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Annoying neighbours!


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Does anyone else have those annoying neighbours that always come out and talk to you when you're trying to wash your bike! 


You know the type the ones who had the fastest bike available and used to rip it up with their mates on their 100cc


Then they ask so what cc is this then? ..........Its a 1200! 


Goes quiet and walks away 


You off for a nap now Victor? or did you just shit yourself at the thought of bikes moving on from 70 years ago when 100cc was the fastest bikes out there :lol: 


Anyone else have these? or are you that annoying old codger :lol: 

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Its the opposite for me .. My next door neighbour knows more about bikes than I'll ever know!


He raced at the Isle of Man when he was younger and now has his own race team competing in the Pirelli National Junior Superstock!

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I might be an old codger and there's probably a few who would class me as annoying but as my bike can probably hold its own with some antique teutonic tub thumper I'm unlikely to be that particular annoying old codger. 🧐

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I have one who walks his dog about 300 times a day! 


If I am out washing the bike its the same conversations all the time usually 


Nice bike.........BMW eh.......very nice. Then walks off! 




Nice bike....can you pop a wheelie on it? and just carries on walking! 


I think he is loosing it to be honest as I have stood and talked to him a fair few times and its always the same questions and its as if he has never seen the bike before too

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I remember at my old house having an old woman as a neighbour who was the type who would just stand at her bedroom window all day staring at everyone.


One Saturday morning I was fixing my bike (Probably a cracked header pipe, gungum to the rescue :lol:) when she started shouting at me "Do you realise its 9 o'clock in the morning?"


I looked at my watch and shouted back " yep, you're right!!" and carried on.

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I don’t have this problem, people cross the road to avoid me !!

One old geezer from down the road stopped once and started blathering about his biking history and turned the topic on to the U3A ( look it up ), I said I was in as long as it involves wife swapping & devil worship … now he only nods as he walks past.

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I'm surrounded by thr elderly where I live. One side I have "the pikies" who's house and garden are jammed with junk including two caravans in which the son (two years older then me) lives.


The other side are an even older couple with a curtain twitcher who was "just polishing the window cill" when she saw whatever she's moaning on about this time. Plus the same old stories again and again. The poor brow beaten husband likes the wife's sports car so likes to have a look at it now and again.

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Reading this thread, I was wondering if you don’t have annoying neighbours does that mean YOU are the annoying neighbour?


As a whole apart from parking they are alright really…

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At our previous house the neighbours mostly had little to say about motorbikes - just accepted that my hobbies were different to theirs. New neighbours moved in over the road and one of them had a bike, so we’d chat occasionally. It was a friendly little community at the end of a cup de sac but we we didn’t intrude on each other’s time or space much. 

Current neighbours? We’ve lived here two years and only just found out our nearest neighbour owns an old Franny Barnett in need of restoration. He’d rather talk about farming … 

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One side the nearest neighbour is half a mile up the hill so we don't see much of them. The other is grumpy old git who if I'm working on the Bobber and have been running the engine comes round the next day asking if we're ok because he heard something blow up.


What he means is he wants to complain about the noise but he hasn't got the balls to say so.

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I have neighbours that do the usual "want to wash my car" when I'm cleaning the bike. I reply with the same sarcastic laugh every time. The one neighbour who doesn't work used to keep telling me I have too many days off, the swift response of "not as many as you" has resulted in him if Ignoring me now so job done there!

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12 minutes ago, MikeHorton said:

I have neighbours that do the usual "want to wash my car" when I'm cleaning the bike. I reply with the same sarcastic laugh every time.


I have this! 


I always say yes bring it across! I charge by the hour and its going to take 40 hours! 

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Slightly off topic but it reminds me of what I have to hear EVERY single day at work (Fish frying)


Depending on the time of year........


"I bet you're hot behind there"


"At least it's warm for you back there"


Every sodding workday for the last 9 years :bang:

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Don't hear it at work but in social situations

"You must see so much of the world".  One bit of sea looks pretty much like any other.

"I bet you have wild times ashore in foreign parts".

Even pre-covid getting ashore was as likely as winning the lottery. Now no chance.


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Sounds a similar situation to an old American Wrestlers Biography I read once.


he said something like " People think it's amazing how I have travelled the world and must have seen and experienced so much culture.  If by culture you mean getting off at the airport, going straight to the arena, wrestling for 20 minutes before finding a cheap hotel then going straight back to the airport the next day then i  guess I have" :lol:




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Pretty much so. Did a quick calculation with my poor memory and worked out that in the 4 years prior to Covid I actually had a run ashore 3 times. Other than that it's passing through on the way on or off. Occasionally get a decent couple of days on the way home but not too often. 

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12 minutes ago, Tiggie said:

Slightly off topic but it reminds me of what I have to hear EVERY single day at work (Fish frying)


Depending on the time of year........


"I bet you're hot behind there"


"At least it's warm for you back there"


Every sodding workday for the last 9 years :bang:

You could try "You should see the state of my bollocks!" as a comeback.


You might even get some takers.

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I was at mums house recently with my bike. And tinkering with the bike. My mums friend comes over. Now my mum is 88 and Eileen is similar age. She starts telling me how before she met her husband she had a boyfriend with a Triumph. And they used to bomb around everywhere in a group. No helmets. I’m sure she said she used to ride side saddle!  She looked so thoughtful when she said this. … it was interesting, poignant. And sad. All at the same time … and no I didn’t offer her a lift on the bike!

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Our neighbours are pretty good, helpful, but keep themselves to themselves, my previous neighbour used to be a mechanic which was handy,  sadly, moved away, probably got fed up with me asking to borrow tools 😆 .... The annoying ones live a few doors away, everyone tries to avoid them,  always ramming green issues and climate change in everyones face.  The bit that always amuses me though is they drive a 1986 Diesel camper van and are always burning garden rubbish, go figure that!  

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