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Ever been banned from an online forum ?


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I’ve just been banned from the CycleChat on line forum for a week !

My heinous crime ?

I posted a link from the DM ( i know ) that discussed British Cycling stating that any discussion of Trans Men taking part in Woman’s racing events was a hate crime  !!

And I’ve been banned ....

I’ll take the ban as i’ve been using the site as a free host for all my cycle touring blogs ...

But ... 

Anyone else been banned from a forum, especially for discussing content that matches the forum name eg CycleChat  ??

Edited by Trooper74
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I once got banned from a sailing forum for a particular class for pointing out that no-one was allowed to join the Association unless they had a measurement certificate for their boat, but they couldn't get a measurement certificate unless they were a member of the Association.


The conversation went,

"Can I join the Association please."

"No, you need a measurement certificate first."

"Then can I have a measurement certificate please "

"No, you need to be a member of the Association to get one of those "


Needless to say it is a class with a very small number of members all of whom moan about how they can't get people to join. 

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Twice. A motorcycle forum’s owner banned me for no reason that I was able to establish. A number of the other members were in dispute with the owner /owning company over some financial dealings. I don’t know the details though I did see some of the entries on the forum just before the guy banned the people he was in dispute with. He banned me at the same time even though I had no input to the discussions and had no financial interest in the forum. I re-registered using a different email address and posted a topic asking why I’d been banned. I got banned again.


I later re-registered on the same forum but for the ST1100 bike model when I bought mine. The other forum members were a font of knowledge for which I am grateful. No-one spotted that it was a twice banned member chatting to them. 

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Just the once! for speaking my mind and the owner didn't like it! that was 15 years ago 


It was a young kid who owned a local forum for bikers who was making a few stupid decisions I questioned it and was told to mind my own business and if I could do a better job then off I go and start my own! 



So I did! and here we are today and his has been shut down a long time :D 

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Not a forum. A listserv. Actually a GS listserv back in the late 90s when those bikes were rare, very rare in this country and just a little less rare in America where the bulk of members lived. Plus Australians and English speakers elsewhere. I can remember exactly what got me banned, it was my answer to a fairly banal question about what bike you owned before you bought a GS?


my answer got me banned:


”A jap 250 triple a couple of Meriden triumphs and 3 Hinckley triumphs”.


that was all it took.

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Not banned, but a sternly worded DM from Dant who used to moderate the MCN forum before it got closed down.

I made some inappropriate comment about an MCN’s staffer’s likeness to a teletubby when in their cycle gear - The won’t say who as she’s still there 🤣🤣

Sh*t no, I mean they / them … I can’t get this pronoun stuff right at all.

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6 minutes ago, dynax said:

I got banned from a photography forum. I only asked " How do I change the film in my Tesco Value disposable camera"

I thought it was a sensible question myself :lol:

There's a great scene in the American version of The Office where the secretary picks up a pack of disposable cameras, opens the pack and drops them straight in the bin with a baffled look on her face .... 

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Got the boot from a urban exploration forum (used to climb cranes, old buildings, chimneys etc for fun). 


One of the mods was bonking one of the members. And this girl was very flirty with the boys in general, and had caused a fallout with 2 of my friends previously. I didn't like her for this, so just kept my distance, but never said anything. She was the sensitive type, so she figured it out quickly and I'd heard she'd bitched about me to others. 


I stayed civil, but on a group meet, I was stood behind her when she stooped under a seized roller door. Her bum crack showed, along with a big smear of poo going up her back. A few jaws dropped around me, and the mod in question was called "Mark", so I jokingly called them "Skid Mark". This joke was then repeated by a few and got out, which lead to a witch hunt, quickly finding me as the person who had coined it. 


I wasn't banned, but I got an infraction that put me on the edge of a permanent ban. This clearly upset the girl, who'd wanted me chucked out for making this nickname. I toed the line, figuring she'd move onto the next drama, but in the following weeks I notice she's controlling the meet threads, always being on top of them and trying to set up all of them. When I ask to join, I'm told by the mod she doesn't want me around, but strangely, those who repeated the joke and spread it could. I could tell what was going on. So I had it out with her in the end.


Didn't swear, or insult, but she really went in guns blazing. I couldn't believe the narrative she'd derived from that one joke, it really spoke of an incredibly insecure person. She also made up encounters and chats she claimed we'd had, and when I posted proof she was lying the roof came off. The mod removed my post, so I put it back up. I was told to stop or I was banned, so I posted it again along with that warning screenshot with the caption "This situation stinks more than an unwiped arse crack". 


Banned. I was invited back 7 months later when she got booted, but I politely declined. 


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