop. I got to the second last box and upon opening it, my hackles rose and I could feel my blood starting to boil, here was the gear I bought 6 years ago. I dragged the box towards the doorway and opened it, every piece had been chewed by a rodent of some sort, jacket, trousers and gloves were ruined and the helmet was just a shell.

I walked over to the house and asked her to follow me to the garage, she looked very sheepish and went pale, I pointed to the ruins of my motorcycle clothing and said, "you told me you hadn't seen it and only you have been putting stuff in the garage, so how do you explain this"? She shrugged her shoulders, said nothing, turned and went back in the house, it took every ounce of resolve to not follow her into the house and beat seven shades of shit out of her.

In that instance, I decided I was never going to help her in any way every again, I'll also be changing my will tomorrow. This might seem a small event in life, but the fact she's denied all knowledge of where my gear was and it's cost me even more money to replace it, it's really got under my skin. The kids are over 18, the mortgage has been paid off for almost 10 years, I've been helping her out, even though she managed to clean out £32,000 of our (really mine) savings and I've decided she's not getting another penny off me. She's struggling financially, has gotten herself into credit card debt for the third time and has had to get a bank loan for £7,000 to try and pay it off.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm really struggling to come to terms with this.🤬

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I think everyone of us will have some sort of story we can tell or relate to so I dare say we all know where you are coming from 


I find it best to cut all ties and move on in situations like that and make sure nothing can come and bite you in the arse 

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Are you sure it was rodents ? I used to work in a dealership that sold Akito clothing and I can assure you that it's quite capable of disintegrating all by itself . 😆

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I had an ex who used to get pissed up and come round to try to sabotage my bike so I used to escort her back down the road by prodding her with a rather smelly floor mop . She didn't see the funny side being a morose type of alcoholic but I still chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all . 

Edited by fastbob
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2 positive points 1 you have vented off which is always part of dealing with things. 

2 you have took the decision to leave her to her devices without your support. 

What goes round comes round I think and ultimately you can't help those who don't help themselves. I still have moments of anger when I think about how my ex did me over about 17yrs ago. Everything happens for a reason sure you are out of pocket but you have new clothes and 2 wheels and hopefully your health enjoy mate. 

Edited by MikeHorton
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31 minutes ago, cyclingwilly said:

Roll back about 6 years ago when I was getting ready to make my first foray/return to two wheels, take lessons and the tests, I had a small win on the lottery, so being a sensible chap, I had a trip to a motorcycle clothing shop in Newcastle and got myself an MT helmet, Akito jacket, trousers and gloves, didn't cost a fortune, but it wiped out my winnings and a few quid more. No problem, I was set up and raring to go.  Two days after my first lesson, I had a seizure, my driving license was automatically removed for 6 months, but because of the time it took to get doctors reports and further tests, it was almost a year, but when my license came back, it only showed the car category, I contacted DVLA and was told I'd have to wait 2 years from the episode because of the report from the neurologist, gutted wasn't the word. So I carefully packed away my clothing in a sealed box and placed it in the bedroom cupboard.

In early 2017, my ex decided we should split up, so seeing this as an opportunity, I was gone in a flash and set up home in the bungalow I'm still in and very happy with it. Because of the expense of setting up home, it wasn't until earlier this year when I had the finances to start again. Of course, that viral thing was still happening, so doing the CBT and the theory and hazard perception test, this I manged to do in late summer.

Because of my disability, I couldn't use the schools bike, so has to search around for a bike that would suit me or could be modified and this took quite a while. Meanwhile, I remembered I had some clothing and went to my old home, where my ex still lives (we get on OK, but I'll never go back to her), I asked her if my gear was still in the cupboard in the bedroom, she just shrugged her shoulders and told me she hadn't touched them. I went upstairs and looked in the cupboard, then looked in the attic and the cupboard under the stairs, nothing. I asked her if she'd moved them, but she denied it, I knew I hadn't touched them and became suspicious. I searched everywhere, but to no avail and had to go and get some new stuff.

I now have another Akito jacket, trousers and gloves, plus an HJC C70 Troky from J&S Gateshead for a little over £300.

On Friday, I went around to the garage behind the old house to fit a Booster Plug to my Vulcan 650S, I opened the garage door and could have cried, my ex had gone and thrown empty cardboard box after cardboard box into the garage and my bike was covered. Instead of going into the house and starting a raging row, I grabbed a Stanley knife and broke the boxes down to a flatpack state, then had a massive tidy up session. I wheeled the bike out, pulled an old and broken chest freezer out for the scrapman.

Then I got started with the big tidy up, there was old furniture in there, it was put outside, the kids toys in carboard and plastic lidded storage boxes, they were all put just inside the door, aftger 3 hours I was making headway, I utilised the empty boxes I'd flatpacked to put boxed games in, kids clothes and general crap, this is all stuff she had promised to give to the local charity shop. I got to the second last box and upon opening it, my hackles rose and I could feel my blood starting to boil, here was the gear I bought 6 years ago. I dragged the box towards the doorway and opened it, every piece had been chewed by a rodent of some sort, jacket, trousers and gloves were ruined and the helmet was just a shell.

I walked over to the house and asked her to follow me to the garage, she looked very sheepish and went pale, I pointed to the ruins of my motorcycle clothing and said, "you told me you hadn't seen it and only you have been putting stuff in the garage, so how do you explain this"? She shrugged her shoulders, said nothing, turned and went back in the house, it took every ounce of resolve to not follow her into the house and beat seven shades of shit out of her.

In that instance, I decided I was never going to help her in any way every again, I'll also be changing my will tomorrow. This might seem a small event in life, but the fact she's denied all knowledge of where my gear was and it's cost me even more money to replace it, it's really got under my skin. The kids are over 18, the mortgage has been paid off for almost 10 years, I've been helping her out, even though she managed to clean out £32,000 of our (really mine) savings and I've decided she's not getting another penny off me. She's struggling financially, has gotten herself into credit card debt for the third time and has had to get a bank loan for £7,000 to try and pay it off.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm really struggling to come to terms with this.🤬

My fishing gear went the same way, when I asked for it back, she said I’d already taken it, I could have punched that sickly grin down her lying throat, a couple of months later my eldest son had stumbled across it and asked me why I hadn’t taken it, I took a deep breath & just said I’d forgotten - it was left in a big heap in the road next time I dropped the kids off, everything had been opened and mixed up & 2 rods broken in their cases, I said nothing but the kids clocked it.

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36 minutes ago, Bianco2564 said:

This thread should be closed, suggestion of threats against women is not where this forum wants to be.

Even the title is offensive, my mrs caught it out the corner of her eye and questioned it.

Wokety wokety woke .... My wife thought it funny .... she sold her ex’s motorbike and kept the cash ...despite all his threats of legal action ... and his fishing gear .......😃

Would “Bloody Persons” suit you better.


Edited by Trooper74
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It's not a one way street. No personal experience as I've been married to the same woman since 1979. However I know a few blokes who've behaved in a totally shitty way to their ex wives and usually the kids too. 

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9 minutes ago, Trooper74 said:

Wokety wokety woke .... My wife thought it funny .... she sold her ex’s motorbike and kept the cash ...despite all his threats of legal action ... and his fishing gear .......😃

Would “Bloody Persons” suit you better.


Not woke at all, my attitude towards women has always been the same.

The narrative of the story is not in question and sadly a reflection of many lives but one phrase is not acceptable, breaks forum rules; General rule #-2.


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My apologies if my post has caused issues and created a situation where threats of physical violence have been mentioned and caused offence/bad feeling among the members. If the Mods prefer, please modify my post or delete it altogether.


Thank you.



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