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Nob of the Day.......


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Three guys on cycles going down a rural lane near us. Well to be fair two of them rode to the left in single file. But the third rode down the middle of the road meaning it was impossible to pass with anything near the 1.5m needed. The gap left between the position he'd taken and the other side of the road was just enough to pass but not enough to leave much clearance. 


I ride a cycle down that road regularly and there's plenty of space to allow traffic to pass if cyclists behave sensibly and courteously.

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8 minutes ago, S-Westerly said:

Cyclists behaving sensibly and courteously is a bit of an oxymoron where I live. Especially for the MAMIL variety.


We all know the jokes about trusting your dogs, reaction to people.  
In the forest we get our fair share of joggers and cyclists (often well away from the cycle tracks, which I try to avoid.

Has learned a dislike for MAMIL’s, he doesn’t mind women running or cycling and regular cyclists passing (they generally give polite warning and slow down or pass wide).

Men in Lycra however bark an aggressive warning and expect us to move out of the way. How the f*&# is a dog meant to know aggressive sounding shouts are meant to mean get out of my way?

He is now seeing it as aggression and barks back at them, they generally see it as aggressive often passing close enough kick out at him (in there defence of course) and it goes down hill from there.


My concern is he’s clever enough to work out its men in Lycra, he will one day take exception to the foot coming in his direction.

If they choose to discuss the matter, I have to keep a calm voice or it really goes down hill.

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Me, this morning, getting my kit on, Mrs B started talking about one of the grandkids who whacked his face last night and was going to be off school. Got a bit distracted but continued to get ready, got on the bike and set off.

Only got a short way up the road and thought my right foot seemed a bit draughty. 

Pulled over and found I hadn't zipped the boot up .🙄

Edited by Bianco2564
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The nob who took his DRZ out yesterday, checked the trip - only 7.9* miles - should be more than enough fuel to get to Bury. Only the bike came to sorry stop with 10 miles still to go.

And it was on reserve. 😱

So this nob then had to push his DRZ back a mile to the petrol station he'd passed just a minute or so earlier. 


* Turned out that the nob should have put his glasses on and he'd have seen 79 miles.

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I am going nominate the local ish car, that pulled out of side road. In front of me, got a honk on the horn.


Then brake tested me, I was on my little 125cc, I stopped 2” from his back bumper with my rear wheel what felt like 2’ in the air.


I was very tempted to have a conversation with him regarding driving.  Given his behaviour I think it would of ended in police involvement.


I believe the car behind me locked his brakes as well. Could of been interesting insurance claim if my back wheel landed on his bonnet 😵💫

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Another set of three:
The doctor's surgery.

My local ASDA.

The pub I've booked for Mrs. Fiddlesticks and I to spend a couple of nights over Easter.

All seem to be suffering from the same problem. You're not a patient, a customer or a guest. You're an inconvenience.

Want to see the doc? Don't phone us up or we'll sigh and moan and browbeat you for not using our hopeless web-based appointment system.

Want someone to serve you at the checkout? Well, we've removed most of them, so either serve yourself or wait half an hour for one of three harassed checkout staff.

Want to book a meal with your stay? Oh, we can't be bothered with that, go to our website etc.

We seem to be losing some basic humanity in our quest for efficiency. Well stuff that, I've no desire to become subsumed into the Borg collective.  


There’s a warm sting to the cyber clutch  I embrace the age but there’s such  a longing to feel a human touch  when I reach out am I asking too much



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2 hours ago, Fiddlesticks said:

Another set of three:
The doctor's surgery.

My local ASDA.

The pub.


Dr's Surgery: The gate keepers, Drs receptionists..  Try messaging the surgery through the NHS app not there own web page 


Local Asda: Online shopping get then to bring it to you, or local shops (some of which can still be knobs and expensive).


The Pub: Are there 2 in village?  Choose the other one.


If you feel like that up there don't move South, it's so much worse.


I was dealing with a council up there about some bits, friendly helpful nothing like down here.


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The delivery driver came earlier this week and poked a package through our letterbox. Perhaps understandable, as the house number and road name almost matched ours, even though the post code is from 20 miles away. So Mrs bonio contacts Amazon on chat and spends ages trying to explain what had happened. Eventually they grasp it and tell us to keep the package - a few Apple cables - and they'd send another out to the buyer. Two days later, the same delivery bloke drops another package of cables through the front door. Mrs bonio has contacted them again.

Such a pity the buyer hadn't ordered cake.


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This was solved yesterday after 1 week ordeal.


Ex got a RM card with no reference number.

Went to Post Office 3 days in a row with the same reply. "Can't find it because there is no reference number..."

After having the ex moaning about it for hours Saturday I told her to call the police as the card was supposed to contain her passport returned by the Home Office. 

So this would fall into a criminal offense in a form of identity theft.


Got a call from police Sunday afternoon saying that the matter should be taken up to RM to be internally investigated.

Oddly enough, Monday she got a card from Post Office with a direct number to speak with the manager.

Tuesday the letter from the Home Office miraculously appeared in the postman bag and delivered that same day.


Strange how after the call to the police everything moved so quickly. 



Makes you wonder........... 

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The group of MAMILs (middle aged men in leather) riding up the A49 this afternoon.  Tailgating, overtaking on blind bends and double white lines, and going significantly over the speed limit.


Of course there are other entitled twats who are a menace on two wheels. But this bunch of morons are why bikers get a bad name. 

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2 hours ago, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

The group of MAMILs (middle aged men in leather) riding up the A49 this afternoon.  Tailgating, overtaking on blind bends and double white lines, and going significantly over the speed limit.


Of course there are other entitled twats who are a menace on two wheels. But this bunch of morons are why bikers get a bad name. 

Yep that's why lots of restrictions apply in places. I'm now a weekday worker it's took the shine off leisure riding weekend rides I don't enjoy as much for that very reason. It's a bit like the idiots that got their cars towed away in snowdonia this weekend for just parking where they like. I generally don't like people that much I prefer my own company and that of the wife and our pets, much simpler life! 

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4 hours ago, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

The group of MAMILs (middle aged men in leather) riding up the A49 this afternoon.  Tailgating, overtaking on blind bends and double white lines, and going significantly over the speed limit.


Of course there are other entitled twats who are a menace on two wheels. But this bunch of morons are why bikers get a bad name. 


We had a bunch yesterday of about 10 bikes all riding like absolute cock ends pass us going in the opposite direction. 


Overtaking on double white lines blind bends etc 

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2 hours ago, MikeHorton said:

Yep that's why lots of restrictions apply in places. I'm now a weekday worker it's took the shine off leisure riding weekend rides I don't enjoy as much for that very reason. It's a bit like the idiots that got their cars towed away in snowdonia this weekend for just parking where they like. I generally don't like people that much I prefer my own company and that of the wife and our pets, much simpler life! 

I am with you although sometimes even the misses is to much….

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2 hours ago, manxie49 said:

Nominating myself for this today! .... Fob for my keyless ignition, "which TBF I'm not a big fan of", but it is what it is, needed a new battery.  So I bought a twin pack, Duracell batteries, replaced the battery and it didn't work!  A few minutes, and some swearing later, I got the other battery and replaced it again .... FFS still not working.  I assumed it was either a faulty batch of batteries or my fob had gone tits up.  I went into town with the wife and called in at the BMW dealer with my fob, regaled him with my story of woe, and got him to have a look at the fob.  Fifteen seconds later he had the problem fixed.  I hadn't realised that there was a small sticker on the back of the Duracell batteries that needed to be removed for the battery to function! .... Left the shop feeling like a right dick head along with my wife who took pleasure in rubbing salt into the wounds. 😄


So it's true what they say about BMW drivers then.....?

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On 14/04/2023 at 16:22, Mississippi Bullfrog said:

So it's true what they say about BMW drivers then.....?

The one today seen explaining to an Ambulance crew that he needed 2 Ambulance bays to park his BMW outside A&E. Causing problems for the ambulance crews.


His justification he came in on an emergency the crew response was and we don't?

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In central London this week. Stopped at traffic lights behind 5 cars all turning right, with indicators on. BMW zooms up behind me and as there's no cars parked decides to slip up through the empty spaces to the top. 



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Lady in fuel station, about to get in the back to car, I was next in queue.  All pumps busy she saw a friend, went did obligatory hug. Hi must catch up then started conversation, then they carried on talking. I climbed back on my bike and re-started my bike every time she spoke there was a blip on the throttle.


She looked at me and I indicated she should park her car in empty bay next to her friend and carry on conversation. She just tried to carry on conversation, again I see the throttle.
When she came to speak to me, Top GunStyle (unfortunately I am no Tom cruise) the revs went up when ever she opened her mouth, she finally turned and drove off.


I apologised to cashiers and there response with a smile oh no your alright, don’t worry about it. 😁

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11 minutes ago, onesea said:

Lady in fuel station, about to get in the back to car, I was next in queue.  All pumps busy she saw a friend, went did obligatory hug. Hi must catch up then started conversation, then they carried on talking. I climbed back on my bike and re-started my bike every time she spoke there was a blip on the throttle.


She looked at me and I indicated she should park her car in empty bay next to her friend and carry on conversation. She just tried to carry on conversation, again I see the throttle.
When she came to speak to me, Top GunStyle (unfortunately I am no Tom cruise) the revs went up when ever she opened her mouth, she finally turned and drove off.


I apologised to cashiers and there response with a smile oh no your alright, don’t worry about it. 😁

Rather sums up modern life really. I use the train for my commute. I'm always conscious to put my bag between my legs or on my lap as I've only paid for one seat. However on the whole people tend to put their bags on other seats or their feet as they want the seat exclusively to themselves and earbuds in. I take great delight in asking them to move so I can sit down too! It's like when everyone rushes to push in to the train I happily wait it's less stressful than trying to push in front. As I often say I really don't like people that much 

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38 minutes ago, MikeHorton said:

Rather sums up modern life really. I use the train for my commute. I'm always conscious to put my bag between my legs or on my lap as I've only paid for one seat. However on the whole people tend to put their bags on other seats or their feet as they want the seat exclusively to themselves and earbuds in. I take great delight in asking them to move so I can sit down too! It's like when everyone rushes to push in to the train I happily wait it's less stressful than trying to push in front. As I often say I really don't like people that much 

I am with you.  The manager knows me, the day they shut down for “modernisation” and addition of a mini Waitrose.  I told her I would find another garage if turns out like the Co-op down the road.  Where you wait for people to put there months shopping through the till separated for meet frozen and veg.
It was one of 2 proper garages sold fuel, chocolate bars, coffee and a handful of spares.  Now you can go admire all manner of fine and fancy foods, most of which will not fit on a bike. 

They do try and serve you quickly I did suggest a fuel only till.

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Get that with the (only) local station where I live. It is also an M&S so get loads of people putting fuel in then doing what feels like their weekly shop. Always a queue there so I try and avoid if possible

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5 hours ago, onesea said:

Lady in fuel station, about to get in the back to car, I was next in queue.  All pumps busy she saw a friend, went did obligatory hug. Hi must catch up then started conversation, then they carried on talking. I climbed back on my bike and re-started my bike every time she spoke there was a blip on the throttle.


She looked at me and I indicated she should park her car in empty bay next to her friend and carry on conversation. She just tried to carry on conversation, again I see the throttle.
When she came to speak to me, Top GunStyle (unfortunately I am no Tom cruise) the revs went up when ever she opened her mouth, she finally turned and drove off.


I apologised to cashiers and there response with a smile oh no your alright, don’t worry about it. 😁

Similar situation in Rugby Tesco filling station last week, I pull into the queue in my car, its busy as always there as its a small place, two pumps occupied by two scruffy looking builders vans, both guys were talking and not using the pumps. I go to another pump put the fuel in and get ready to leave and they are still gassing; Kn0b 'eads.

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